RFA Gold Rover



Reproduced with permission of the MOD


A271 Gold Rover

 Gold Rover at Stanley


Subsequent name:

Official Number:                        363145

Class:                                        ROVER CLASS Small Fleet Tanker

Pennant No:                              A271

Laid down:                               
Builder:                                      Swan Hunter, Wallsend
Launched:                                 7 March 1973
Into Service:                              22 March 1974
Out of service:                           6 March 2017
Fate:                                          Scrapped


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:   In 1967, tenders were invited for what eventually turned out to be five ships in this Class. Owing to unsatisfactory performance from the original engines, which had been a political decision, the first three ships in the Class were re-engined in 1974. The final two ships differed slightly from the earlier three and had improved accommodation standards and different stern anchor arrangements


7 March 1973 launched by Swan Hunter Shipbuilders Ltd, Wallsend as Yard Nr: 59  named GOLD ROVER. The Lady Sponsor was Mrs M. Lovett, the wife of Mr P.J. Lovett  MBE, the then DST (AS)

6 December 1973 her Ship’s Badge was officially presented to her

9 March 1974 Captain Barry H Rutterford RFA appointed as Master



Captain Barry H Rutterford RFA


22 March 1974 completed at a cost of £7.7m and accepted in the RFA service

23 March 1974 sailed the River Tyne to the Isle of Grain berthing on BP No: 5 berth. Loaded 3,899 tons of diesel as cargo

24 March 1974 sailed the Isle of Grain

25 March 1974 anchored at Spithead

26 March 1974 berthed alongside the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

30 March 1974 loaded 347 tons of AVCAT as cargo

9 April 1974 sailed Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty to Plymouth Sound

11 April 1974 sailed Plymouth Sound to Gibraltar

17 April 1974 berthed on Nr: 50 berth on the South Arm at Gibraltar Dockyard

19 April 1974 loaded 1,249 tons of FFO as cargo

23 April 1974 sailed Gibraltar

26 April 1974 arrived at Portland

1 May 1974 to 3 May 1974 deployed in the Portland Exercise Area

3 May 1974 berthed alongside at Portland

6 May 1974 to 10 May 1974 deployed in the Portland Exercise Area

10 May 1974 secured to A2 Buoy at Portland Harbour

13 May 1974 deployed to the Portland Exercise Area

17 May 1974 arrived at Plymouth Sound

20 May 1974 deployed to the Plymouth Exercise Area

21 May 1974 at Plymouth Sound with RMAS WATERFOWL alongside receiving 48 tons of sullage


RMAS Waterfowl

RMAS Waterfowl


22 May 1974 to 26 May 1974 deployed to the Plymouth and Portland Exercise Areas

26 May 1974 arrived at Portland

28 May 1974 deployed to the Portland Exercise Area

1 June 1974 secured to A2 Buoy, Portland Harbour

3 June 1974 to 12 June 1974 deployed to the Portland Exercise Area

13 June 1974 sailed Portland to Gibraltar Exercise Area

16 June 1974 arrived at Gibraltar moored alongside at 22/23 berths

17 June 1974 sailed Gibraltar to the Gibraltar Exercise Area

27 June 1974 moored alongside at 22 berth, Gibraltar

2 July 1974 sailed Gibraltar to Civitavicchia

5 July 1974 berthed at Civitavicchia

8 July 1974 sailed Civitavicchia to Gaeta

9 July 1974 sailed Gaeta to Elba, Portoferracio

10 July 1974 until 30 September 1974 stood by off Cyprus following a coup d’etat attempt and subsequent Turkish invasion with a Task Force including the carrier HMS HERMES with 41 Commando Royal Marines and RFA’s OLNA (3), OLWEN (2) and REGENT

13 July 1974 sailed Elba to Malta

15 July 1974 berthed at Malta

16 July 1974 sailed Malta to Livorno and the Malta Exercise Area

21 July 1974 sailed for Cyprus 

22 July 1975 along with RFA’s TARBATNESS and TIDESPRING (1) sailed from the U.K. as part of Task Group 317.3 led by the guided missile destroyer HMS GLAMORGAN

