RFA Scotol



RFA Scotol



Subsequent name:                  Hemsley 1                                                              
Official Number:                      139161 

Class:                                      SECOND 1000 t CREOSOL CLASS Harbour Oiler

Pennant No:                            X 49  / X61 / A161

Laid down:
Builder:                                    Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co,  Howden
Launched:                                23 June 1916 
Into Service:                             November 1916
Out of service:                          August 1947 sold out of Service 
Fate:                                         Ran aground and wrecked


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  On the outbreak of WW1, the Admiralty embarked on a further programme of tanker construction for the newly-formed RFA Service. Eventually there were eighteen ships in this Class, twelve of which were named after trees with the OL suffix, while the remainder had names connected with the oil industry also with the OL suffix. Four of the Class were diesel engined and were sold after the Armistice but the rest, being triple expansion steamers, had long and successful lives

10 February 1916 Engineer Lieutenant James Paton RNR appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


James Paton OBE

Engineer Lieutenant James Paton RNR


23 June 1916 launched by Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co Ltd., Willington Quay as Yard Nr: 205 named SCOTOL

1 July 1916 Lieutenant Francis M Church RNR appointed in command


Francis Frederick Marryat Church

Lieutenant Francis M Church RNR


28 October 1916 registered in Admiralty ownership

10 November 1916 completed  at a cost of £63,967. Served as Port Oiler at Dover then at Portland for many years

2 March 1917 Lieutenant John Weir RNR appointed in command

6 July 1917 Lieutenant George B Williams RNR appointed in command

6 September 1917 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her


HMS Galatea 1914



12 September 1917 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her

1 October 1917 anchored at Bo’ness Roads

6 October 1917 sailed Rosyth to Aberdeen arrived the next day

8 October 1917 sailed Aberdeen, joined a south bound convoy arriving at Rosyth on 10 October 1917

10 October 1917 at Rosyth RFA FEROL alongside

11October 1917 sailed to Port Edgar to discharge 1047 tons of FFO

12 October 1917 Fireman W Harris sentenced to 14 days cell with 10 days pay stopped for desertion

15 October 1917 at Bo’ness Roads alongside HMS INCONSTANT refuelling her with 106 tons of FFO


Inconstant 02



16 October 1917 at Bo’ness Roads alongside HMS URCHIN refuelling her with 84 tons of FFO

17 October 1917 at Bo’ness Roads alongside RFA MOILER and received 20 tons of water

18 October 1917 anchored off Burntisland then sailed to and berthed at Imperial Dock, Leith

24 October 1917 Lieutenant George B Williams RNR appeared before a court martial charge with (a) being found drunk on board and (b) being found drunk on board. First charge was adjudged to be proved. The second charge was adjudged to be not proved and he was sentenced to be severely reprimanded and to be dismissed his ship

11 November 1917 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her

19 November 1917 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her

2 December 1917 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her

20 March 1918 Ordinary Seaman J Brien logged as deserting the ship

1 June 1918 Lieutenant William Distant RNR appointed in command

27 August 1918 the Police Gazette of this day listed among those who were wanted for Deserting or being Absentees from H M Services – Leading Stoker Hugh Murray of the ship

12 October 1918 at Rosyth alongside HMS GALATEA refuelling her

12 November 1918 the Police Gazette of this day listed among those who were wanted for Deserting or being Absentees from H M Services – Able Seaman A McDonald MMR of the ship

