RFA Petronel


RFA Petronel


Subsequent name:              Pass of Glencoe   Athelglen   Molaglen    

Official Number:                  142453                                                                   

Class:                                  PET CLASS Spirit Carrier

Pennant No:                        X79 / X52

Laid down:
Builder:                                Dunlop, Bremner & Co Ltd, Inch Yard, Port Glasgow
Launched:                           27 April 1918 
Into Service:                        June 1918
Out of service:                     1947
Fate:                                    Sold


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  The three ships in this Class were completed for the Admiralty in 1918 and all three spent most of their lives in U.K. waters and did a certain amount of charter work too. The first two were straight Spirit Carriers while the third one spent most of her life as a Water Boat for the Atlantic Fleet and accompanied them on cruises


1 March 1918 Engineer Lieutenant Watkin Maybray RNR appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

27 April 1918 launched by Dunlop, Bremner & Co Ltd, Inch Yard, Port Glasgow as Yard Nr: 318 named PETRONEL

20 May 1918 Lieutenant William E Rousell RNR appointed in Command



Lieutenant William E Rousell RNR


June 1918 completed at a cost of £48,146

12 June 1918 at London registered as PETRONEL under reference 226/18 in the Register

17 December 1918 at Devonport alongside RFA PALMOL being refuelled with 40 tons of FFO

29 April 1919 to 29 July 1919 supported the UK and American minesweepers engaged in clearing the 50,000 mines laid over an area of 6,000 square miles in the North Sea between Scotland and Norway in the Northern Barrage in an attempt to prevent the egress of German submarines during WW1 assisted by RFA‘s ASPENLEAF, CRENELLA and HICKOROL

15 December 1919 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour from sea

20 January 1920 sailed Portsmouth Harbour


Model RFA Petronel

Model of RFA Petronel made in 1920 by Hugh Macmillan
© IWM (MOD 429)


9 March 1920 Captain Stanley B Spillett RFA appointed as Master

17 March 1920 Mr J B Russell RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

6 April 1920 Captain Charles H Noel RFA appointed as Master



Captain Charles H Noel RFA


22 July 1920 arrived at Torbay

11 December 1920 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

13 December 1920 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

 6 July 1921 at Weymouth Bay alongside HMS WARSPITE supplying 62 tons of water





8 July 1921 at Portland alongside HMS BARHAM supplying 95 tons of water


HMS Barham 



11 July 1921 at Portland alongside HMS WARSPITE supplying 55 tons of water

15 July 1921 at Portland alongside HMS WARSPITE supplying 53 tons of water

19 July 1921 at Weymouth Bay alongside HMS WARSPITE supplying 90 tons of water

30 July 1921 Mr Harry M Scott RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Harry M Scott

Chief Engineer Officer Harry M Scott RFA


5 September 1921 at Invergordon alongside HMS BARHAM supplying 87 tons of water

10 September 1921 at Invergordon alongside HMS BARHAM supplying 60 tons of water

12 September 1921 at Invergordon alongside HMS BARHAM supplying 80 tons of water

17 September 1921 at Invergordon alongside HMS BARHAM supplying 90 tons of water

1 October 1921 Captain J M Edwards RFA appointed as Master

30 October 1921 at Scapa Flow with divers from HMS MALAYA attempting to recover PETRONEL’s anchor

2 December 1922 arrived at Plymouth from Portland

15 February 1923 Chief Officer Eric Parker RFA appointed as Acting Master

19 June 1923 Chief Officer William H Green RFA appointed as Acting Master



Chief Officer William H Green RFA


5 July 1923  2nd Engineer Officer Edward G Allen RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer until 10 December 1923

27 July 1923 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

31 August 1923 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

1 October 1923 at Invergordon alongside HMS REPULSE supplying water


HMS Repulse



26 November 1923 Mr Harry M Scott RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

17 May 1924 Chief Officer Stanley G Kent RFA appointed as Acting Master

24 July 1924 berthed on the TB slip in Portsmouth Harbour

26 July 1924 involved in the George V Fleet Spithead Review

19 August 1924 Mr Charles J Falconer appointed as Temporary Acting Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Charles J Falconer