1 August 1975 with RFA’s TARBATNESS and TIDESPRING (1) berthed at Malta as part of Task Group 317.3 led by the guided missile destroyer HMS GLAMORGAN

4 August 1975 with RFA’s TARBATNESS and TIDESPRING (1) sailed from Malta for exercises with HMS GLAMORGAN and other RN ships

October 1975 involved in exercises with Royal Navy, Royal Australian Navy and Royal Malaysian Navy ships in the South China Sea

20 October 1975 during a helicopter transfer a Wessex HAS1 number XM328 had her main rotor blade damaged when a mail sack blew through the rotor disc

24 June 1977 to 29 June 1977 took part in the Silver Jubilee Fleet Review at Spithead with eight other RFA’s and units of the Royal Navy and foreign navies

16 August 1977 Captain Rex A Cooper RFA appointed as Master

5 September 1977 carried out successful feasibility abeam refuelling trials with the British merchant tanker BRITISH TAMAR which was earmarked for duties in wartime as a Convoy Escort Oiler, to establish whether or not an RFA oiler could load its own cargo tanks by accepting fuel from commercial products tankers underway without the need for prior fitting of specialised RAS equipment on the commercial vessel

18 June 1978 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed outboard of RFA PLUMLEAF (2)


GOLD ROVER Plumleaf at Pmouth

© Tim Webb – used with permission


3 April 1979 entered Chatham Dockyard from the River Medway

7 April 1979 at Faslane

9 May 1980 at Belfast

25 July 1980 at Portland

12 November 1980 at Portland

8 May 1981 at Portland

10 July 1981 at Portland

11 September 1981 at Portland as FOST tanker

11 November 1981 at Portland

25 March 1982 at Portland

8 April 1982 at Gibraltar

1982 did not see service during the Falklands Conflict as she was in Singapore at the time

25 July 1982 at Portland

29 July 1982 assisted a Special Forces demonstration in Poole Bay

1 August 1982 at Portland

14 December 1982 at Portland

28 January 1983 at Portland

22 June 1984 in Portland Exercise area

25 June 1984 sailed Portland

29 June 1984 berthed at Portland

2 July 1984 sailed Portland

7 July 1984 berthed at Portland

11 July 1984 sailed Portland

13 July 1984 berthed at Portland

16 July 1984 sailed Portland

19 July 1984 berthed at Portland

23 July 1984 sailed Portland

2 August 1984 berthed at Portland

13 August 1984 sailed Portland

15 August 1984 berthed at Copenhagen

20 August 1984 sailed from Copenhagen

23 August 1984 berthed at Plymouth and engaged in Plymouth Navy Days until 28 August 1984

28 August 1984 sailed Plymouth

31 August 1984 berthed at Portland

5 September 1984 sailed Portland

7 September 1984 berthed at Portland

10 September 1984 sailed Portland

14 September 1984 berthed at Portsmouth

20 September 1984 sailed Portsmouth

24 September 1984 arrived and anchored in Gibraltar Bay prior to entering Gibraltar Dockyard for refit

1 November 1984 Mr Edward M Quigley RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 November 1984 sailed Gibraltar after refit – the last RFA to be refitted in the HM Dockyard there