29 November 1918 at Rosyth alongside HMS CASTOR refuelling her. RFA MOILER was alongside at the same time supply water


HMS Castor



21 March 1919 at Rosyth with HMS VINDICTIVE alongside being refuelled with 990 tons of FFO





22 March 1919 arrived at Burntisland from sea for repairs

2 July 1919 at Rosyth with HMS VINDICTIVE alongside being refuelled with 85 tons of FFO





21 October 1919 Stoker Denis P McCarthy MMR 1012550 logged as deserting the ship. He had signed on on 12 September 1919

28 October 1919 sailed Liverpool

9 November 1919 Stoker H Sergeant MMR 1007107 logged as deserting the ship. He had signed on on the 30 July 1919

18 February 1920 berthed at Avonmouth from Liverpool to load cargo

20 February 1920 sailed Avonmouth to Liverpool

5 April 1920 arrived at Avonmouth sailing later the same day for Liverpool

11 August 1920 berthed at Avonmouth to load cargo from Liverpool sailing again after loading for the River Clyde

1 January 1921 berthed at Avonmouth

18 January 1921 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth in ballast

18 February 1921 Captain Harry Y Third RFA appointed as Master


Captain Harry Y Third

Captain Harry Y Third RFA


30 March 1921 berthed at Avonmouth from Liverpool to load cargo

1 April 1921 sailed from Avonmouth

3 May 1921 berthed at Avonmouth to load cargo sailing the next day for Liverpool

7 June 1921 at Liverpool when undocking struck Hopper No: 13 which sustained damage to her rudder. She went onto colliding with the British steamer Anselma de Larrinaga which also sustained damge to her rudder. Further collisions occured with Barge No:6 and motor vessel Calimere. Damage to these two, if any, was unascertained. Damage to RFA SCOTOL was very slight

7 July 1921 berthed at Avonmouth from Barrow

8 July 1921 sailed Avonmouth for Cardiff

11 September 1921 Mr Frederick L Angus DSM RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


Frederick L Angus2

Chief Engineer Officer Frederick L Angus DSM RFA


22 April 1922 berthed at Avonmouth from Liverpool

17 October 1922 Chief Officer Cecil R Rosen RFA appointed as Acting Master 


1 Cecil R Rosen

Chief Officer Cecil R Rosen RFA


28 January 1923 at Belfast 2nd Officer William R Sutton discharged dead from natural causes

15 April 1923 sailed from Liverpool for Glasgow

22 November 1923 Captain Frederick Stanley Browne RFA appointed as Master

10 October 1924 Mr Charles J Falconer RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Charles J Falconer

Acting Chief Engineer Officer Charles J Falconer RFA


8 December 1924 arrrived Plymouth from the River Clyde

10 December 1924 sailed Plymouth for Pembroke Dock

14 December 1924 berthed at Plymouth from Pembroke Dock

16 December 1924 sailed Plymouth for Milford Haven

16 January 1925 Mr John  A  Mackintosh RFA appointed as acting Chief Engineer Officer

1 November 1925 Captain Reginald J Harland RFA appointed as Master

29 December 1925 Chief Officer David A Gibbins RFA appointed as acting Master


Captain David A Gibbins

Chief Officer David Archbold Gibbins RFA


1 June 1926 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

2 June 1926 on No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Dockyard

4 June 1926 in No: 13 dry dock together with NAV UPNOR at Portsmouth Harbour

19 June 1926 berthed in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

23 June 1926 berthed in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 June 1926 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

1 January 1927 Captainr David A Gibbins RFA appointed as Master

20 January 1927 Mr Frederick E Langer RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Frederick LANGER

Chief Engineer Officer Frederick E Langer RFA


14 February 1927 involved in the salvage of ss Beechwood by which the crew later received salvage money varying between £10 8sh 4d and £2 1sh 9d  – see London Gazette 2 August 1927 page 4996

25 April 1927 Captain Robert T Gallon RFA appointed as Master

12 July 1927 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

13 July 1927 berthed on the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty together with RFA EBONOL (1)

30 July 1927 in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12

3 August 1927 in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12 together with RFA C65

6 August 1927 in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12 together with RFA C65

8 August 1927 in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12 together with RFA C65 – also the Times newspaper reported … 


