RFA Deployment in the 1960’s

RFA Deployment in the 1960’s

One of the largest RFA deployments in the 1960’s was to support the Royal Navy’s peace-keeping force off Aden during December 1967 and January 1968.

Britain handed over the former colony to an independent Arab administration on the 9 January 1968 and the British Government advised that a strong force of British ships would remain on hand for a period of six months.

One of the largest RFA deployments in the 1960’s was to support the Royal Navy’s peace-keeping force off Aden during December 1967 and January 1968.

Britain handed over the former colony to an independent Arab administration on the 9 January 1968 and the British Government advised that a strong force of British ships would remain on hand for a period of six months.


Royal Fleet Auxiliaries were on hand to provide support to the Royal Naval. RFA’s Tidespring, Tidereach, Tideflow, Retainer, Reliant, Resurgent. Lyness, Stromness, Tarbatness, Fort Dunvegan, Fort Sandusky, Olna and Olwen were among those who were around at various times. The Royal Naval ships which were almost entirely replenished at sea included the aircraft carriers HMS’s Eagle and Hermes, the commando ships Bulwark and Albion. In addition HMS’s Fearless, Intrepid, London, Devonshire, Phoebe, Ajax, Minerva, Galatea, Dido, Barrosa and the submarine Auriga were also attached for various periods.

After two months on station the Admiralty dispersed the ships but advised that the naval forces available were so flexible they could reassemble a useful and efficient fleet to return at short notice.