RFA Olcades





Previous name:                             British Beacon     
Subsequent name:

Official Number:                            142670

Class:                                            10,000t OL CLASS Tanker

Pennant No:                                  Y7.304 /  X18

Signal Letters:                               JVMN (1919)

Laid down:
Builder:                                          Workman Clark & Co Ltd, Belfast
Launched:                                      9 September 1918
Into Service:                                   9 October 1918
Out of service:                                April 1953
Fate:                                               Broken up


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:   Of the six ships in this Class, two of them were built by HM Dockyards to keep the Dockyards busy after the end of WW1 in accordance with the Colwyn Committee‘s recommendations. Two other similar ships were built for Anglo Saxon Petroleum Co Ltd, London at the same time – MUREX at Portsmouth and NASSA at Devonport – and after producing these two well-built ships, the finances and materials appeared to be short and the two built for the RFA were supposedly built with odds and ends and auxiliaries taken from outmoded warships. With their cheap and second-hand fittings they had some heavy maintenance bills, which they paid for by spending most of their lives on charter. MUREX and NASSA were both broken up at Osaka in 1936


9 September 1918 launched by Workman Clark & Co Ltd, Belfast as Yard Nr: 425 named BRITISH  BEACON for the Shipping Controller

9 October 1918 completed and placed under management of British Tanker Co, London. Cost £246,108

6 December 1918 arrived at Thames Haven from Philadelphia

`1919 transferred to Admiralty ownership but remained under commercial management

12 January 1919 sailed Philadelphia for Falmouth

23 February 1919 arrived at Philadelphia from Falmouth

27 February 1919 sailed Philadelphia for Falmouth

16 March 1919 berthed at Hull after arriving from Philadelphia

10 June 1919 arrived at Philadelphia from London

24 July 1919 arrived at Colombo, Ceylon

3 August 1919 berthed at Rangoon from Philadelphia via Alexandria

13 August 1919 sailed Rangoon for Suez

17 August 1919 sailed Colombo for Suez

2 September 1919 at Suez

18 September 1919 arrived at Shell Haven with two passengers and Captain G Barker as Master

4 October 1919 sailed London for Port Arthur

6 October 1919 at Stokes Bay, Gosport with an engine defect

31 October 1919 arrived at Port Arthur, Texas from London

2 November 1919 sailed from Port Arthur, Texas for Falmouth

6 December 1919 arrived at Thames Haven

4 March 1920 passed Sand Key, Florida

8 March 1920 berthed at Port Arthur, Texas from the River Tyne

12 March 1920 sailed Port Arthur, Texas for Devonport

19 April 1920 berthed at Port Eads from Devonport. RFA WAR HINDOO berthed at the same port on the same day but from Portsmouth

31 April 1920 arrived at Sheerness from Port Arthur

4 May 1920 arrived New Orleans from Port Victoria

18 May 1920 sailed New Orleans for Devonport

7 June 1920 arrived at Glasgow from New Orleans

6 July 1920 sailed Belfast Lough for Tampico

17 August 1920 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east bound

18 August 1920 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour after arriving from Tampico

27 August 1920 the Hampshire Telegraph newspaper reported –


27 8 1920 Hants Telegraph British Beacon


3 September 1920 sailed Portsmouth Harbour

4 October 1920 arrived at Bermuda from Tampico

19 November 1920 berthed at Killingholme

23 November 1920 at Hull Seaman Richard Star of Hull appeared before the Magistrates’ Court charged with desertion – he was fined £5 or 30 days imprisonment