RFA Scotol Salvage money 8 8 27


12 August 1927  in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12 together with RFA NORA

19 August 1927 in Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock 12 together with RFA NORA

26 August 1927 sailed Portsmouth Harbour to Stokes Bay

17 February 1928 Mr Thomas W Robinson RFA appointed as Temporary Acting Chief Engineer Officer

24 February 1928 arrived at Plymouth from Portland

8 May 1928 sailed Portsmouth Harbour

7 December 1928 Mr Percy E C Ogden RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

2 February 1929 sailed Portland to Portsmouth arriving the same day

6 February 1929 sailed Portsmouth to Portland arriving the same day

11 March 1929 Captain William Whiteley RFA appointed as Master


Capt William Whiteley

Captain William Whiteley RFA


29 April 1929 Mr William W Ridgway RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

29 June 1929 Chief Officer Harry M Sinclair RFA took command as Acting Master

1 July 1929 sailed Portland to Portsmouth arriving the same day

2 July 1929 made fast to No: 6 Buoy in Portsmouth Dockyard

4 July 1929 sailed Portsmouth to Portland arriving the same day

19 July 1929 arrived the River Wear

20 July 1929 sailed the River Wear to Grangemouth

22 July 1929 Captain John W Pegden RFA appointed as Master and Mr George S G Russell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

14 August 1929 sailed Portland to Portsmouth arriving the same day

16 August 1929 sailed Portsmouth to Sheerness arriving the next day

25 September 1929 Mr William A Payne RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

9 October 1929 sailed Sheerness to Portland arriving the next day

7 December 1929 Captain Alfred L Jones RFA appointed as Master

17 December 1929 Mr Andrew C Fraser RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

18 December 1929 sailed Portland to Portsmouth arriving the same day

20 December 1929 sailed Portsmouth to Portland arriving the same day

22 January 1930 Captain Robert T Duthie RFA the ships Master based at Portland elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society

Captain Robert Duthie

Captain Robert T Duthie FRGS FRAS RFA


Scotol Duthie


19 April 1930 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA’s KIMMEROL and PRESTOL

27 April 1930 entered Portsmouth Harbour

28 April 1930 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

29 April 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

17 October 1930 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

18 October 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

10 November 1930 Captain Donald R McCutchan RFA appointed as Master and Mr Charles M Morgan RFA appointed as acting Chief Engineer Officer



Captain Donald R McCutchan RFA


13 February 1931 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

16 February 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

18 March 1931 Mr Charles J Falconer RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

13 June 1931 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

16 June 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

22 August 1931 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

25 August 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

31 October 1931 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

3 November 1931 Captain James D Ashworth RFA appointed as Master


Capt J D Ashworth

Captain James D Ashworth RFA


25 November 1931 in Dry Dock 12 at Portsmouth Harbour

9 December 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

9 March 1932 Mr George S G Russell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Chief Engineer Officer George S G Russell RFA


18 June 1932 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east

1 October 1932 Mr J A Macintosh RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

21 November 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour sailing again the same day

24 November 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

7 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

8 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

9 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

12 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

14 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

16 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

22 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

23 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

24 December 1932 in No: 7 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

31 December 1932 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

2 January 1933 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

5 January 1933 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth alongwith RFA ELMOL

6 January 1933 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth alongwith RFA ELMOL

7 January 1933 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth alongwith RFA ELMOL and RFA KIMMEROL

10 January 1933 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth alongwith RFA ELMOL and RFA KIMMEROL

11 January 1933 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

9 February 1933 Mr William S Ritchie RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

5 March 1933 Captain J D Ashworth RFA appointed as Master

13 March 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour and sailed to sea later in the same day

23 June 1933 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east

11 July 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

13 July 1933 sailed from the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

3 October 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

18 October 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

21 October 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA KIMMEROL

1 November 1933 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

4 December 1933 Mr Albert Nicholls RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Chief Engineer Officer Albert Nicholls RFA


6 January 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

26 January 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

4 April 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

5 April 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

29 May 1934 Captain Frank J Delamotte RFA appointed as Master

9 June 1934 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west

26 June 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

27 June 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

7 September 1934 Mr Alexander B McIntyre RFA (Engineer Lieut. Commander RNR) appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


Alex Bain McIntyre photo

Chief Engineer Officer Alexander B McIntyre RFA


29 October 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

30 October 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

16 November 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

7 January 1935 Mr Thomas A Reay RD RFA (Engineer Lieutenant Commander RNR (Rtd))  was Chief Engineer Officer



Chief Engineer Officer Thomas A REAY RD RFA


29 January 1935 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

21 March 1935 Captain John Ross Gorrie RFA appointed as Master and Mr J B Russell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Captain John Ross Gorrie RFA 


