RFA War Losses

RFA Protected War Grave sites

RFA Protected War Grave sites The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 is a UK Act of Parliament which provides protection for the wreckage of military aircraft and designated military vessels. The Act provides for two types of protection: protected…
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RFA War Losses

RFA Ships lost or damaged through warfare Ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have served with distinction in all theatres of naval warfare in which the Royal Navy has been involved from the Services creation at the start of the 20th…
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RFA Protected War Grave sites

RFA Protected War Grave sites The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 is a UK Act of Parliament which provides protection for the wreckage of military aircraft and designated military…
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RFA War Losses

RFA Ships lost or damaged through warfare Ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have served with distinction in all theatres of naval warfare in which the Royal Navy has been involved…
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