Burma Star

Burma Star

Burma StarThe Burma Star was awarded for service in the Burma campaign between the 11th December 1941 and he 2nd September 1945. This medal was also awarded for certain specified service in China, Hong Kong, Malaya and Sumatra.

Hong Kong between the 26th December 1941 and the 2nd December 1945

China and Malaya between the 26th February 1942 and the 2nd September 1945

Sumatra between the 24th March 1942 and the 2nd September 1945.

Service in China, Hong Kong, Malaya and Sumatra after the 8th December 1941, but before the above start dates was recognised by the award of the Pacific Star.

Clasps: The Pacific Star was not awarded to recipients of the Burma Star, and subsequent entitlement to the Pacific Star was denoted by a PACIFIC clasp.

Note: Royal Navy and Merchant Navy personnel qualified for this medal for service restricted in an area restricted to the Bay of Bengal, and enclosed by a line running from the Southern most point of Sumatra, and continuing east to the western side of the Sundra Strait, including the Strait of Malacca. The six months qualifying period for the 1939-45 Star had to be earned, before service for this medal could be counted.