Official Number: 146698
Class: Tanker Depot Ship
Pennant Number:
Signal Letters: GJSF (1937)
Builder: Sir J L Thomson, Sunderland
Launched: 19 October 1922
Into Service: 31 July 1939
Out of service: 28 March 1946
Fate: Broken Up
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: Around the outbreak of WW2, the Admiralty purchased 3 old tankers for depot ship and escort oiler work which were manned and managed by their former commercial owners although some RFA personnel were based on-board. None served in the post-War Fleet
19 October 1922 launched by Sir J. L. Thompson & Sons Ltd., Sunderland as Yard Nr: 548 named BRITISH LADY for British Tanker Co Ltd, London
11 November 1922 at Sunderland
7 February 1923 completed and sailed for the River Tyne
16 February 1923 sailed Swansea for Abadan
23 February 1923 when on passage from Swansea to Abadan in contact with Gibraltar by radio
21 April 1923 at Donges
1 May 1923 sailed Swansea for Abadan. Captain H B Large was the Master
6 May 1923 passed Gibraltar
15 May 1923 sailed Suez for Abadan
1 August 1923 arrived at Port Said when on passage from Antwerp to Abadan
9 September 1923 sailed from Naples
22 September 1923 sailed Port Said for London
28 October 1923 sailed Port Said for Thameshaven
19 November 1923 at Falmouth
20 November 1923 passed the Lizard sailing west bound
29 November 1923 passed the Lizard sailing west bound
8 December 1923 passed Cape l’Armi
16 December 1923 at New Orleans
7 January 1924 passed Gibraltar for Cette
9 January 1924 at Cette
24 January 1924 passed Perim when on passage from Cette to Abadan
22 February 1924 passed Perim
13 March 1924 berthed at Swansa after voyage from Abadan
11 April 1924 sailed from Hull
12 April 1924 passed Flamborough Head
13 May 1924 sailed New Orleans for Cette
16 June 1924 arrived at Port Said
20 July 1924 sailed Port Said for Swansea
14 August 1924 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard when on passage to Abadan
19 September 1924 passed Perim
24 September 1924 at Suez
5 October 1924 arrived at St Louis du Rhone
7 November 1924 sailed Abadan for Suez
19 November 1924 passed Perim
27 November 1924 arrived at Suez from Abadan
29 November 1924 sailed Port Said for Rouen, France
12 December 1924 passed Sagres
19 December 1924 the Shields Daily News newspaper reported –
5 January 1925 at Falmouth
18 February 1925 at Suez
7 March 1925 passed Perim
27 March 1925 passed Perim
1 April 1925 at Suez
1 May 1925 at Ellesmere Port
4 May 1925 in wireless communication with Lands End Radio
7 June 1925 passed the Lizard
8 June 1925 at Thameshaven
12 June 1925 at Thameshaven
22 June 1925 passed Gibraltar
14 July 1925 at Abadan
3 August 1925 at Suez
8 August 1925 sailed from Malta
19 August 1925 sailed Spezia for Abadan
30 September 1925 passed Sagres
12 October 1925 Captain H B George as Master
23 October 1925 arrived at Hull
6 November 1925 passed Dungeness
18 November 1925 at Hamburg, Germany
27 November 1925 sailed Grangemouth for Thameshaven
7 December 1925 passed Gibraltar
14 December 1925 arrived at Port Said from Thameshaven
15 December 1925 sailed from Suez
20 December 1925 passed Perim
28 December 1925 at Abadan
18 January 1926 arrived Suez to transit the Suez Canal
20 January 1926 at Port Said
28 January 1926 at Gibraltar
1 February 1926 Lands End
2 February 1926 berthed at Swansea from Abadan with 2 passengers. Captain Herbert B Large was the Master
17 February 1926 sailed from Swansea but had to put back after suffering engine trouble
23 February 1926 at Thames Haven
3 March 1926 passing Gibraltar
12 March 1926 at Port Said
1 April 1926 at Abadan
14 April 1926 at Suez for transit of the Suez Canal
15 April 1926 at Port Said
23 April 1926 passing Gibraltar
27 April 1926 passing Lands End
28 April 1926 berthed at Swansea from Abadan with 9 passengers. Captain Herbert B Large was the Master
7 May 1926 Captain George L Perry as Master
9 May 1926 sailed Swansea
