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Official Number: 120491
Builder: Furness, Withy & Co Ltd., West Hartlepool
Pennant No: Y 3.240
Launched: 8 December 1904
Into Service: 8 August 1914
Out of service: 24 April 1918
Fate: Sank after collision 23 April 1940
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA
Career Data:
8 December 1904 launched by Furness, Withy & Co Ltd., Middletwon, West Hartlepool as Yard Nr: 276 name Harmonic for J & C Harrison Ltd., London
21 January 1905 registered under the ownership of Charles W Harrison and Frederick A Harrison
14 September 1906 resold to the builders on the death of Frederick A Harrison
10 October 1906 resold to Charles W Harrison, London and Stephen W Furness, West Hartlepool
7 May 1907 repurchased by Charles W Harrison
20 August 1914 requisition for Admiralty service as a collier – name unchanged – until 7 August 1916
22 May 1916 purchased by R W J Sutherland, Cardiff and immediately resold to Ivor H Jones and Charles W King, Cardiff – name unchanged
26 July 1916 transferred to Tree Steamship Co Ltd., (Ivor H Jones, Manager) Cardiff – name unchanged
8 August 1916 became a decoy ship and also operated as Cockedge, Fairlight and Tricord
5 October 1916 at Scapa Flow alongside the light cruiser HMS FEARLESS and supplied 130 tons of bunker coal
21 April 1918 decoy ship service ended and returned to her owners
10 April 1919 purchased by Maindy Shipping Co Ltd., (Jenkins, Richards & Evans Ltd., Managers), Cardiff
13 February 1920 renamed Maindy House by her owners
June 1921 purchased by Rederi A/S Triton (Torben Neilsen, Manager) Copenhagen and renamed Olaf L Kongsted
30 June 1921 British registry closed
1923 management transfered to Oscar Ovensen, Copenhagen – name unchanged
1924 purchased by D/S A/S Patricia (O Ovensen, Manager) Copenhagen and renamed Paris
January 1926 purchased by alexanders (Newcastle) Ltd., (E Barnsfather, Manager) Newcastle
26 January 1926 renamed Eastbury by her owners
16 September 1933 owners became Alexander Shipping Co Ltd., (Capper, Alexander & Co, Managers) London on liquidation of Alexanders (Newcastle) Ltd – name unchanged
17 December 1937 purchased by Chas Strubin & Co Ltd., London
31 December 1937 renamed Lake Geneva by her owners
10 January 1938 registered at London
February 1939 purchased by Usaldusuking Jakobson ja Ko, Parnu (C Strubin & Co, Managers, London) – name unchanged
23 February 1939 British registry closed
1940 purchased by Cie Belge d’Atmament et de Gerance, Panama (L & J Lalement, Ghent, Managers0 and renamed Bobby
23 April 1940 sank 3 miles SE of Dungeness after a collision with the Dutch ss Midsland while on passage from Safi to Ghent