19 December 1920 arrived at Port Arthur, Texas from Hull

23 December 1920 sailed Port Arthur, Texas for the Clyde

15 February 1921 sailed from Port Arthur, Texas for Invergordon

8 March 1921 arrived at Invergordon from Port Arthur

12 March 1921 sailed Invergordon for Newcastle on Tyne

23 March 1921 sailed from the River Tyne for Hull

15 April 1921 sailed Port Arthur, Texas to the Clyde

2 May 1921 arrived at the Clyde from Port Arthur

9 May 1921 sailed Glasgow for Port Arthur

2 June 1921 radioed US Naval Radio Station she was 10 miles NE of St Augustine

17 June 1921 while on passage for Sheerness passed Dover

22 June 1921 arrived at Sheerness from Abadan via Gibraltar

4 July 1921 arrived at Port Said when on passage from Sheerness for Abadan

17 August 1921 arrived at Port Said from Saint Marc for Alexandria

15 September 1921 arrived at Suez from Abadan

18 September 1921 sailed Port Said for Malta

3 October 1921 arrived Port Said from Malta

9 October 1921 arrived at Aden sailing the same day to Abadan

31 October 1921 arrived at Suez

7 November 1921 damaged the battle cruiser HMS RENOWN at Suez

12 November 1921 sailed Suez for Abadan

13 December 1921 arrived at Suez from Abadan

31 December 1921 at Avonmouth awaiting dry docking

11 January 1922 still at Avonmouth undergoing repairs

1 February 1922 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour from Avonmouth

4 February 1922 sailed Portsmouth Harbour for Abadan

22 February 1922 arrived at Port Said from Portsmouth Harbour

25 March 1922 sailed from Port Said for Gibraltar

25 May 1922 arrived at Plymouth from Hull

15 June 1922 passed Gibraltar when on passage from Plymouth to Abadan

21 June 1922 sailed Port Said and after Canal transit arrived at Suez

25 June 1922 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan

23 July 1922 sailed Port Said when on passage from Abadan for Devonport

13 August 1922 arrived at Port Said from Gibraltar when on passage to Abadan

19 August 1922 passed Perim

8 September 1922 passed Perim when on passage from Abadan to Devonport

14 September 1922 arrived at Suez

17 October 1922 passed Perim when on passage from Thameshaven to Abadan

13 November 1922 sailed Port Said for Malta and the UK

17 November 1922 sailed from Malta for the River Clyde

28 November 1922 arrived Plymouth from Abadan

30 December 1922 sailed Plymouth for Abadan

3 January 1923 when on passage from Plymouth for Abadan passed Gibraltar this day

11 January 1923 arrived Port Said

24 January 1923 arrived at Abadan from Plymouth

16 February 1923 arrived Suez from Abadan

25 March 1923 sailed Port Said for Gibraltar

17 August 1923 called at Aden from Port Said sailing the same day

10 August 1923 arrived at Alexandria

28 August 1923 arrived at Abadan from Alexandria

13 September 1923 sailed Port Said

27 September 1923 sailed Abadan for Port Said

1 October 1923 arrived at Port Said

7 October 1923 passed Perim

6 November 1923 berthed at Singapore from Abadan

9 November 1923 sailed Singapore

21 November 1923 the Admiralty Fuel & Stores Officer published in the Straits Times, Singapore –


21 11 1923 No debts Advert Singapore


30 November 1923 sailed Abadan for Singapore

22 December 1923 sailed from the Oil Wharf, Singapore

30 December 1923 at Bombay

21 January 1924 at Abadan

27 February 1924 sailed Abadan for Sydney, NSW

5 March 1924 sailed Colombo, Ceylon

27 March 1924 berthed Sydney, NSW moored to the Admiralty buoys off Garden Island

9 April 1924 while still moored to the Admiralty buoys (above) HMS DUNEDIN and HMS DRAGON berthed alongside her to be refuelled


9 4 1924 B Beacon at Sydney

HMS DUNEDIN and HMS DRAGON alongside RFA BRITISH BEACON both being refuelled


11 April 1924 at Sydney, NSW alongside HMS REPULSE to refuel her


HMS Repulse



12 April 1924 0800 at Sydney, NSW alongside HMS HOOD to refuel her with 2,894 tons of FFO.  Cast off at 1930hrs to No: 18 buoy



1924 British Beacon Dauntless

HMS DAUNTLESS alongside RFA BRITISH BEACON being refuelled


25 April 1924 sailed Sydney, NSW to Balik Papan, Borneo to load 

14 May 1924 sailed Tarakan for Vancouver, BC, Canada

27 June 1924 at Vancouver, BC, Canada alongside HMS HOOD to refuel her

28 June 1924 at Vancouver, BC, Canada alongside HMS REPULSE to refuel her

8 July 1924 at San Francisco, USA alongside HMS HOOD to refuel her

9 July 1924 at San Francisco, USA alongside HMS REPULSE to refuel her

14 July 1924 sailed from San Pedro for Balboa

13 September 1924 passed Beachy Head

6 October 1924 sailed Port Arthur

4 November 1924 at Ross Memorial Hospital, Dingwall Greaser William Arthur Evans discharged dead with a skull injury

24 November 1924 sailed Trinidad for the Falkland Islands

7 December 1924 sailed from Rio de Janerio

15 December 1924 arrived at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

26 December 1924 at Port Stanley Harbour, Falkland Islands Able Seaman Benjamin Jackson discharged dead – drowned. He was buried in Stanley Cemetery, Falkland Islands in unmarked grave J913

