Requisitioned Auxiliary – Cornishman




Previous Name:                      Nomadic

Official Number:                      97849

Laid down:

Builder:                                  Harland & Wolff, Belfast

Launched:                              11 February 1891

Pennant No:                           Y.8.113

Into Service:                            5 November 1918

Out of service:                         3 September 1919

Fate:                                      12 March 1926 broken up


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA


Career Data:


11 February 1891 launched by Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast as Yard Nr: 236 named Nomadic for Ismay, Imrie & Co (White Star Line), Liverpool

12 February 1891 the Manchester Courier & Lancashire Advertiser newspaper reported …


12 2 1891 Manchester Courier Lancashire General Advertiser Nomadic


14 April 1891 completed 

24 April 1891 maiden voyage Liverpool to New York

14 February 1892 arrived at Liverpool from New York

27 February 1892 arrived at New York

12 April 1892 sailed New York

22 April 1892 arrived at Liverpool from New York

9 May 1892 arrived at New York

4 June 1892 arrived at Liverpool from New York

30 June 1892 passed the Old Head of Kinsale while on passage from New York to Liverpool

1 July 1892 arrived at Liverpool from New York

6 May 1893 at Riverside Hospital, New York 2nd Steward W J D Evans discharged dead with Typhus

6 July 1893 sailed Liverpool for New York with seven cabin passengers

1 September 1893 sailed Liverpool for New York with six horse attendants as cabin passengers

31 December 1897 at 44°.03N 53°.07W Able Seaman James Smith discharged dead from the effects of alcohol

23 September 1898 passed Brow Head while on passage from New York to Liverpool

October 1899 requisitioned as a Stores Ship and Horse Transport during the Boer War as Transport Nr: 34

21 October 1899 sailed Royal Albert Docks, London with about 560 mules for Cape Town, South Africa

30 October 1899 at Tenerife

11 November 1899 arrived at Cape Town, South Africa

January 1900 at the Royal Albert Dock, London embarked 530 remounts and about 70 men of the Scots Greys for Cape Town

6 January 1900 arrived at Las Palmas

21 January 1900 arrived at Cape Town, South Africa

12 February 1900 sailed Port Elizabeth for Durban, South Africa

14 February 1900 berthed at Durban, South Africa

23 February 1900 sailed Port Elizabeth, South Africa

1 June 1900 sailed Royal Albert Docks London for South Africa with 7 officers, 208 men and 339 horsesAtlantic Journey ID 13979embarked

24 June 1900 arrived at Cape Town, South Africa

25 June 1900 sailed Cape Town for Natal, South Africa

4 July 1900 arrived at Cape Town, South Africa

26 July 1900 sailed Table Bay, South Africa for St Helena, St Vincent CV and London

20 August 1900 sailed London for Liverpool

6 September 1900 sailed New York for Liverpool

8 January 1901 sailed New York for Liverpool

1903 purchased by British & North Atlantic Steam Navigation Co Ltd (Dominion Line), Liverpool – name unchanged

10 October 1903 sailed Portland, Maine for Liverpool

20 October 1903 passed the Old Head of Kinsale when on passage from Portland, Maine to Liverpool

21 October 1903 arrived at Liverpool from Portland, Maine

10 November 1903 arrived Portland, Maine

21 December 1903 passed Brow Head while on passage from Portland, Maine to Liverpool

1904 renamed Cornishman by her owners

6 March 1906 passed the Old Head of Kinsale sailing eastbound from Portland, Maine for Liverpool

7 March 1906 arrived off Hollyhead

26 December 1909 arrived at Portland, Maine from Liverpool

15 January 1913 passed the Old Head of Kinsale sailing eastbound from Portland, Maine for Liverpool

11 March 1915 sailed Avonmouth

4 October 1915 at 56°.40N 12°.00W stopped by HMS MOTAGUA and boarded, checked out and allowed to proceed


hms motagua



1 July 1916 at 55°.22N 12°.09W stopped by HMS ORCOMA and boarded checked out and allowed to proceed

31 January 1918 sailed Halifax NS in an escorted convoy with seventeen other ships. The convoy was escorted by HMS ROXBURGH


HMS Roxburgh



18 October 1918 sailing from Sydney, NS to Greenock escorted by HMS DEVONSHIRE




24 December 1918 requisitioned by the Admiralty as a Stores Carrier – name unchanged

3 September 1919 refitted and returned to her owners – name unchanged

1921 transferred to Frederick Leyland & Co, Liverpool – name unchanged

12 April 1924 sailed Avonmouth for Montreal

23 April 1924 grounded in the St Lawrence River

12 March 1926 arrived Hayle, Cornwall for demolition after sale for £310,500