Temporary Acting Chief Engineer Officer Charles J Falcolner RFA


28 September 1924 Petty Officer Edward Cole discharged dead – death from natural causes.  Buried at Rosskeen Parish Churchyard, near Invergordon, Inverness 




29 September 1924 2nd Engineer Officer  Sydney J M Esson RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

9 December 1924 berthed in No: 3 Basin in Portsmouth Harbour

27 July 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

14 August 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA LIMOL

20 August 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA ELMOL

22 November 1925 2nd Engineer Officer Joseph Ridley RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

5 December 1925 Chief Officer Donald R McCutcheon RFA appointed as Acting Master

12 December 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

17 December 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard


RFA Petronel

RFA Petronel


24 December 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

30 December 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

31 December 1925 berthed in No: 2 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 January 1926 sailed from Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

5 March 1926 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

6 March 1926 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

8 March 1926 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty

10 March 1926 2nd Engineer Officer James E Hawthorn RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

16 March 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA LIMOL

17 March 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA LIMOL

18 March 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA LIMOL

22 March 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

24 March 1926 2nd Engineer Officer Andrew C Fraser RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

6 April 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

15 April 1926 berthed in No 2 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

6 May 1926 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

28 May 1926 Chief Officer J Martin-Smith DSC RFA (Temporary Lieut.Commander RNR (Retd)) appointed as Acting Master

15 June 1926 Chief Officer William H Green RFA appointed as Acting Master

16 July 1926 berthed in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

16 August 1926 berthed in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA MARINER and RFA KIMMEROL

20 August 1926 berthed in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

2 September 1926 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

26 October 1926 was inspected by the Dominion Prime Ministers at Portland Harbour, Dorset together with several cruisers, destroyers and submarines

30 October 1926 off Portland with the Atlantic Fleet engaged in a ‘war’ day

9 November 1926 Mr Frederick E Langer RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

20 November 1926 Chief Officer Donald R McCutcheon RFA appointed as Acting Master

8 December 1926 berthed on the Southern Trot in Portsmouth Harbour

15 December 1926 in dry dock No: 5 at Portsmouth Harbour

30 December 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

31 December 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

1927 took on charge a John Poole of London chronometer ZAA0085 which had been purchased by the Admiralty in February 1858.  It was later issued on charge to RFA ROBERT DUNDAS on 3 July 1940

1 January 1927 berthed on the North Corner Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

3 January 1927 berthed on the North Corner Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

4 January 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

6 January 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

8 January 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

10 January 1927 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

19 January 1927 Mr Thomas M Davidson RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

20 January 1927 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

21 January 1927 berthed at the Promantory, Portsmouth Harbour

10 February 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

11 February 1927 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on the Torpedo Boat Slip

19 February 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

21 February 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

26 February 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

3 March 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

4 March 1927  berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

4 April 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

22 April 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

28 April 1927 Mr E V Blyth RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

25 July 1927 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

30 July 1927 made fast to No: 3 buoy in Portsmouth Harbour

3 August 1927 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 August 1927 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

8 August 1927 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

12 August 1927 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard. RFA RAPIDOL was also berthed in the same Basin at the same time

19 August 1927 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard. RFA RAPIDOL was also berthed in the same Basin at the same time