3 January 1925 sailed Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

11 January 1925 sailed Rio de Janerio for Trinidad

23 January 1925 at Trinidad

11 March 1925 passed Key West

20 March 1925 at New Orleans

14 May 1925 at 37°25N 29°35W Chief Steward Robert Fraser discharged dead from natural causes

13 June 1925 sailed from Gibraltar

24 June 1925 passed Sagres

21 July 1925 at New York

25 July 1925 passed Key West

31 July 1925 at Tampico

5 August 1925 passed Key West

22 August 1925 passed St Catherine’s Point

24 September 1925 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard

28 September 1925 passed Gibraltar

6 October 1925 sailed Suez

10 Octber 1925 passed Perrim

11 October 1925 sailed Aden

21 October 1925 sailed from Abadan for Swansea

29 October 1925 passed Perim

4 November 1925 sailed Port Said

25 November 1925 cleared Swansea in ballast for Abadan

30 November 1925 passed Gibraltar

8 December 1925 sailed from Suez

15 December 1925 sailed Aden

20 December 1925 arrived at Abadan

19 January 1926 passed Gibraltar

29 January 1926 sailed Grangemouth for Rosyth in ballast

31 March 1926 arrived at Kings Dock, Swansea with a cargo of crude oil from Abadan

9 April 1926 cleared Abadan

20 May 1926 sailed from Port Said for Swansea

11 July 1926 sailed from Abadan

3 August 1926 passed Gibraltar

11 August 1926 berthed at Grangemouth from Abadan

14 August 1926 sailed Grangemouth for Abadan in ballast

2 September 1926 passed Perim

7 October 1926 passed Gibraltar sailing west

4 December 1926 sailed Colon for LEFO

6 January 1927 passed Gibraltar east bound when on passage to Abadan

15 January 1927 arrived at Port Said from Liverpool

16 January 1927 sailed Suez for Abadan

11 February 1927 passed Perim

28 February 1927 passed Sages

7 March 1927 arrived at Grangemouth

13 March 1927 sailed Grangemouth for Abadan in ballast

21 March 1927 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound

4 April 1927 passed Perim

28 April 1927 passed Perim

9 June 1927 arrived at Port Said

15 June 1927 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan

23 June 1927 passed Perim

16 July 1927 sailed Port Said for Swansea

24 July 1927 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound

2 August 1927 sailed Grangemouth in ballast for Chatham

4 August 1927 while on passage from Grangemouth to Chatham at 55°03N 01°13W Greaser Guiseppe Bugeya was discharged dead – alleged that he was struck on head with a spanner by Fireman Frederick J Tait. The ship put into the River Tyne

5 August 1927 the Newcastle Journal reported –


5 8 27 Newcastle Journal British Beacon


6 August 1927 the Dundee Courier reported –


Press Cutting 6 Aug 1927 Dundee Courier


7 August 1927 at Rochester

13 August 1927 before the South Shields Police Court the Bench sat hearing committal proceedings for a charge of murder against Frederick Tait. The Bench, without retiring, dismissed the charge of murder but committed Tait for trial at the Assizes on a charge of manslaughter

