Requisitioned Auxiliary – Minia




Official Number:                     56762

Laid down:

Builder:                                  London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Co, Govan

Launched:                              7 December 1866

Into Service:                           7 July 1918

Out of service:                        10 February 1919

Fate:                                     1922 sold for scrap


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –


Background Data:  One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA

Career Data:


7 December1866  launched by London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Co, Govan as Yard Nr 116
named MINIA for Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co Ltd, London

1867 completed as a cargo / passenger ship

1871 chartered for three years by Anglo American Telegraph Co Ltd, London and was converted for cable work.

1874 purchased by Anglo-American Telegraph Co Ltd, London, name unchanged.

1892 now re-engined with T 3 cyl 22” 35” & 59” – 39” by Central Marine Engineering Works, West Hartlepool.
246 nhp 

1912  leased by Western Union Telegraph Co, name unchanged.

15 April 1914 was working on a cable repair off the Newfoundland Banks when a radio message was received
about the loss of the liner TITANIC on her maiden voyage.

18 April 1912 arrived Halifax on completion of cable repairs.

22 April 1922 sailed Halifax, N.S. as the 2nd vessel chartered by the White Star Line to search for bodies after
the sinkingof TITANIC. The other vessels were the cable ship MACKAY-BENNETT, the Lighthouse Supply
Ship MONTMAGNY and the sealing vessel ALGERINE
6 May 1917 returned to Halifax having picked up 17 bodies. Between them, the 4 chartered ships recovered 328 bodies from the sea.

7 July 1918 requisitioned by the Admiralty for service as a Cable Vessel, name unchanged

10 February 1919 returned to her owners

1922 sold for scrap