25 August 1927 berthed on the Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA KIMMEROL

27 August 1927 sailed from Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty in Portsmouth Harbour

22 November 1927 2nd Engineer Officer William S Ritchie RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

3 January 1928 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

11 January 1928 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

24 March 1928 Chief Officer Sidney W King RFA appointed as Acting Master


Capt Sidney King

Chief Officer Sidney W King RFA


26 March 1928 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

27 April 1928 Mr Thomas W Robinson RFA appointed as Temporary Acting Chief Engineer Officer

6 July 1928 Chief Officer A Peters RFA appointed as Acting Master

11 July 1928 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

4 September 1928 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

1 January 1929 berthed in No: 5 dry dock, Portsmouth Harbour

2 January 1929 berthed in No: 5 dry dock, Portsmouth Harbour

7 January 1929 berthed in the Tidal Basin in Portsmouth Dockyard

19 January 1929 made fast to No: 3 buoy in Portsmouth Harbour

22 January 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA PETROLEUM

23 January 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA PETROLEUM

24 January 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with NAV BISON

2 February 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

13 February 1929 Chief Officer Thomas C Robinson RFA appointed as Acting Master

6 March 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

20 March 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA’s KIMMEROL and PEARLEAF (1)

2 April 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

23 April 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 April 1929 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour to Stokes Bay

2 August 1929 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA PRESTOL

9 September 1929 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

28 November 1929 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

110 December 1929 berthed in No 1 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

14 December 1929 berthed in No 1 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

6 January 1930 sailed Portsmouth Harbour

15 January 1930 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

11 February 1930 alongside in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

18 February 1930 in dry dock No: 9 at Portsmouth Dockyard

17 April 1930 Mr Andrew R Parsons RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

24 April 1930 Captain Isaac Evans RFA appointed as Master

25 April 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

25 June 1930 anchored at Spithead

27 June 1930 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA’s KIMMEROL and EBONOL (1)

28 June 1930 berthed on Gosport Oil Fuel Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA’s KIMMEROL and EBONOL (1)

10 July 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

19 July 1930 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

20 August 1930 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

22 August 1930 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

29 August 1930  berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

6 September 1930 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

27 October 1930 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

12 December 1930 in No: 5 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

2 January 1931 berthed alongside in No 1 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

11 March 1931 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

21 March 1931 Mr Charles M Morgan RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

17 April 1931 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

27 April 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

12 August 1931 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour

1 September 1931 berthed alongside in No 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA FORTOL

7 September 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

7 October 1931 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

20 November 1931 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

25 November 1931 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

16 February 1932 Mr Thomas A Reay RFA (Engineer Lieutenant Commander RNR) appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Chief Engineer Officer Thomas A Reay RFA


23 April 1932 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour retruning to her berth later the same day

25 April 1932 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

26 April 1932 made fast to No: 5 buoy together with RFA PRESTOL

14 July 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

6 September 1932 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

6 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

7 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

8 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

9 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

12 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

14 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

16 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin,  Portsmouth Dockyard

22 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

23 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

31 December 1932 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

2 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA BIRCHOL (1)

4 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA BIRCHOL (1)

5 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA BIRCHOL (1)

6 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA BIRCHOL (1)

7 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA BIRCHOL (1)

10 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA BIRCHOL (1)

16 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA  ELMOL

20 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

23 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA  ELMOL

24 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA  ELMOL

26 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA  ELMOL

31 January 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA’s APPLELEAF (1) and ELMOL

2 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with  RFA’s APPLELEAF (1)

3 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

7 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

10 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

14 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

15 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

16 February 1933 berthed in No: 3 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

25 February 1933 in No: 5 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

28 February 1933 in No: 5 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

2 March 1933 in No: 5 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

3 March 1933 in No: 5 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

4 March 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

13 March 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

4 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

6 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

8 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

11 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

20 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

21 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, at Portsmouth Dockyard

24 April 1933 berthed in No: 1 Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 April 1933 made fast to No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