30 April 1935 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

1 May 1935 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

14 August 1935 Mr Harold Ringshaw RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Harold Ringshaw

Chief Engineer Officer Harold Ringshaw RFA


29 September 1935 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

30 September 1935 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

18 November 1935 Captain Cyril F Cunningham RFA appointed as Master

3 January 1936 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

4 January 1936 Mr Allan D Harris RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

6 January 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

20 January 1936 Mr Albert S Own RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

27 March 1936 Captain Richard D Scanlon RFA (Lieutenant Commander RN (Retd)) appointed as Master

16 April 1936 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

17 April 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

27 July 1936 Captain Benjamin Ellis RFA appointed as Master

2 September 1936 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

3 September 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

19 November 1936 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

20 November 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

15 January 1937 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

26 January 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

2 February 1937 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

6 January 1937 Mr Frederick W Howell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

4 March 1937 Mr J H Dawe RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

7 April 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

19 May 1937 Captain Alfred L Jones RFA appointed as Master

26 May 1937 Captain Walter C T Barnes RFA appointed as Master


Walter Charles Thomas Barnes

Captain Walter C T Barnes RFA


21 October 1937 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

22 October 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

2 December 1937 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

3 December 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

1 February 1938 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

9 May 1938 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

10 May 1938 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

8 August 1938 Mr Percy E C Ogden RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

17 September 1938 Captain A Edwards RFA appointed as Master

25 September 1938 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour and returned to sea the next day

7 February 1939 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour and returned to sea the next day

9 February 1939 passed the Lloyds Signal STation on St Catherines Head sailing west bound

20 February 1939 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

18 April 1939 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

15 May 1939 Captain Charles F Smith RFA appointed as Acting Master until 1 June 1939


Captain Charles F Smith

Captain Charles F Smith RFA


19 June 1939 Captain Samuel Thomas RFA appointed as Temporary Master

12 July 1939 Mr James Wade-Thomas RFA (Engineer Lieutenant Commander RNR (ret)) appointed as Temporary Chief Engineer Officer until 12 August 1939


James Wade Thomas No 2

Temporary Chief Engineer Officer James Wade-Thomas RFA
courtesy Jim Williams

26 July 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK refuelling her

28 July 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK refuelling her

28 August 1939 Captain William E Rousell RFA appointed as Master



Captain William E Rousell RFA


12 September 1939 Mr James E Hawthorn RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


 Image of CEO James HAWTHORN

Chief Engineer Officer James E Hawthorn RFA


3 September 1939 at Portland on the outbreak of WW2

26 March 1940 Mr Arthur L Barr RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

3 May 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

6 May 1940 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

29 May 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

30 May 1940 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

8 August 1940 Chief Officer Howard D Gausden RFA appointed as Temporary Master

6 September 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

8 September 1940 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

27 September 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

28 September 1940 Mr Harry Marshall RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer and sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

