Official No: 215979
Builder: Bethlehem Steel Co., San Francisco
Launched: 27 October 1917
Signal Letters: LJQM
Into Service: WW2
Out of service: WW2
Fate: 2q/1949 scrapped at Philadelphia
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: One of a group of additional American ships which served as Escort oilers during WW2
Career Data:
27 October 1917 launched by Bethlehem Steel Co., San Francisco as Yard Nr: 135 named A C Bedford for STandard Oil Co of New Jersey, New York
February 1918 completed
4 August 1919 arrived at Montevideo from Tampico
20 March 1920 arrived at Marseilles, France from Buenos Aires
25 February 1921 arrived at Montevideo from Tampico
1927 owners restyled as Standard Shipping Co Inc, Wilmington name unchanged
1935 owners again restyled as Standard Oil Co of New Jersey, Wilmington name unchanged
3 July 1938 sailed from Halifax, Nove Scotia for Cartagena
1942 owners became US WSA name unchanged
WW2 served as an Escort Oiler, name unchanged
18 February 1942 sailed Galveston Bar in escorted convoy HK 104 to Key West arriving 21 September 1942
21 July 1942 arrived from Pearl Harbour in convoy PE4150 – source the War Diary of the USN C in C Pacific page 552
20 August 1942 sailed Christobal in unescorted convoy PG7 to Guantanamo arriving 23 August 1942
28 August 1942 sailed Guantanamo in escorted convoy TAW15G to Key West arriving 31 August 1942
31 August 1942 sailed Key West independently to Pilottown arriving 4 September 1942
7 September 1942 sailed Pilottown in unescorted convoy KH400 to Galveston Bar arriving the next day
18 September 1942 sailed Galveston Bar in escorted convoy HK104 to Key West arriving 22 September 1942
1 October 1942 sailed New York in escorted convoy HK210 to Liverpool arriving 16 October 1942
24 October 1942 sailed Liverpool in escorted convoy ON141 to New York arriving 10 November 1942
16 November 1942 sailed New York in unescorted convoy NG322 to Guntanamo arriving 23 November 1942
23 November 1942 sailed Guantanamo in unescorted convoy GAT24 to Trinidad arriving 29 November 1942
1 December 1942 sailed Guantanamo in unescorted convoy GN24 to New York City arriving 8 December 1942
4 April 1943 sailed from Halifax to Boston in escorted convoy XB42 arriving on 7 April 1943
2 May 1943 sailed from Boston to Halifax in escorted convoy BX48 arriving on 4 May 1943
18 August 1943 sailed from Gibraltar in escorted convoy KMS23 to Birzerta. RFA EMPIRE SALVAGE also sailed in this convoy from Algiers to Birzerta
24 September 1943 sailed Aden in escorted convoy AC46 to Bandar Abbas arriving 30 September 1943
9 October 1943 sailed sailed Bandar Abbas to Aden in convoy PA56 arriving 17 October 1943
25 October 1943 sailed Aden in escorted convoy AC50 to Bandar Abbas arriving 3 November 1943
27 November 1943 sailed Alexandria in escorted convoy GUS 23 to Augusta
25 January 1944 sailed Port Said in escorted convoy GUS 29 to Bizerta
4 February 1944 sailed Bizerta in escorted convoy GUS 30 to the Hampton Roads arriving 8 March 1944
2 April 1944 sailed Guantanamo Bay in unescorted convoy GAT 127 to Aruba arriving 9 April 1944
28 April 1944 sailed Guantanamo Bay in unescorted convoy GAT 132 to Trinidad arriving 4 May 1944
27 July 1944 sailed sailed Guantanamo Bay in unescorted convoy GAT127 to GAT150 to Aruba arriving 3 August 1944
25 September 1944 sailed sailed Guantanamo Bay in unescorted convoy GN159 to New York City arriving 2 October 1944
13 May 1945 sailed Key West in unescorted convoy KN386 to New York arriving 18 May 1945
1946 returned to WSA Reserve fleet and laid up
2q/1949 arrived Philadelphia for demolition by Northern Metals Co