Gold Rover sail Gib

RFA Gold Rover being escorted out of Gibraltar Harbour by RFA Agile



19 November 1984 arrived off the Nab Tower prior to entering Portsmouth Dockyard

30 November 1984 sailed Portsmouth for Portland arriving the same day

3 December 1984 sailed Portland for BOST ’84’

4 December 1984 berthed at Portland

10 December 1984 sailed Portland for BOST ’84’

13 December 1984 berthed at Portland

17 December 1984 sailed Portland for BOST ’84’

20 December 1984 berthed at Rosyth Dockyard

29 December 1984 sailed Rosyth Dockyard

3 January 1985 berthed at Portland

8 January 1985 sailed Portland returning 11 January 1985

14 January 1985 sailed Portland returning 18 January 1985

22 January 1985 sailed Portland returning 25 January 1985

28 January 1985 sailed Portland returning 1 February 1985

6 February 1985 sailed Portland returning 8 February 1985

12 February 1985 sailed Portland returning 17 February 1985

4 April 1985 sailed Portland

5 April 1985 entered Ijmueden Locks and berthed at Amsterdam

9 April 1985 sailed Amsterdam

10 April 1985 berthed at Portland

3 June 1985 at Plymouth

18 July 1985 sailed Nassau, Bahamas to Belize arriving 18 July 1985

25 July 1985 sailed Belize to Bridgedown, Barbados arriving 31 July 1985

4 August 1985 sailed Bridgetown, Barbados to Carriacou arriving the next day

7 August 1985 Carriacou to Virgin Gorda arriving the next day

10 August 1985 sailed Virgin Gorda to St Thomas arriving the same day

12 August 1985 sailed St Thomas to Roosevelt Roads arriving the next day

14 August 1985 sailed Roosevelt Roads to San Juan, Puerto Rico arriving 16 August 1985

19 August 1985 sailed San Juan, Puerto Rico

31 August 1985 berthed at Pensacola after avoiding Hurricane Elena in the Gulf of Mexico

2 September 1985 sailed Pensacola

6 September 1985 anchored off Georgetown, Grand Cayman

8 September 1985 sailed Grand Cayman Gordoa

12 September 1985 anchored in Vieus Fort Bay, St Lucia

13 September 1985 berthed at Castries, St Lucia

17 September 1985 sailed from Castries, St. Lucia

18 September 1985 arrived at Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico

21 September 1985 sailed Roosevelt Roads

23 September 1985 arrived at Montego Bay, Jamaica

26 September 1985 sailed Montego Bay, Jamaica to St Thomas

30 September 1985 sailed St Thomas for Portsmouth

10 October 1985 at Portsmouth Harbour

16 April 1986 at Portland

9 June 1986 humanitarian relief – was in Operation Jubilee along with the frigate HMS ARIADNE after heavy rains in Jamaica

8 September 1986 at Portsmouth

10 October 1986 arrived at Portsmouth

21 October 1986 sailed Portsmouth for Portland Harbour arriving the same day – anchored at G3

6 November 1986 at Portland

1 December 1986 at Portsmouth

August 1987 off Gourock

4 March 1987 at Portland

1 April 1987 at Portland

7 June 1987 at Portland

23 November 1987 at Rosyth

30 August 1988 at Portland

3 February 1989 at Portland

16 July 1989 at Falmouth

25 September 1989 at Falmouth. Mr Kenneth Holder RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

3 November 1989 at Gosport

26 July 1990 Captain Brian J Waters RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Captain Brian Waters

Captain Brian J Waters RFA


20 November 1990 Captain Peter Robinson RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

1 December 1990 lost her rudder in severe weather in the South Atlantic and sent out a distress call. Some of her crew were airlifted off and she managed to get to anchor seventeen miles east of Lively island to ride out the storm then towed by the tug Oil Mariner to Montevideo for repairs

1 March 1992 at Plymouth

18 April 1992 Humanitarian aid – along with the frigate HMS CAMPBELTOWN, she assisted the Panamanian-registered tanker WORLD HITACHI ZOSEN on fire after a collision off West Africa with the bulk carrier CLIPPER PIONEER