2 May 1933 made fast to No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

3 May 1933 made fast to No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

5 May 1933 made fast to No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

6 May 1933 made fast to No: 5 Buoy, Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA PRESTOL

8 May 1933 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

24 May 1933 in No: 12 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

31 May 1933  in No: 12 dry dock at Portsmouth Dockyard

13 June 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on No: 5 buoy with RFA’s ELMOL and KIMMEROL

24 June 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

26 June 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

4 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

5 July 1933  in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

7 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

11 July 1933  in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

13 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

14 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

18 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

19 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

21 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

24 July 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

5 September 1933 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

11 November 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

15 December 1933 in No: 3 basin at Portsmouth Dockyard

4 May 1934 Captain Robert  R Ferguson RFA appointed as Master


Captain Robert R Ferguson

Captain Robert R Ferguson RFA


8 May 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

11 July 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

18 July 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

17 August 1934 Mr Arthur L Barr RFA appointed as Temporary Acting Chief Engineer Officer

6 September 1934 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

14 November 1934 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

8 April 1935 Mr John M Brown RFA appointed as Acting Chief Engineer Officer

4 May 1935 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour returning to her berth later the same day

14 June 1935 Mr Harold Ringshaw RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


CEO Harold Ringshaw

Chief Engineer Officer Harold Ringshaw RFA


11 July 1935 Chief Officer Robert D Almond RFA appointed as Acting Master until 26 July 1935


Captain Robert Almond

Chief Officer Robert D Almond RFA


13 August 1935 Mr Joseph Glynn RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

29 August 1935 Captain A Spencer RFA appointed as Master

30 August 1935 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

28 November 1935 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

22 March 1936 Mr Leonard T Tomlinson RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

27 July 1936 Temporary Master Ernest V Blyth RFA appointed as Master

31 July 1936 Mr Thomas McGregor RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

16 September 1936 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

26 April 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

9 June 1937 Captain Thomas G Bennett RFA (Lieut-Commander RN (Retd)) appointed as Temporary Acting Master

3 September 1937 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

16 November 1937 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

4 January 1938 Mr Mortimer J Lawrence RFA appointed as Temporary Chief Engineer Officer

18 January 1938 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

29 January 1938 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

24 February 1938 Captain Thomas Elder RFA appointed as Master

6 April 1938 Mr Charles J Falconer RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

6 May 1938 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour and returned to her berth later the same day

10 May 1938 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

29 August 1938 Mr Thomas Eggleston RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer



Chief Engineer Officer Thomas Eggleston RFA


23 September 1938 arrived at Aberdeen from Invergordon for repairs

16 November 1938 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour

22 January 1939 Mr George Bray RFA appointed as Temporary Chief Engineer Officer

24 April 1939 Captain George H Boddie DSC RFA (Lieutenant Commander RN (Retd)) appointed as Master

27 April 1939 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

28 June 1939 involved in collision in Portsmouth Harbour with HMS KITTIWAKE suffering slight damage


HMS Kittiwake 1942 IWM FL 22976


The Hampshire News reported …


Hampshire News 3 6 39 Petronel


28 June 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with 88 tons of water

29 June 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with 60 tons of water

1 July 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

3 July 1939 at Portland alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

4 July 1939 at Portland alongside HMS RPYAL OAK supplying her with water

27 July 1939 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

1 August 1939 at Invergordon alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

2 August 1939 at Invergordon alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

3 August 1939 at Invergordon alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

5 August 1939 at Invergordon alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

9 August 1939 at Invergordon alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

23 August 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

25 August 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

27 August 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS EFFINGHAM supplying her with fresh water


HMS Effingham D98 in 1925



29 August 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS EFFINGHAM supplying her with fresh water

31 Agust 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

1 September 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

4 September 1939 May 1940 alongside HMS ROYAL SOVEREIGN at Scapa Flow supplying water





19 September 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS EFFINGHAM supplying her with fresh water

27 September 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ROYAL OAK supplying her with water

2 October 1939 Mr Wallace G Downing RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

11 October 1939 at Scapa Flow with HMS SHARPSHOOTER berthed alongside being supplied with water




12 October 1939 at Scapa Flow with HMS SHARPSHOOTER berthed alongside being supplied with water

10 November 1939 at Scapa Flow with HMS SHARPSHOOTER berthed alongside being supplied with water

20 November 1939 at Scapa Flow with HMS SHARPSHOOTER berthed alongside being supplied with water

30 November 1939 Captain Frederick L Finch RFA appointed as Temporary Master

1. Captain F L Finch in 1943

Captain Frederick L Finch RFA

kindly donated by Richard Finch

4 December 1939 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS NORFOLK supplying her with water

