Operation Stacey was the code name for a Royal Navy force (Force 62) to carry out photographic reconnaissance of Penang and the Kra Isthmus between latitudes 7 degrees North and 10 degrees North, and Northern Sumatra in February and March 1945
Force 62 was under the command of Vice Admiral Commanding Third Battle Squadron (Vice Admiral H.T.C. Walker, CB), and consisted of HMS EMPRESS (Flag) with 854 Avenger Squadron and 888 Hellcat P.R. Squadron, HMS AMEER with 804 Hellcat Squadron, HMS’s KENYA, VOLAGE, VIRAGO, VIGILANT, SPEY, PLYM, and SWALE and which all sailed from Trincomalee, Ceylon on 22 February 1945. Photographic reconnaissance of the Kra Isthmus and Penang was carried out successfully between 26th and 28th February. Three enemy aircraft were shot down by our fighters without loss.
In addition Force 61 – RFA. ECHODALE and MFA TRENT – sailed from Trincomalee on 26th February 1945 to rendezvous with Force 62. They rendezvous on 2nd March refuelled the RN ships and they continue the operation.