25 August 1992 at East Cove Military Port, Falkland Islands

21 July 1994 at Middlesborough, River Tees

26 July 1994 sailed from Middlesborough, River Tees returning the next day

5 August 1994 sailed from Middlesborough, River Tees

8 August 1994 arrived at Portsmouth Dockyard

17 August 1994 moved from Portsmouth Dockyard to Gosport Oil Fuel Depot

15 April 1995 Captain Peter A Robinson RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

Capt Peter Robinson

Captain Peter A Robinson RFA


11 October 1995 at Montevideo

13 March 1996 at the Falkland Islands

13 April 1996 put on standby off Liberia after breakdown in civil rule in that country

22 May 1996 Captain (E) Robert Settle RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

19 September 1996 at St. Kitts

16 October 1996 Humanitarian aid – rescued three St Vincent nationals adrift in an open boat

16 November 1996 at Tampa, Florida, USA

3 April 1997 at Portsmouth

12 April 1998 at Buenos Aires

16 April 1998 at Falkland Islands

20 July 1998 sailed Montevideo for the East Cove, Falkland Islands

28 July 1998 berthed at East Cove, Falkland Islands

11 August 1998 sailed East Cove, Falkland Islands on patrol returning 14 August 1998

18 August 1998 sailed East Cove Main Jetty, Falkland Islands

20 August 1998 anchored off Bird Island, South Georgia

23 August 1998 arrived at Fortuna Bay, South Georgia

25 August 1998 sailed South Gerogia for the Falkland Islands

28 August 1998 berthed at the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands

31 August 1998 sailed the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands

2 September 1998 returned to the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands with Main Engine defect

9 September 1998 sailed the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands on patrol

12 September 1998 anchored in San Carlos Water, Falkland Islands

17 September 1998 berthed on the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands

22 September 1998 Captain Roger Robinson-Brown RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Capt RR B2

Captain Roger Robinson-Brown RFA


6 October 1998 anchored in Queen Charlotte Bay, Falkland Islands

9 October 1998 berthed at the Ro-Ro Jetty, East Cove, Falkland Islands

24 October 1998 made fast to Port William Buoy, Stanley, Falkland Islands

2 to 4 November 1998 Humanitarian aid – whilst supporting the frigate HMS SUTHERLAND she acted as a helicopter refuelling point off South Georgia during the evacuation of a seriously ill woman from the cruise liner EXPLORER

15 September 1999 sailed Mayport naval base to avoid Hurricane Floyd bearing down on the port.

18 January 2000 towed back to Plymouth by two RMAS tugs when she broke down off the Lizard Point.

15 February 2000 rescued trawler taking in water in the English Channel after pan pan alert from Brixham coast guard

28 May 2001 along with RFA’s TIDESPRING (1), SIR PERCIVALE and DILIGENCE she featured  on a postage stamp issued by South Georgia and the South Sandwich Isles

13 November 2001 Humanitarian aid – rescued 4 crew from the yacht  BON SOCOUR in the North Atlantic

23 February 2002 Captain Peter Farmer RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Captain Peter Farner

Captain Peter Farmer RFA


23 August 2002 to 26 August 2002 berthed Gibraltar

27 August 2002 Captain Roger Robinson-Brown RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

14 October 2002 to 20 December 2002 in refit

6 January 2003 at Plymouth

1 April 2003 in Plymouth Sound

4 April 2003 alongside at Devonport

16 May 2003 to 17 May 2003 berthed at Gibraltar

May 2003 visited Freetown, Sierra Leone

8 July 2003 at East Cove, Falkland Islands

19 November 2003 at Ascension Island

11 December 2003 visited Luanda, Angola with HMS GLASGOW for a courtesy call

28 March 2004 at Monte Video – Captain Shaun Jones RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Shaun Jones

Captain Shaun Jones RFA


3 April 2004 at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

20 May 2004 anchored off Ascension Island

22 May 2004 undertook a towing exercise (TOWEX) with HMS CARDIFF

13 June 2004 alongside at Monte Video, Uruguay

17 July 2004 at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

6 August 2004 at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

29 September 2004 Captain Paul Kehoe RFA appointed Commanding Officer


Captain Paul Kehoe

Captain Paul Kehoe RFA


29 March 2005 Captain (E) Robert J Smith RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

11 April 2005 berthed at Devonport

3 July 2005 alongside on the River Tyne in refit

4 September 2005 alongside on the River Tyne in refit

28 November 2005 berthed at Devonport


Gold Rover A271



December 2005 in company with the frigate HMS IRON DUKE, met up with solo yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur 2 degrees north of the equator on her yacht  B & Q

