Requisitioned Auxiliary – Ford Castle

Ford Castle then Naissaar 

Ford Castle then Naissaar

Ford Castle after being renamed Naissaar



Official Number:                       129785

Laid down:

Builder:                                   J Crown & Sons Ltd., Monkswearmouth, Sunderland

Pennant Nr:                             Y 3.189

Launched:                               7 November 1911

Into Service:                            8 August 1914

Out of service:                         WW1

Fate:                                      Mined, bombed & sank 29 August 1941


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA

Career Data:


7 November 1911 launched by J Crown & Sons Ltd., Monkswearmouth, Sunderland as Yard Nr: 143 named Ford Castle for Lamberton Collieries Ltd., (Edward T Nisbet, Manager) Newcastle

December 1911 completed

8 August 1914 requisitioned for Admiralty service as a collier – named unchanged

3 January 1915 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS PRINCESS ROYAL supplying 2,030 tons of bunker coal

HMS PrincessRoyal


23 February 1915 at Cromarty alongside HMS LEVIATHAN supplying bunker coal


HMS Leviathan


7 January 1917 and 8 January 1917 at Loch Ewe alongside HMS KILDONAN CASTLE supplying 1,650 tons of number coal

30 January 1917 and 31 January 1917 at Loch Ewe alongside HMS CHANGUINOLA supplying bunker coal

18 April 1917 at Gutter Sound, Scapa Flow alongside HMS FEARLESS. Tested coaling gear in no. 2, 3 and 4 holds to 15 bags and then supplied bunker coal. Lost overboard by accident:- Sacks, coal, tarred, 2 cwt, 9 in number

4 May 1917 at Gutter Sound, Scapa Flow alongside HMS FEARLESS supplying 127 tons of bunker coal

1918 returned to owners

1919 purchased by Tanfield Steamship Co Ltd., (William B Nisbet, Manager) Newcastle – name unchanged

1933 purchased by A/S Merilaid & Co, Tallinn and renamed Naissaar

1940 owners now Estonian Shipping Co., Tallinn – name unchanged

29 August 1941 mined, bombed and sunk by German aircraft E of Mokhni Island, Gulf of Finland while on passage from Tallinn to Kronstadt