Remembering our fallen colleagues

 The RFA Historical Society is proud to be able to report that the graves of two of our former colleagues, who died in the Service of the RFA, have, with the generous support of the Commodore and on various dates, with the assistance from the crews of RFA Oakleaf (2), RFA Fort Austin and RFA Mounts Bay been restored and maintained so that we who remain can say we look after our own even years after their passing.


The grave of Able Seaman Morris Ellis of RFA Wave Commander was in fact traced to North Front Cemetery, Gibraltar and found to be in a very poor condition. 

Ellis Grave before and after

    To the left as found                                          To the right as the grave is now

Able Seaman Morris Ellis, who died in 1950 while rescuing the Bosun from a tank, was awarded the Albert Medal for Gallantry. This fact has now been recognised with a plaque on the grave.

The grave of Chief Engineer Charles William Urry RFA, of RFA Eddybeach was also found in North Front Cemetery, Gibraltar in a poor state. Mr Urry was killed in a road traffic accident in 1957.

Urry Grave before and after

To the left as found                                                    To the right as the grave is now

Members of the Society in Malta are looking after the graves of our former colleagues whose graves are on that Island.

The RFA Historical Society is actively identifying the graves of other RFA Personnel, both in this country and around the world, so that we have a live database to pass on to next of kin or other interested parties.