3 October 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

4 October 1940 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

12 October 1940 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

13 October 1940 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

26 October 1940 Captain Nathan Colbridge RFA appointed as Master


Captain Nathan Colbridge

Captain Nathan Colbridge RFA


7 August 1941 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

8 August 1941 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

4 October 1941 sailed Dartmouth independently to Falmouth and then Milford Haven arriving 6 October 1941

9 October 1941 in collision with RFA WAR HINDOO

12 October 1941 sailed Milford Haven independently to Oban via Belfast Lough arriving 16 October 1941

17 October 1941 sailed Oban in unescorted convoy WN194 arriving Methil on 19 October 1941

21 January 1942 at Lochalsh Able Seaman Kenneth MacDonald discharged dead – accidental drowning

10 April 1942 Mr James Hall RFA appointed Acting Chief Engineer Officer

8 May 1942 Captain Sidney P Sice RFA appointed as Master

10 June 1942 at Lochalsh

18 August 1942 Mr Harry G May RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

17 November 1942 under repair on the Clyde – repairs completed 19 November 1942

8 December 1942 at Glasgow

18 January 1943 Mr R B Burgh RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

8 March 1943 Captain Richard H P Mayhew RFA appointed as Master

28 March 1943 Captain Ernest V Blyth RFA appointed as Master


Captain Ernest V Blyth

Captain Ernest V Blyth RFA


13 May 1943 Captain Edward E A Le Sage RFA appointed as Master

25 October 1943 Captain Stanley M Woodward RFA appointed as Master

16 December 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA oiling her

20 December 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA oiling her

30 December 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA oiling her

2 January 1944 Captain J H Phillips RFA appointed as Master

5 January 1944 Mr R W Cook RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

7 January 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA oiling her

18 January 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA oiling her

18 April 1944 sailed Weymouth Bay

20 April 1944 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

21 April 1944 sailed Portsmouth Harbour

23 April 1944 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

24 April 1944 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

25 April 1944 berthed at Portmouth Harbour

27 April 1944 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour returning to her berth the next day

8 August 1944 Mr Walter McKee RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

20 November 1944 Mr F A Essam RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

28 December 1944 involved in a collision with a trawler in which she was holed in the area of the port anchor

16 March 1945 sailed Cardiff

22 March 1945 sailed the UK in escorted convoy OMS118/KMS92 to Gibraltar reportedly on passage to Colombo, Ceylon

1 April 1945 arrived at Gibraltar

11 October 1945 disarmed

13 March 1946 Captain Alfred M Uglow RFA appointed as Master


1 Capt Alfred Uglow

Captain Alfred M Uglow RFA – image taken in 1920 when as a Deck Apprentice


27 January 1947 in collision with RFA OLCADES

17 May 1947 sailed Gibraltar

23 May 1947 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

15 July 1947 transferred to the MoT for disposal

18 July 1947 the Hampshire Telegraph reported –


Scotol 18 7 47 Damaged Hants Tele


16 November 1947 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on Flamorough Head sailing north bound

25 November 1947 arrived at the River Tyne from Grangemouth and berthed on the Jarrow Oil Wharf

6 December 1947 arrived at the River Tyne from Grangemouth and berthed on the Jarrow Oil Wharf

17 December 1947 arrived at Hartlepool from Grangemouth

18 December 1947 arrived the River Tyne from Hartlepool and berthed on the South Shields Oil Wharf

19 December 1947 the Sunderland Daily Echo & Shipping Gazette reported –


Scotol collision 19 12 47 River Wear

Scotol collision 19 12 47 River Wear part 2


28 December 1947 sailed the River Wear

29 December 1947 arrived at the River Tyne sailing the same day

31 December 1947 arrived at Gravesend

11 February 1948 sailed the River Tyne for Grangemouth

21 April 1948 purchased by Hemsley Bell Ltd (H.L.R. Bell, Managers) Southampton. Arrived at the River Tyne from Grangemouth berthing at the Jarrow Oil Wharf


HEMLEY 1 ex RFA Scotol

RFA Scotol after RFA service as the ss Hemsley I


22 April 1948 sailed from the River Tyne for Grangemouth 

27 April 1948 arrived at the River Wear

3 May 1948 arrived at Hartlepool from Grangemouth

5 May 1948 sailed Hartlepool for Grangemouth

11 May 1948 sailed the River Wear for Hartlepool

12 May 1948 arrived at Hartlepool 

13 May 1948 sailed River Tees

30 May 1948 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on Flamborough Head sailing north bound

21 June 1948 renamed HEMSLEY 1 by her owners and was employed running between the Mersey and Heysham and as a bunkering vessel at London and Southampton

2 July 1948 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west

1 March 1949 arrived at Avonmouth from Cardiff in ballast

16 October 1949 sailed Bristol City Docks

21 July 1950 berthed at Saltend, Hull

1 November 1950 sailed Grangemouth in ballast

6 November 1950 berthed at Grangemouth from Aberdeen

12 May 1969 ran aground and wrecked off Porthcothan, 6 nautical miles S. Padstow. The tug TITAN arrived and attempted to tow her off but without success


SCOTOL aground


15 May 1969 Lloyds List reported that hopes of salvage were fading. Salvage was abandoned and she was broken up in situ