Requisitioned Auxiliary – Levenwood




Official Number:                       91322

Pennant Nr:                     Y 3.142

Laid down:

Builder:                                   W Harkess & Sons Ltd, Middlesbrough

Launched:                               1911

Into Service:                            16 August 1914

Out of service:                         17 April 1917

Fate:                                      17 April 1917 mined and sunk


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA

Career Data:


1911 launched by W Harkess & Sons Ltd., Middlesborough as Yard Nr: 188 named Levenwood for Meteor Steamship Co Ltd., Middlesborough

July 1911 completed

16 August 1914 requisitioned for Admiralty service as a collier – name unchanged – until 18 September 1915

1915 purchased by Plymouth Mutual Co-Operative Industrial Society Ltd (A E Wonnacott, Manager), Plymouth and renamed Charles Goodanew and became a Store Carrier – pennant number Y 8.71

17 April 1917 struck a mine laid by German submarine UC-45 4 days earlier and sank in the North Sea carrying Government Stores in position 57.39N 01.45W while on passage from Aberdeen to Scapa Flow with the loss of 13 lives including that of the Master. Those who died are recorded with pride on the Tower Hill Memorial as having no known grave but the sea. Two of the crew survived – the 2nd Engineer Officer and a fireman who were rescued by HMS SAGITTA