4 September 1927 was 11 miles south of the Lizard when on passage to Vancouver, Canada

23 September 1927 sailed Colon, Panama for Vancouver, Canada

12 October 1927 arrived at Vancouver, Canada

15 October 1927 sailed Eagle Harbour, West Vancouver, Canada for San Pedro

24 October 1927 sailed Los Angeles for the Panama Canal

6 November 1927 sailed Colon, Panama for Havana, Cuba

13 November 1927 sailed Havana, Cuba for Tampico

14 November 1927 the Shields Daily News reported –


14.11.27 Shields Daily News B Beacon


19 November 1927 sailed Tampico for LEFO

12 December 1927 sailed the Hamble for Thameshaven

14 December 1927 at Shell Haven

18 December 1927 arrived at the River Tees

1 January 1928 sailed Hull for New York

3 January 1928 passed Lands End when on passage to New York

6 February 1928 arrived at Curaçao

24 February 1928 passed Land End for Manchester

15 April 1928 passed Niton for Hamburg

5 May 1928 was 49 miles east of Niton when on passage to New Orleans

24 June 1928 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east

30 June 1928 arrived at London

24 July 1928 sailed Cartagena

12 August 1928 arrived at Gibraltar

1 September 1928 sailed from Constantinople for the UK

8 September 1928 passed Gibraltar

13 September 1928 passed Niton

21 September 1928 arrived at Middlesborough

25 September 1928 berthed at Hull

27 September 1928 sailed Hull for New York

17 November 1928 arrived at Buenos Ayres

10 December 1928 sailed from Trinidad

5 April 1929 berthed at Genoa, Italy

7 April 1929 sailed Genoa, Italy for Naples

23 May 1929 passed Dover

1 July 1929 sailed Curaçao to Shell Haven with Captain Ernest E Anderson as Master with two DBS passengers



Captain Ernest E Anderson


13 August 1929 arrived Buenos Ayres

16 August 1929 sailed Buenos Ayres for Curaçao

17 October 1929 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east

26 October 1929 at anchor at Spithead

17 November 1929 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

7 December 1929 at Curaçao

27 December 1929 berthed at Stanlow

25 January 1930 sailed Liverpool for Curaçao

4 April 1930 sailed from Gibraltar for Curaçao

19 April 1930 arrived at Curaçao

21 April 1930 sailed Curaçao

11 May 1930 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west

23 June 1930 passed Beachy Head while on passage to Devonport

24 June 1930 arrived at Devonport

12 July 1930 sailed Curaçao

27 July 1930 reported she was 150 miles SSW of Valencia

2 August 1930 sailed Plymouth for Abadan

3 August 1930 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west

21 September 1930 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east

24 September 1930 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

1 November 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

3 November 1930 radioed she was 85 miles east of Lands End when on passage to Port Said

30 November 1930 sailed Abadan for Devonport

8 December 1930 passed Perim while on passage to Devonport

27 December 1930 arrived at Devonport from Abadan

1 April 1931 at Plymouth

16 April 1931 radioed she was 35 miles east of Lands End when on passage to Trinidad

3 May 1931 sailed from Trinidad

18 May 1931 radioed she was 70 miles south of Lands End

23 May 1931 berthed at King George Wharf, Dundee as the first ocean going tanker to arrive at the port with 4,600 tons cargo of crude oil she had loaded at Trinidad. She had already discharged 5,000 tons of her cargo at Rosyth

