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Official Number: 146230
Builder: Armstrong, Whitworth & Co Ltd., Newcastle
Launched: 2 November 1921
Into Service: 1939
Out of service: 10 February 1944
Fate: Bombed and sunk
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: One of a group of additional ships requisitioned during WW2 by the Admiralty to augment the ships of the RFA
Career Data:
2 November 1921 launched by Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., Newcastle as Yard Nr: 974 named El Grillo for Lobitos Oilfields Ltd., (C T Bowring & Co Ltd., Managers) London
January 1922 completed
28 January 1930 reported by radio ’60 miles north of Cartegena heavy seas broke over the vessel causing the following damage – Starboard bow – two plates buckled, seven frames bent, sailors messroom waterway and deck buckled, a number of rivets started, ports stove in. All damage above waterline’. Source Lloyds Casualty reports in the Times of 30 January 1930
14 February 1939 at New Orleans while loading oil sprung a leak through shell port side. Survey has been held and discharge of cargp recommended. Source Lloyds Casualty reports
22 April 1939 sailed the River Tyne for Panama put back 23 April 1939 with engine trouble. Berthed at Jarrow on Slake Buoys
24 April 1939 sailed the River Tyne for Panama
1939 requisitioned for Admiralty service as an oiler, name unchanged
13 October 1939 sailed Liverpool in convoy OB19 until dispersal on 18 October 1939 thence independently to Cristobal arriving 7 November 1939
8 November 1939 sailed Balboa independently to La Libertad arriving 11 November 1939
15 November 1939 sailed Salinas independently to Balboa arriving 18 November 1939
19 November 1939 sailed Cristobal independently to Halifax arriving 1 December 1939
4 December 1939 sailed Halifax in convoy HX11 to Le Harve arriving 20 December 1939. RFA ALDERSDALE also sailed in this convoy
27 December 1939 sailed Le Harve independently to Cristobal arriving 21 January 1940
31 January 1940 sailed Cristobal independently to Halifax arriving 12 February 1940
18 February 1940 sailed Halifax in escorted convoy HX21 for Liverpool. Was straggling by 2 March 1940 so arrived independently on 5 March 1940
23 March 1940 sailed Liverpool in escorted convoy OB116 until dispersal on 27 March 1940 the independently to Cristobal arriving 14 April 1940. RFA OLIGARCH also sailed in this convoy
15 April 1940 sailed Balboa independently to Salinas arriving 18 April 1940
20 April 1940 sailed Salinas independently to Balboa arriving 23 April 1940
24 April 1940 sailed Cristobal independently to Bermuda arriving 2 May 1940
7 May 1940 sailed Bermuda in escorted convoy BHX41 which joined escorted convoy HX41 on 13 May 1941 and then to Liverpool arriving on 23 May 1940. RFA CAIRNDALE also sailed in both of these convoys
28 May 1940 sailed Liverpool in escorted convoy OB157 until dispersal on 31 May 1940 and then independently to Cristolbal arriving 19 June 1940
19 June 1940 sailed Balboa independently to Lobitos arriving 23 June 1940
24 June 1940 sailed Lobitos independently to Balboa arriving 28 June 1940
29 June 1940 sailed Cristobal independently to Aruba arriving 24 July 1940
26 July 1940 sailed Aruba independently to Galveston, Texas arriving 1 August 1940
3 October 1940 sailed Galveston, Texas independently to Cristobal arriving 10 October 1940
11 October 1940 sailed Balboa
27 November 1942 reported with steering gear defects with an estimated time of 4 days to repair
10 February 1944 bombed and sunk by German aircraft at Seidisfjord, Iceland without any casualties
US Navy report on the bombing and loss of the El Grillo
El Grillo sinking
2002 a Norwegian contractor removed some 2,000 tons of oil from the sunken vessel together with various unexploded ordinance