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Official Number: 102131
Laid down:
Builder: Ailsa Shipbuilding Co., Troon
Launched: 25 January 1894
Pennant No: Y 8.41 / Y 3.642
Into Service: 5 January 1915
Out of service: 1918
Fate: 1937 foundered after collision
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: One of an additional group of ships requisitioned by the Admiralty during WW1 to augment the ships of the RFA
Career Data:
25 January 1894 launched by Ailsa Shipbuilding Co., Troon as Yard Nr. 43 named BLANCHE ROCK for West Lancashire Steamship Co. (A Rowland, Manager) Liverpool
27 January 1894 the Lloyds List newspaper reported …
26 February 1894 completed
21 October 1898 while approaching Morpeth Dock, Birkenhead collided with the dock gates forcing them open. The dock was full of water to some eight feet higher than the river level. The opening of the dock gates caused the water to rush into the river with great force forcing the gates off their supports. Two men were washed away and were feared dead one was apparently the ship’s Master – Captain Arthur William
28 September 1899 while on passage from Garston to Plymouth berthed at Hollyhead with engine defects
31 October 1899 ran aground in fog at Shepperdine
18 November 1899 salvaged, dry docked and found to have suffered little damage
26 September 1911 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east bound
17 January 1912 at Penzance Police Court Fireman Alfred Rawlins pleaded Guilty to stealing a coat valued at £2.10sh and was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment
Press Cutting from the West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser of 25 January 1912
6 July 1912 sailed Sunderland for Southampton with a cargo of 530 tons of coal
4 August 1912 berthed at Grimsby in ballast
7 August 1912 sailed Grimsby to Swansea with a cargo of pig iron
29 August 1912 berthed at Grimsby in ballast sailing later the same day to Newport with a cargo of pig iron
1913 purchased by Rayford Shipping Co Ltd., (Mann, Macneal & Co., Manager), Glasgow and renamed RAYFORD
25 June 1914 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on Flamborough Head sailing south
8 October 1914 berthed at the Queen Alexandra Dock, Cardiff
13 October 1914 berthed on the Tyne from Cardiff
10 December 1914 berthed at the Queen Alexandra Dock, Cardiff
5 January 1915 requisitioned for Admiralty service as a Stores Carrier – name unchanged
21 January 1915 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS DONEGAL delivering naval stores
22 January 1915 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS DUKE OF EDINBURGH collecting naval stores. Sailed the same day
15 March 1915 at Rosyth alongside HMS PRINCESS ROYAL delivering naval stores
25 March 1915 became a collier – name unchanged
31 October 1916 at Dover Captain Donald McLeod discharged dead – drowned
22 October 1917 purchased by Mathew Taylor, Methil – name unchanged
1918 returned to owners – name unchanged
2 June 1919 sailed Seaham
5 June 1919 berthed at Dundee
26 June 1919 sailed from Methil
2 August 1919 berthed at Methil
15 August 1919 berthed at Methil
5 December 1923 at Ghent Cook & Able Seaman George Smith discharged dead from an unspecified injury
29 August 1937 foundered 1 mile ENE of the Humber Light Vessel after a collision with ss LONDON while on passage from Sunderland to Lowestoft with a cargo of coal