1 March 1940 damaged in a collision with the requisitioned A/S trawler HMS ASTON VILLA at Aberdeen

7 May 1940 alongside HMS YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water

9 May 1940 alongside HMS YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water

7 September 1940 alongside HMS HOOD at Scapa Flow supplying water

10 September 1940 alongside HMS HOOD at Scapa Flow supplying water

12 September 1940 alongside HMS HOOD at Scapa Flow supplying water

30 September 1940 alongside HMS HOOD at Scapa Flow supplying water

15 February 1941 Chief Officer James H Chant RFA appointed as Temporary Acting Master until 8 May 1941

9 April 1941 Mr J Ismay RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

9 May 1941 Captain G Moore RFA appointed as Master

9 November 1941 alongside HMS DUKE OF YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water


HMS Duke Of York



13 November 1941 alongside HMS DUKE OF YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water

14 November 1941 alongside HMS DUKE OF YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water at the same time that RFA WAR DIWAN was alongside refuelling her 

15 November 1941 alongside HMS DUKE OF YORK at Scapa Flow supplying water

22 November 1941 Mr James V F Levens RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer


James V F Levens

Chief Engineer Officer James V F Levens RFA


1 August 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

9 October 1942 sailed Methil in convoy EN148 to Scapa Flow arriving the next day

13 October 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

28 October 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE supplying her with fresh water. RFA Spa was alongside the battleship at the same time also supplying her with fresh water

1 November 1942 alongside HMS HOWE at Scapa Flow supplying water

4 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

9 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water. RFA SPA was also alongside at the same time

13 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

15 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

17 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

18 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

19 November 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water. RFA MIXOL was also alongside at the same time

12 December 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

13 December 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

14 December 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

18 December 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

30 December 1942 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS KING GEORGE V supplying her with fresh water

21 January 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE  and HMS ANSON (Battleship) supplying then with fresh water

25 January 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE  supplying fresh water

29 January 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE  supplying fresh water

1 February 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE  supplying fresh water

2 February 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS NEWFOUNDLAND supplying 55 tons of fresh water

23 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water. RFA War Bharata was alongside at the same time refuelling her

26 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

27 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

28 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

29 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

30 March 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

4 April 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

22 April 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

24 April 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying fresh water

1 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE supplying her with fresh water. RFA AIRSPRITE was also alongside refuelling the warship

2 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE supplying fresh water

3 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOWE supplying fresh water

20 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON and HMS HOWE supplying them with fresh water

21 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON  supplying her with fresh water

25 May 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

20 June 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

10 July 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

30 July 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

1 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

3 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS CEYLON supplying her with fresh water


HMS Ceylon



6 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

7 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying her with fresh water

7 August 1943 Chief Engineer Officer William J Cleere RFA discharged dead. He is buried in Liverpool (Allerton) Cemetery in Section 2F C of E Grave 419



Courtesy and © of The War Graves Photographic Project


9 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

11 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

15 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

16 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

17 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

19 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

20 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS CEYLON supplying her with fresh water

21 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

22 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

23 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

24 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

25 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

26 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

29 August 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

2 September 1943 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS ANSON supplying fresh water

11 October 1943 sailed Methil in convoy EN293 to Lyness arriving 13 October 1943

21 January 1944 Mr P Mills RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer

February 1944 Captain G Moore RFA appointed as Master

15 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with 45 tons of fresh water

21 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with fresh water

22 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with fresh water

28 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with 48 tons of fresh water

29 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with 42 tons of fresh water

30 October 1944 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS BELLONA supplying her with fresh water

1945 purchased by Bulk Oil Steamship Co Ltd, London name unchanged

7 July 1945 sailed from Grangemouth in ballast

7 August 1945 sailed from Grangemouth in ballast

3 September 1947 renamed PASS OF GLENCOE by her owners

1949 sold to Athel Line for £10,000

25 January 1950 renamed ATHELGLEN by her owners

1954 sold to Pure Cane Molasses Co (BWI) Ltd., Georgetown, British Guiana

12 July 1954 renamed MOLAGLEN by her owners

September 1958 Broken up at Demerera River, British Guiana