13 April 2006 Captain (E) Robert J Smith RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

1 June 2006 accompanied the frigate HMS CHATHAM to Lagos to mark the 50th Anniversary of  the Nigerian Navy at their Fleet Review by President Obassango

28 June 2006 involved in exercises with Brazillian frigate BNS Bossio and HMS Liverpool off Brazil

29 July 2006 berthed alongside at Rio de Janeiro

6 October 2006 while supporting the frigate HMS ARGYLL in a multi-national operation off West Africa, intercepted mv STER 11 seized 1.8 tonnes of cocaine off the coast of West Africa worth an estimated £60 million

1 March 2007 Captain Anthony McNally RFA appointed as Commanding Officer until 10 July 2007

22 March 2007 Captain (E) Robert J Smith RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

13 June 2007 with HRH Prince Edward embarked the Captain and a contingent of the crew attended a memorial service at Fitzroy, East Falkland to those killed on RFA SIR GALAHAD (1) and RFA SIR TRISTRAM during the Falklands War

8 July 2007 Captain (X) Paul B Minter RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

Capt Paul Minter

Captain (X) Paul Minter RFA


30 October 2007 arrived at Tristan da Cunha with HMS SOUTHAMPTON

19 November 2007 Captain Paul B Minter RFA, Commanding Officer of the Gold Rover presented a copy of ‘No Sea to Rough’ to the Governor of St. Helena

16 December 2007 arrived at Tristan da Cunha after having been tasked to urgently resupply drugs and medical stores to the island after 271 members of the islands population suffered a viral infection which depleted stocks to a dangerous level

13 March 2008 Captain (E) Robert J Smith RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

17 April 2008 berthed at Gibraltar from Freetown

20 April 2008 Captain (X) Paul B Minter RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

21 April 2008 sailed Gibraltar for Portsmouth

4 November 2008 Captain (X) Paul B Minter RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

25 January 2009 alongside at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

29 April 2009 visited the Island of St. Helena where wreaths were laid at the RFA Darkdale memorial on the Island’s Cenotaph in the capital Jamestown



Captain Paul Minter RFA laying his wreath at the RFA Darkdale memorial

© The St. Helena Independent acknowledged


6 May 2009 South Atlantic  – found yacht ‘Sea Jade’ reported long overdue enroute from St. Helena to Capte Town. As Falklands Island news service reported ‘Found needle in field of haystacks’. Yacht was reported with faulty steering and damage to the rigging and had been believed to have been lost in very heavy weather until the successful search undertaken by Gold Rover

20 August 2009 Captain (E) Robert Settle RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 October 2009 Captain (X) Paul B Minter RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

12 January 2010 berthed at East Cove Military Port, Falkland Islands with HMS YORK outboard

14 January 2010 sailed East Cove Military Port, Falkland Islands

30 January 2010 anchored off Jamestown, St. Helena

26 February 2010 berthed at Devonport

10 November 2010 berthed at Birkenhead

3 March 2011 Captain (X) Nigel Budd RFA appointed Commanding Officer

24 April 2011 joined Lyme Regis and Weymouth RNLI Lifeboats, Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat, Coastguard Rescue helicopters from Lee-on-Solent in the search for a missing diver reported to be a man aged 61 and from Bristol, was in an eight-strong group of visiting and local divers operating from a charter boat out of Lyme Regis. Not found – diver given up for dead