25 May 1931 the Dundee Courier & Advertiser published –


British Beacon at Dundee


27 May 1931 sailed Dundee for Paraguana, Venezuela

1 June 1931 was 406 nmiles west of Valentia when on passage to Paraguana, Venezuela

21 June 1931 sailed from Trinidad

1 August 1931 Forty eight miles south east of Lands End when on passage to Abadan

13 August 1931 arrived Port Said

14 August 1931 sailed from Suez

18 August 1931 passed Perim for Abadan

26 August 1931 arrived at Abadan

27 August 1931 sailed from Abadan for Singapore

16 September 1931 sailed from Singapore for Rangoon

31 October 1931 passed Perim

8 November 1931 sailed from Port Said for Devonport

19 November 1931 passed Gibraltar sailing west

27 December 1931 sailed from Suez

2 January 1932 passed Perim for Abadan

24 January 1932 passed Perim for Malta

25 February 1932 sailed Port Said for Abadan

3 March 1932 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan

25 April 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

12 July 1932 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

28 July 1932 sailed Suez for Abadan

3 August 1932 passed Perim for Abadan

12 September 1932 berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

22 September 1932 sailed from Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa for Abadan

19 November 1932  berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

9 December 1932 sailed Simonstown, South Africa for Abadan

11 January 1933 sailed from Abadan

22 January 1933 passed Perim when on passage for the Suez Canal

30 January 1933 sailed Port Said for Gibraltar

25 February 1933 sailed from Suez for Abadan

16 March 1933 sailed Abadan for Swansea

1 April 1933 sailed from Port Said

21 April 1933 at Chatham

3 June 1933 sailed from Fawley for Abadan

11 July 1933 sailed Port Said for Devonport

29 July 1933 at Falmouth

19 August 1933 sailed from Point a Pierre, Trinidad for Sheerness

25 September 1933 passed Gibraltar for Abadan

21 October 1933 sailed Abadan for Portsmouth

4 November 1933 sailed Port Said

12 November 1933 passed Gibraltar sailing west

17 November 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

20 November 1933 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

24 November 1933 passed Gibraltar when on passage to Constanza

2 December 1933 at Constanza 

16 December 1933 sailed Suez for Abadan

19 February 1934 passed Perim for LEFO

26 February 1934 arrived at Suez and transitting the Suez Canal  and sailed Port Said the same date

6 March 1934 passed Gibraltar

18 March 1934 arrived River Tyne from Grangemouth

22 March 1934 berthed at Smith’s Dock, North Shields for general repairs

23 March 1934 at the Shipping Office, North Shields engaged 26 crew

25 March 1934 sailed the River Tyne for Immingham

11 May 1934 sailed Port Said for Abadan

16 May 1934 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan

25 May 1934 sailed Abadan for Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

15 June 1934  berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

4 July 1934 sailed Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa for Abadan

25 July 1934 sailed Abadan for Portsmouth

10 August 1934 sailed Port Said for Portsmouth

21 August 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

23 August 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

24 August 1934 reported by radio she was 105 miles south of Lands End while on passage to Aruba

11 September 1934 sailed from Aruba

26 September 1934 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound

4 October 1934 at Port Said

14 October 1934 passed Perim for Abadan

21 October 1934 berthed at Abadan

14 November 1934 passed Gibraltar

20 November 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

22 November 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

15 December 1934 passed Perim

26 December 1934 sailed Abadan

8 January 1935 arrived at Suez from Abadan

9 January 1935 sailed Port Said for Devonport

23 January 1935 arrived at Plymouth from Abadan

29 January 1935 sailed Plymouth for Falmouth arriving the same day

7 May 1935 sailed Colon, Panama for Port de Bouc

28 May 1935 at Port de Bouc

7 June 1935 passed Gibraltar for Cumarebo

22 July 1935 sailed from Port Said

23 July 1935 sailed from Suez for Abadan

24 August 1935 at Singapore

1 October 1935 at Port Said

1 November 1935 at Port Said

23 April 1936 arrived at Plymouth from Falmouth

29 Aoril 1936 sailed from Plymouth for Bermuda

5 June 1936 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

8 June 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

9 July 1935 passed Gibraltar 

16 July 1935 sailed Pt De Bouc

7 August 1935 sailed from Abadan

21 March 1936 sailed from Port Said for Haifa

7 September 1936 berthed at Gibraltar from Abadan and Port Said to discharge

11 November 1936 at Sunderland in refit at T W Greenwell & Co’s quay as BRITISH BEACON

28 November 1936 passed Aden when on passage to Abadan

9 January 1937 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on Beachy Head when on passage to Rosyth

11 January 1937 Mr John Atchison RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

12 January 1937 transferred to Admiralty management and manning as an RFA and renamed OLCADES at Rosyth


Dundee Courier 15 Jan 1937

Press report from the Dundee Courier of 15 January 1937


21 February 1937 to 26 February 1937 berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

11 March 1937 berthed at Gibraltar from Abadan and Port Said to discharge

1 June 1937 Captain Cyril F Cunningham RFA appointed as Master

November 1937 partly fitted for defensive armament by Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co at Bombay

21 February 1938 berthed at Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

26 February 1938 sailed Simonstown Dockyard, South Africa

11 April 1938 to 18 April 1938 towed the gate vessel HMS SANDGATE from Singapore to Trincomalee

7 July 1938 berthed at Singapore

27 October 1938 arrived at the River Tyne and berthed at Wallsend Slipway paying her entire crew off at the North Shields Shipping Office

28 October 1938 Mr G A Calvert RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

7 November 1938 Captain Richard H P Meyhew RFA appointed as Master

17 November 1938 defensive armament completed and gun trials carried out

18 November 1938 at the North Shields Shipping Office signed on a fresh crew

19 November 1938 sailed the River Tyne for Sheerness

2 April 1939 at Gibraltar

10 July 1939 Mr Charles J Falconer RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

25 July 1939 sailed from Abadan

3 September 1939 at Portsmouth on the outbreak of WW2

29 December 1939 slightly damaged while fuelling the carrier HMS EAGLE at Mahe in the Seychelles





30 December 1939 sustained damage when fuelling the armed merchant cruiser HMS CATHAY in the Seychelles. Repairs were carried out at Colombo the following  month

