RFA Eddyfirth

Eddyfirth 1977 

Reproduced with permission of the MOD 


RFA Eddyfirth


Official Number:                       186012

Class:                                     EDDY CLASS Fleet Attendant Oiler

Pennant No:                            A261

Laid down:                               25 April 1952
Builder:                                    Lobintz & Co, Renfrew

Launched:                               10 September 1953
Into Service:                             25 April 1954
Out of service:                          Laid up 1 April 1981
Fate:                                       Broken up


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  This Class were a part of the RFA’s first post-WW2 construction programme and the ships were Admiralty-designed to act as Fleet Attendant Oilers. Even as they were being built for world-wide service however, their designed functions had become obsolete due to the rapid and wide scale practice of refuelling at sea. This resulted in RFA EDDYCOVE, ordered on 23 January 1951 and RFA EDDYMULL, ordered on 27 March 1951 being cancelled in 1952 and the remaining eight ships in the Class refocused on harbour and coastal service within a short time. With the exception of RFA EDDYFIRTH, the remainder of the Class had very short service lives with the RFA.


24 October 1953 Mr D F Gorrie RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

January 1954 Captain Phadraig Colfer RFA appointed as Master

2 February 1954 at London registered as EDDYFIRTH under entry 23/54 in the Registry Book

10 February 1954 ran builders’ trials

25 April 1954 completed. Spent a large part of her career based at Malta, largely with the Motor Minesweeping Flotillas. In her latter years, as the sole survivor of the Class, she was employed in carrying avcat and lubricating oils around the U.K. coast.

1 June 1954 Captain A H Mackenzie RFA appointed as Master

23 June 1954 Mr C A Herbert RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

30 June 1955 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west bound

14 September 1955 Captain Allistoun M Macquire-Samson RFA appointed as Master

13 December 1955 Mr A C Hawk RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 March 1956 Captain Alf Waters RFA appointed as Master

27 November 1956 Mr P Campbell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

5 December 1957 sailed from Turnchapel to No: 4 Buoy at Plymouth

7 December 1957 on No: 4 Buoy at Plymouth with RFA EDDYNESS

8 December 1957 Mr F Barclay RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

11 December 1957 sailed from No: 4 Buoy to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Pier, Devonport

12 December 1957 sailed from Turnchapel to No: 4 Buoy at Plymouth

13 December 1957 sailed Yonderbury Oil Fuel Pier, Devonport to Plymouth Sound

24 January 1958 sailed from No: 4 Buoy to No: 5 Buoy at Plymouth

26 January 1958 sailed from No: 5 Buoy to Plymouth Sound

22 February 1958 sailed from Plymouth Sound to No: 4 Buoy

26 February 1958 sailed from No: 4 Buoy to Plymouth Sound

23 May 1958 sailed from Immingham 

4 June 1958 Mr C W H Neil RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

12 June 1958 Captain Stephen J Pethurst RFA appointed as Master


Captain Stephen J Pethurst

Captain Stephen J Pethurst RFA
(image taken in 1920)

29 September 1959 moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel later returning to Plymouth Sound

30 October 1959 moved from Plymouth Sound to No: 5 Buoy

3 November 1959 moved from No: 5 Buoy to Plymouth Sound on RFA TIDEFLOW

6 November 1959 moved from No: 5 Buoy to No: 8 Wharf

9 November 1959 moved from No: 8 Wharf  to No: 5 Wharf on HMS ARK ROYAL and then later to Plymouth Sound

4 March 1960 at Devonport from Plymouth Sound moved to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty berthing on RFA TIDEREACH later moving again to Turnchapel

5 March 1960 at Devonport from Turnchapel moved to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty berthing on RFA TIDEREACH later moving again and returning to Turnchapel

7 March 1960 at Devonport from Turnchapel moved to Plymouth Sound

14 July 1960 Captain George  Baker RFA appointed as Master

1 September 1960 at Devonport from Plymouth Sound moved to Turnchapel

9 September 1960 at Devonport from Turnchapel moved to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty berthing on RFA TIDEREACH later moving again returning to Turnchapel

10 September 1960 at Devonport from Turnchapel moved to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty berthing on RFA TIDEREACH later moving again to Plymouth Sound

5 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

6 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

12 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

13 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

20 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Millbay Docks

26 October 1960 at Devonport moved from Millbay Docks to Plymouth Sound

28 November 1960 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

29 November 1960 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

5 December 1960 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

7 December 1960 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

12 December 1960 moved from Portsmouth Dockyard to Gosport oil fuel jetty by RFA CAPABLE

16 December 1960 Mr Ciriaco G McFadzean RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

16 January 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

17 January 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

13 March 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel and Captain T H Macrow RFA appointed as Master

14 March 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

20 March 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

27 March 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Graves End Moorings on RFA TIDESURGE (1)

5 April 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

17 May 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty returning later to Plymouth Sound

20 May 1961 at Portsmouth

19 July 1961 at Immingham

29 August 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to No: 5 basin

31 August 1961 at Devonport moved from No: 5 basin to No: 2 buoy

1 September 1961 at Devonport moved from No: 2 buoy to Plymouth Sound

18 September 1961 at Devonport moved from No: 6 buoy on RFA TIDEFLOW  to No: 5 wharf on HMS ARK ROYAL

19 September 1961 at Devonport moved from No: 5 wharf on HMS ARK ROYAL to Turnchapel

20 September 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to No: 5 wharf on HMS ARK ROYAL returning to Turnchapel

