Requisitioned Auxiliary – Cydonia




Official Number:                      127107 

Laid down:

Builder:                                   Wm Dobson & Co, Walker on Tyne

Launched:                               24 February 1910

Into Service:                            29 September 1914

Out of service:                         27 September 1916

Fate:                                      Wrecked on 27 September 1916 


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA


Career Data:

24 February 1910 launched by Wm Dobsob & Co, Walker on Tyne as Yard Nr: 165 named Cydonia for Stag Line Ltd., (Joseph Robinson & Sons, Managers) North Shields

8 March 1910 the Lloyds List newspaper reported …


8 3 1910 Lloyds List Cydonia


April 1910 completed at a cost of £30,226

19 June 1911 sailed Sulina for Leith

30 January 1913 sailed Suez for Kurrachee

19 February 1913 sailed Kurrachee for Dunkirk

3 May 1913 arrived at Port Said while on passage from Barry to Aden

29 September 1914 requisitioned for Admiralty service as a collier

6 February 1915 and 7 February 1915 at Loch Ewe alongside HMS COLUMBELLA supplying her with bunker coal

8 February 1915 at Loch Ewe cast off from HMS COLUMBELLA

14 April 1915 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS DONEGAL. Supplied 640 tons of bunker coal

10 September 1915 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS DONEGAL. Supplied 560 tons of bunker coal

27 September 1916 wrecked on Castle Rocks, Holy Island while on passage from Burntisland to Brest with a cargo of coal. There were no casualties