26 April 2011 entered Plymouth Sound

8 July 2011 berthed on Yonderberry Pier, Devonport

3 August 2011 Captain (X) Nigel Budd RFA appointed Commanding Officer

28 August 2011 alongside at Las Palmas

17 January 2012 Captain (X) David J Buck RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Captain David Buck

Captain (X) David J Buck RFA

17 May 2012 Captain (X) Nigel Budd RFA appointed Commanding Officer

22 July 2012 at Simon’s Town

13 November 2012 at East Cove, Falkland Islands

20 December 2012 berthed at Simon’s Town, South Africa sailing on 18 January 2013

14 January 2013 Captain (X) Nigel Budd RFA appointed Commanding Officer

28 February 2013 at East Cove, Falkland Islands

17 April 2013 berthed at Abijan, Ivory Coast sailing again on 20 April 2013

28 April 2013 berthed at Luanda, Angola sailing again on 1 May 2013

5 May 2013 berthed at Walvis Bay sailing again on 8 May 2013

23 May 2013 berthed at Las Palmas, Canary Islands sailing again on 26 May 2013

31 May 2013 berthed at Devonport

25 June 2013 Captain (X) Nigel Budd RFA appointed Commanding Officer

28 June 2013 sailed Devonport to Liverpool arriving 1 July 2013

28 March 2014 at Birkenhead

13 April 2014 moved from No: 6 Dry Dock at Birkenhead to Transmere Basin

27 April 2014 arrived at Liverpool


 GRVR Birkenhead 2014

RFA Gold Rover in dry dock at Birkenhead
© Captain Shaun Jones OBE RFA

13 May 2014 sailed Liverpool after refit for Loch Striven

16 May 2014 having sailed from Loch Striven passing Cloch Point, Gourock

21 May 2014 sailed Glenmallen assisted by tugs SD Dependable and SD Resourceful to Falmouth Bay arriving the next day

23 May 2014 sailed Falmouth Bay to Portland

24 May 2014 at Portland

9 June 2014 sailed Portland

12 June 2014 berthed at Portland

14 June 2014 Captain Shaun P Jones OBE RFA appointed as Commanding Officer 

16 June 2014 sailed Portland for Plymouth Sound

20 June 2014 arrived Plymouth Sound

30 June 2014 sailed Plymouth Sound

10 July 2014 RASed with USS Oscar Austin (DDG79)


Gold Rov RAS USS Oscar Austin DDG79


16 July 2014 RASed with RFA Wave Knight (2) in FOST Training Area

  20140716-WVKN GORV DSCF0002


18 July 2014 berthed at Portland

11 August 2014 sailed Portland

13 August 2014 arrived at Plymouth Sound sailing the next day

18 August 2014 berthed at Loch Striven Oil Fuel Depot assisted by the tug SD Reliable


Gold Rov at Loch Striven

RFA Gold Rover at Loch Striven
© Captain Shaun Jones OBE RFA – used with consent
22 August 2014 sailed Loch Striven
25 August 2014 berthed at Dublin, Eire
29 August 2014 sailed Dublin, Eire
1 September 2014 on ‘C’ Buoy, Plymouth Sound
2 September 2014 sailed Plymouth Sound
8 September 2014 berthed at Portland
22 September 2014 sailed Plymouth Sound for Portland
Gold Rover sails Plymouth
RFA Gold Rover sails from Plymouth

 26 September 2014 berthed at Portland Harbour

12 October 2014 Captain (E) Nigel M Sim RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Captain (E) Nigel M Sim RFA


19 October 2014 berthed alongside at Portland Harbour

27 October 2014 sailed Portland Harbour

1 November 2014 in the North Atlantic in company with HMS DRAGON

Gold Rover and Dragon


9 November 2014 berthed at Caracas Bay, Curaçao

12 November 2014 sailed Caracas Bay, Curaçao

14 November 2014 anchored off Colon, Republic of Panama

15 November 2014 transitted the Panama Canal 

17 November 2014 berthed at Rodman, Balboa, Panama City

19 November 2014 sailed Balboa into the Pacific Ocean

27 November 2014 in the Pacific Ocean RAS’ed with HMS DRAGON

6 December 2014 Captain (X) Philip T Hanton RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

6 December 2014 at East Cove, Falkland Islands

15 December 2014 RAS’ed with HMS CLYDE

6 February 2015 berthed at Simons Town, South Africa

26 February 2015 sailed Simons Town, South Africa

4 March 2015 berthed in Cape Town, South Africa

13 March 2015 sailed Cape Town, South AFrica

19 March 2015 anchored in Cape Lopez Bay, off Port Gentil, Gabon

21 March 2015 sailed Cape Lopez Bay

4 April 2015 berthed at Dakar

6 April 2015 sailed Dakar

12 April 2015 berthed at Sao Vicente, Cape Verde Islands. Captain (X) Peter N Selby RFA appointed as Commanding Officer & Captain (E) Roger M Parnell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 April 2015 sailed Sao Vicente, Cape Verde Islands