22 September 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA TIDEFLOW

2 October 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Gravesend Mooring later returning to Turnchapel

7 October 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

19 October 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

23 November 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

24 November 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

2 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

4 December 1961 Mr B C Jeremiah RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

8 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA TIDEFLOW

9 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA TIDEFLOW to Plymouth Sound returning later to Turnchapel

14 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to No: 4 buoy then to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA WAVE KNIGHT (1)

15 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA WAVE KNIGHT (1) and then to Turnchapel

16 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

17 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA OLNA (2)

18 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty to Turnchapel

28 December 1961 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

12 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty 

15 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty to Plymouth Sound on RFA OLNA (2) and then moved to Turnchapel

17 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA OLNA (2) to Turnchapel 

18 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

23 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound on RFA WAVE CHIEF

31 January 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty

2 February 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound on RFA TIDEREACH

3 February 1962 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

4 February 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound on RFA TIDEREACH

5 February 1962 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

24 February 1962 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to Turnchapel

2 March 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound and then to No: 6 buoy

8 March 1962 at Devonport moved from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA OLNA (2) and later to Turnchapel

9 March 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound returning to Turnchapel later

13 March 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Plymouth Sound

31 March 1962 at Devonport moved from Turnchapel to Milbay Docks

11 April 1962 at Devonport moved from Milbay Docks to Plymouth Sound

20 June 1962 at Haslar Naval Hospital Chief Steward Henry Jenkins Powell discharged dead – natural causes

6 July 1962 Captain H E Michael RFA appointed as Master

31 July 1962 at Devonport moved from Plymouth Sound to No: 7 wharf on RFA TIDEFLOW

6 August 1962 berthed at Gibraltar while on passage to Malta from the UK.

7 August 1962 at Gibraltar three crew members appeared before the Magistrates’ Court charged with causing wilful damage to an Admiralty Launch to the value of £7/10/3d. Three men were seen in the launch crossing the Harbour from the Fleet Landing Catamaran at Coaling Island. The launch was chased by a Police Patrol launch during which Seaman Derek M Southwell apparently thew himself into the Harbour. He was rescued by the Police Officers and the Admiralty launch was eventually stopped with Seaman Roger Sherrott onboard. The third man was not in the launch but a man was found later near HMS Rooke soaking wet. The Court found Southwell and Sherrott Guilty of the charge. The third man was found not guilty and discharged. The two convicted Seaman were fined £5 each and were ordered to pay the cost of the damage between them

7 January 1963 Mr E T Rees RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

10 January 1963 at Plymouth

20 August 1963 Mr J M Lumsden RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

15 September 1963 Captain O J Coulthard RFA appointed as Master

9 February 1964 at Rosyth alogside RFA TIDESPRING (1) supplying her with AVCAT

23 March 1964 Captain Donald G M Averill RFA appointed as Master


 Cap Don Averill

Captain Donald G M Averill RFA


31 March 1963 at Portsmouth

1 August 1963 at Portsmouth

19 August 1963 at Portsmouth

10 September 1963 at Middlesborough

6 July 1964 Mr W P Garrick RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

20 August 1965 Captain David P Kindersley RFA appointed as Master

25 September 1965 Mr J W Ritchie RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

1966 Redesignated as a Harbour Tanker

8 February 1966 at Thameshaven (see note 1)

4 March 1966 the body of a male person was discovered in a ships locker on board this day – reported in The Times of the 5 March 1966

