Please Can You Help?

One of our on-going projects is to compile a comprehensive list of all those who served on RFA ships during the Falklands War of 1982. We have searched the records at the Registry of Shipping and Seamen as well as the National Archive and have drawn a blank.

Could we please ask if you served on an RFA in the Falklands War that you contact us, so we can record your details, likewise if you know of anybody who served in this conflict, we would also like to record their details, we want to make sure that our history does not disappear so your help would be greatly appreciated.

We are working to compile a Royal Fleet Auxiliary ‘Roll of Honour’ of those who have died in the service of the RFA, whether serving onboard or on leave. As at 1st October 2008 over 800 names have been identified. Quite a few lack some of the details. Those where we have full details and who died between 1905 and 2005 are shown in the index under the ‘Roll of Honour’.

Joe Briffa whose father Carmelo Briffa (back row left hand side) was the Electrical Officer on RFA Sea Salvor supplied the picture, does anyone know the names of the other Officers? If so please drop us a line.

RFA Sea Salvor Officers



Can anyone identify this Ranger class tanker please – with its guns still mounted? Can anyone identify this Ranger class tanker please – with its guns still mounted?