4 May 2015 berthed in the outer basin of Simon’s Town Dockyard, South Africa

25 May 2015 sailed Simon’s Town Dockyard, South Africa

20 June 2015 berthed at Falkland Islands. Leading Hand (Cook) Thomas Logan discharged dead


G Rov and Lancaster

RFA Gold Rover and HMS Lancaster on exercises in the South Atlantic


10 July 2015 Captain (X) Richard Taylor RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Rick Taylor 2

Captain (X) Richard Taylor RFA


13 August 2015 berthed at Simon’s Town Dockyard, South Africa

2 September 2015 Captain (X) Peter N Selby RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

5 September 2015 at Simon’s Town Dockyard, South Africa

8 September 2015 Captain (E) Martin J Stone RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 September 2015 sailed Simon’s Town, South Africa to engaged in exercises with RN and SA Naval units

23 September 2015 berthed Cape Town

28 September 2015 sailed Cape Town

4 October 2015 berthed at Lobito, Angola

8 October 2015 sailed from Lobito, Angola

13 October 2015 with HMS LANCASTER anchored off Jamestown, St Helena


G Rover and Lancaster at Nap Tomb

Some of crew of RFA Gold Rover and HMS Lancaster at Napoleon’s empty tomb

15 October 2015 sailed Jamestown, St. Helena to Ascension Island

22 October 2015 arrived at Kortu-Gon, Tema, Ghana

25 October 2015 sailed Tema, Ghana

2 November 2015 berthed at Lome, Togo

5 November 2015 sailed from Lome, Togo

8 November 2015 RASed with HMS LANCASTER

12 November 2015 anchored off Ascension Island

18 November 2015 sailing off Florianopolis, Brazil

19 November 2015 berthed at Rio de Janerio, Brazil

1 December 2015 sailed Rio de Janerio, Brazil

11 December 2015 berthed at Simonstown, South Africa

7 February 2016 Captain (E) Peter R G Dear RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

29 February 2016 sailed Simonstown, South Africa

6 March 2016 passed St. Helena

8 March 2016 anchored off Ascension Island

11 March 2016 sailed from Ascension Island

26 March 2016 berthed at Sekondi-Takoradi

30 March 2016 sailed Sekondi-Takoradi

8 April 2016 anchored off Georgetown, Ascension Island

12 April 2016 sailed from the anchorage off Georgetown, Ascension Island

17 April 2016 arrived off Georgetown, Ascension Island sailing later the same day

24 April 2016 off the coast of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

20 May 2016 arrived at Jamestown, St. Helena

30 May 2016 sailed the anchorage off Jamestown. St. Helena

6 June 2016 in the South Atlantic off the coast Brazil

7 June 2016 berthed at Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Captain (E) Martin J Stone RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

13 June 2016 sailed from Rio de Janerio, Brazil

20 June 2016 arrived at Ascension Island

21 June 2016 sailed from Ascension Island

1 July 2016 berthed at Simonstown, South Africa

Gold Rover at Simons Town 7 2016

Simonstown Dockyard with RFA Gold Rover alongside – July 2016

© Mike Loverock


 20 July 2016 Captain (X) Richard Taylor RFA appointed as Commanding Officer

8 August 2016 sailed Simonstown

15 August 2016 anchored off Ascension Island sailing later the same day

19 August 2016 berthed at Lomé, Togo. Captain (X) Richard Taylor RFA was invited to inspect a Guard from the Togo Navy

Gold Rover Captain salutes Guard Commander

The ship’s football team played a side from the Togo Navy and lost 3 goals to 1

GORov Football Team

Togo Navy Football team & RFA Gold Rover’s Football team

20 August 2016 sailed Lomé, Togo

23 August 2016 berthed at Tema, Ghana

25 August 2016 sailed from Tema, Ghana

30 August 2016 berthed at Lobito, Angola with a reception on board for senior members of the Angolan Naval, Army and Police, and His Excellency the Mayor of Lobito Senhor Alberto N’Gongo also attending