24 May 1940 grounded on an uncharted rock in Trincomalee Harbour – slight damage

1 December 1940 docked in the dry dock at Durban

3 December 1940 undocked from the dry dock at Durban

24 February 1941 damaged when going alongside the cruiser HMS GLASGOW

25 February 1941 off Port Louis, Mauritius with HMAS AUSTRALIA alongside being refuelled

7 March 1941 refuelled HMS LEANDER and HMAS CANBERRA both alongside while at anchor at Port Louis, Mauritius. HMS LEANDER received 1,084 tons of FFO and HMAS CANBERRA 1,835 tons of FFO



1 April 1941 at Port Louis, Mauritius with HMAS CANBERRA alongside being refuelled – issued 810 tons of FFO

canberra at sea 1



8 November 1941 at Durban Fireman’s Cook Kurok Khan discharged dead – suicide by hanging in a police cell ashore

29 November 1941 docked in the dry dock at Durban

4 December 1941 undocked from the dry dock at Durban

18 December 1941 berthed at Capetown, South Africa

23 December 1941 sailed Capetown for Port Louis, Mauritius – speed of advance 9½ knots

4 January 1942 arrived at Mauritius from the Cape under escort of Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS HECTOR to serve as the station oiler

31 January 1942 at Mauritius

31 March 1942 at Mauritius

11 May 1942 Captain William W Peddle RFA appointed as Master



Captain William W Peddle RFA


29 August 1942 at Mahebourg, Mauritius Oilman Hoossein Kadir discharged dead – natural causes

22 December 1942 damaged by the South African Railways Administration tug T.H. WATERMEYER at Cape Town


T H Watermeyer

© Caledonian Maritime Research Trust acknowledged

28 January 1943 Mr Eric S Fielder RFA appointed as Temporary Chief Engineer Officer

1942 to 1943 crankshaft trouble after survey reduced her to a fuelling hulk at Bombay. Her Chief Engineer, ship’s engineers and two fitters from Mazagan Dock Co repaired the defect, involving handling  weights of 20 tons under tropical conditions and she re-entered full service on completion

27 April 1943 after a refit was allocated as the Base Oiler at Bombay

9 November 1943 at Bombay with HMAS CESSNOCK alongside being refueled





26 January 1944 at Bombay with HMAS CESSNOCK alongside being refueled

3 February, 1944 at Bombay with HMAS BATHURST alongside being refueled

18 February 1944 Mr Thomas H Purvis RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

29 February 1944 at Bombay with HMAS CESSNOCK alongside being refueled

4 March 1944 at Bombay with HMAS BATHURST alongside being refueled

13 July 1944 damaged whilst alongside and fuelling the carrier HMS VICTORIOUS

5 September 1944 at Bombay Anchorage with HMAS GAWLER alongside being refueled

14 August 1945 at Salisbury Island, Durban used as a test load for Admiralty Floating Dock AFD31 which had been completed in a sand berth in Durban Harbour. The load test was carried out at the floating dock berth at the new Naval Base at Salisbury Island

18 October 1945 entered dry dock at Durban

19 November 1945 undocked from the dry dock at Durban

1946 replaced RFA RUTHENIA as jetty and pumping station at Woodlands Naval Tank Storage facility at Singapore until the fuel lines ashore were restored and a new jetty  was built in 1952

1952 after a serious fire at Singapore, was sold to BISCO for demolition

29 October 1952 sailed Singapore in tow of the British tug ENGLISHMAN

Englishman 02

British tug ENGLISHMAN


23 December 1952 the tug radioed that her tow had broken loose 80 nmiles west of Crete at 34°.45N 21°.00E. This was reported in the Coventry Evening Telegraph this day …


23 12 1952 Cov Evening Telegraph Olcades


15 January 1953 when at 36°.38N 08°.33½W, she broke adrift and caught fire. After the fire had been extinguished, the tow was reconnected and the tug and it’s tow headed for Lisbon

31 January 1953 again broke adrift during a gale at 54°.00N 00°.20W

1 February 1953 ran aground at Barton Gap in Norfolk

 OLCADES aground


2 February 1953 was located by the tug ENGLISHMAN and reported as no longer being a danger to navigation.

15 February 1953 was refloated by the tug ENGLISHMAN assisted by the tug TRADESMAN and continued in tow to Blyth

19 February 1953 arrived at Blyth for breaking up by Hughes Bolckow Shipbreaking Co Ltd.