25 August 1966 Captain A Hewitt RFA appointed as Master

10 October 1966 Mr C E Prentis RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

30 December 1966 sailed from Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

31 December 1966 berthed at Pembroke Dock

2 January 1967 sailed from Pembroke Dock

3 January 1967 berthed at Fawley Oil Refinery

4 January 1947 sailed from Fawley Oil Refinery to Portsmouth on 4 occasions

17 January 1967 sailed from Fawley Oil Refinery for Invergordon

19 January 1967 berthed at Invergordon

20 January 1967 sailed from Invergordon

23 January 1967 berthed at Fawley Oil Refinery

24 January 1967 sailed from Fawley Oil Refinery for Invergordon

27 January 1967 berthed at Invergordon

28 January 1967 sailed from Invergordon

30 January 1967 berthed at Fawley Oil Refinery

2 February 1967 sailed from Fawley Oil Refinery for Invergordon

5 February 1967 berthed at Invergordon

6 February 1967 sailed from Invergordon

8 February 1967 berthed at Thameshaven

9 February 1967 sailed from Thameshaven

15 February 1967 berthed at Gibraltar

18 February 1967 sailed from Gibraltar

23 February 1967 berthed at Thameshaven

25 February 1967 sailed from Thameshaven

26 February 1967 berthed at Devonport

1 March 1967 sailed from Devonport for Fawley

3 March 1967 sailed from Fawley to Portsmouth (3 trips)

10 March 1967 sailed from Portsmouth to Thameshaven

11 March 1967 berthed at Thameshaven

12 March 1967 sailed from Thameshaven for Devonport 

13 March 1967 berthed at Devonport

14 March 1967 sailed from Devonport to Fawley

15 March 1967 berthed at Fawley

16 March 1967 sailed from Fawley for Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

18 March 1967 berthed at Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

19 March 1967 sailed from Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde for Fawley

21 March 1967 berthed at Fawley

22 March 1967 sailed from Fawley for Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

24 March 1967 berthed at Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

26 March 1967 sailed from Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde for Fawley

29 March 1967 berthed at Fawley

30 March 1967 sailed from Fawley for Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

1 April 1967 berthed at Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

2 April 1967 sailed from Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde for Fawley

5 April 1967 berthed at Fawley

6 April 1967 sailed from Fawley for Portland arriving the same day and then later also the same day sailing for Old Kilpatrick Oil Fuel Depot, River Clyde

8 April 1967 arrived at Old Kilpatrick and underwent a boiler clean

20 April 1967 sailed from Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot for Invergordon

22 April 1967 berthed at Invergordon

23 April 1967 sailed from Invergordon to Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot

25 April 1967 berthed at Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot sailing later the same day for Invergordon

27 April 1967 berthed at Invergordon

28 April 1967 sailed from Invergordon to Fawley

30 April 1967 berthed at Fawley

2 May 1967 sailed from Fawley to Gosport Oil Fuel Depot (3 trips)

9 May 1967 sailed from Gosport Oil Fuel Depot to Thameshaven

10 May 1967 berthed at Thameshaven

11 May 1967 sailed frpm Thameshaven to Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot

14 May 1967 berthed at Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot

15 May 1967 sailed from Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot

18 May 1967 berthed at Thameshaven

19 May 1967 sailed from Thameshaven

20 May 1967 berthed at Devonport for an engine repair (3 hours)

22 May 1967 berthed at Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot

23 May 1967 sailed from Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot to Faslane arriving the same day

24 May 1967 sailed from Faslane to Invergordon

26 May 1967 arrived at Invergordon

27 May 1967 sailed from Invergordon to Faslane

29 May 1967 arrived at Faslane

30 May 1967 sailed from Faslane to Invergordon

1 June 1967 berthed at Invergordon

26 August 1967 Captain John C Moffat RFA appointed as Master

7 September 1967 Mr J W Ritchie RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

7 December 1967 Captain B A Seymour RFA appointed as Master

10 January 1969 at Plymouth

17 March 1969 at Portsmouth

31 March 1969 at Plymouth

9 July 1969 at Plymouth

29 July 1969 at Plymouth

8 September 1969 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

6 July 1970 at Rosyth

12 September 1970 at Fawley

2 October 1970 Mr Ronal C Putt MID RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

3 October 1970 sailed Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty to Fawley ( 3 trips)

8 October 1970 sailed Fawley to Gibraltar arriving 13 October 1970

16 October 1970 sailed Gibraltar to Devonport arriving 22 October 1970

12 February 1971 at Portsmouth berthed alongside RFA WAVE CHIEF on the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

13 February 1971 sailed from alongside RFA WAVE CHIEF on the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

26 Jun 1971 at Portsmouth

7 September 1971 at Portsmouth

29 October 1974 sailed Malta for Augusta

12 December 1974 arrived from Sea into Plymouth Sound sailing back to sea later

31 December 1974 arrived at Devonport and berthed on RFA TIDEREACH on Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty

1 January 1975 sailed from Yonderbury Oil Fuel Jetty on RFA TIDEREACH to sea

12 January 1975 arrived from Sea and berthed on No: 1 jetty, Devonport Dockyard

15 January 1975 sailed from No: 1 jetty, Devonport Dockyard to sea

15 December 1975 Captain Shane Redmond RFA appointed as Master



Captain Shane Redmond RFA


25 March 1977 at Portsmouth

11 July 1977 at Portsmouth

December 1977 Captain John Roddis RFA in command

12 December 1977 at Roseneth on the Clyde

2 January 1978 at Portsmouth

1 June 1979 sailed from Devonport Dockyard

15 October 1979 Captain Anthony Pitt RFA appointed in command



Captain A F Pitt RFA


16 June 1980 berthed on the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

16 October 1980 Captain Anthony Pitt RFA appointed in command

1 April 1981 destored and was laid up at Devonport

5 October 1981 placed on the Disposal List ‘as lies Devonport‘

1981 sold to Spence & Young for £50,000 for demolition

January 1982 resold to Spanish breakers

28 March 1982 arrived Seville, Spain for breaking up by Desguaces del Guadalquivir



1. From the Discharge Book of Geoff Cushnet