GoldR 7 aside football team

The ships 7-a-side football team with their winners trophy after playing an Angolan Naval team


2 September 2016 sailed Lobito, Angola

7 September 2016 berthed at Simontown Dockyard, South Africa

12 September 2016 the Captain and other ships Officers attended a Battle of Britain service at the Dockyard Church at Simonstown


GRover after BoB Church Service 

Captain & Ships Officers after attending the Battle of Britain Church Service at the Dockyard Church, Simonstown

7 October 2016 sailed from Simonstown

October 2016 deployed in support of a French Operation CORYMBE together with the FS Dixmude and Ivorian ship Sekongo



FS Dixmude, RFA Gold Rover and Ivorian ship Sekongo

19 October 2016 berthed at Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Commanding Officer inspected a Ivorian Navy Guard of Honour and the ships football team lost 5-2 against the Ivorian Navy

21 October 2016 sailed from Abidjan, Ivory Coast

21 October 2016 and 22 October 2016 RAS approaches and dry hook ups  with FS Dixmude


20161022 DX CORYMBE134 PRERAMbyNightUK 10


23 October 2016 RASed with FS Dixmude



RFA Gold Rover and the French Naval Helicoper ship FS Dixmunde RAS off the coast of West Africa


1 November 2016 berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

8 November 2016 sailed from Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa for the last time


RFA Gold Rover sails from Simontown for the last time


24 November 2016 off Terra del Fuego

29 November 2016 together with HMS PORTLAND anchored off Valpariso, Chile. Captain Jonathan P Huxley RFA appointed as Commanding Officer


Gold Rover 13

RFA Gold Rover at anchor off Valpariso, Chile

image courtesy of Erik G Ekstrom


9 December 2016 off Punta Arenas

25 December 2016 at East Cove, Falkland Islands

14 January 2017 anchored off Edinburgh, Tristan da Cunha

15 January 2017 sailed from Tristan da Cunha

23 January 2017 berthed at Rio de Janeiro

27 January 2017 sailed from Rio de Janeiro

3 February 2017 arrived at Ascension Island

5 February 2017 RASed with HMS PORTLAND


GROV RAS Portland last RAS 2017

RAS with HMS Portland

16 February 2017 berthed at Portland


GR Arrival 20170216a

Arrival at Portland Harbour
© EagleVista Aerial Photography (www.eaglevista.co.uk)    

21 February 2017 sailed from Portland Harbour

22 February 2017 berthed at Portsmouth Dock Yard to pay off, destore and be laid up


GRV arriving at Portsmouth


6 March 2017 End of Service Ceremony at Portsmouth Dockyard

Gold Rover End of Service 1

GROV cake End of Service


29 August 2017 The Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA) invited expressions of interest from companies interested in receiving an invitation to tender in respect to the proposed sale for the sole purpose of recycling of the former RFA ship Gold Rover (A271)

21 August 2018 at Portsmouth Harbour the ships hulk with tugs Tempest, Independent and Suzanne employed on Pilot Training

29 August 2018 at Portsmouth Harbour the ships hulk with tugs Tempest, Indulgent and Suzanne employed on Pilot Training

5 September 2018 at Portsmouth Harbour the ships hulk with tugs Bountiful, Independent and Suzanne employed on Pilot Training

12 September 2018 at Portsmouth Harbour the ships hulk with tugs Tempest, Independent and Suzanne employed on Pilot Training 

13 August 2019 sailed, under tow of the tug Opal, from Portsmouth Harbour for the ship breakers in Turkey 



GoldRov off IOW

lower image © George Mortimer RFAHS member


 21 August 2019 passed Gibraltar under tow sailing eastbound

3 September 2019 arrived at Aliga, Turkey at the ship breakers to be demolished


2 Gold Rover Black Rover 

2 December 2019 demolition completed