13 May 1926 passing Gibraltar
21 May 1926 at Port Said
3 June 1926 at Abadan
23 June 1926 at Suez and transit of Suez Canal to Port Said
1 July 1926 passing Gibraltar
6 July 1926 berthed at Swansea from Abadan with 4 passengers. Captain George L Perry was Master
Captain George L Perry
30 July 1926 at Swansea
3 August 1926 arrived Royal Edward Dock, Avonmouth from Swansea
10 August 1926 passing Dover
23 August 1926 passing Gibraltar
31 August 1926 at Port Said
14 September 1926 at Abadan
21 September 1926 sailed Abadan with Captain Thomas R Borthwick as Master
Captain Thomas R Borthwick
4 October 1926 at Suez
11 October 1926 arrived Trieste sailing the following day
25 October 1926 at Port Said
12 November 1926 at Abadan sailing 14 November 1926
28 November 1926 at Suez for transit of the Suez Canal
29 November 1926 sailed from Port Said for Swansea
9 December 1926 passed Gibraltar
13 December 1926 passing Lundy Island
14 December 1926 berthed at Swansea for dry docking and refit
29 December 1926 passed North Foreland
7 January 1927 at Grangemouth
14 January 1927 arrived at Hull
17 January 1927 sailed Hull for Abadan in ballast
6 February 1927 sailed Aden for Abadan
20 February 1927 sailed Abadan for Antwerp
25 March 1927 at Hamburg, Germany
6 April 1927 berthed at Hull from Grangemouth with motor spirit
10 April 1927 arrived at Falmouth
11 May 1927 passed Perim
31 May 1927 passed Perim when on passage to Swansea
6 June 1927 sailed Port Said for Swansea
18 June 1927 berthed at Swansea from Abadan with 3 passengers. Captain Thomas R Borthwick was Master
16 July 1927 when on passage to Abadan reported she was 58 miles north of Lands End
20 July 1927 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
2 August 1927 passed Perim for Abadan
24 August 1927 passed Perim
18 September 1927 arrived Falmouth
2 October 1927 sailed from Falmouth for Abadan
15 October 1927 sailed Suez for Abadan
31 October 1927 sailed Abadan for Suez
19 November 1927 sailed from Suez for Abadan
23 November 1927 passed Perim for Abadan
2 December 1927 at Abadan
31 December 1927 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
6 January 1928 berthed at Swansea after voyage from Abadan with two passengers and Captain R P Borthwick as Master
15 January 1928 sailed Swansea to Abadan with 5 passengers. Captain R P Borthwick was still the Master
21 January 1928 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
4 February 1928 passed Perim
3 April 1928 sailed Manchester for Falmouth
4 April 1928 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 5 passengers
4 June 1928 sailed from Suez
10 June 1928 passed Perim
21 June 1928 sailed Abadan for Lands End for orders
1 July 1928 passed Perim
14 September 1928 sailed from Abadan
22 September 1928 passed Perim
17 October 1928 passed Prawle Point sailing westward
3 November 1928 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 6 passengers. Captain R P Borthwick was the Master
15 November 1928 arrived at Port Said
2 December 1928 sailed Abadan
10 December 1928 passed Perim
4 January 1929 berthed at Falmouth
10 March 1929 arrived at Flushing
15 April 1929 sailed Abadan for LEFO
12 May 1929 berthed at Swansea from Abadan with 6 passengers
25 May 1929 sailed from Liverpool for Abadan
28 August 1929 passed Perim
16 September 1929 in the Red Sea at 16°30N 41°00E Pumpman Arthur James Montgomery discharged dead having been asphysiated by benzine fumes
28 November 1929 berthed at Shell Haven after voyage from Abadan
4 December 1929 arrived at Grangemouth from Hull
9 December 1929 sailed Grangemouth for Oslo, Norway
11 December 1929 berthed at Oslo, Norway
16 December 1929 sailed from Helsingborg
23 December 1929 arrived at Grangemouth from Helsingborg
25 December 1929 sailed Grangemouth for Fredrica
14 January 1930 sailed from Shields for Abadan
28 January 1930 arrived at Port Said
24 February 1930 at 14°30N 42°29E Sailor Sven Inglemansen discharged dead – lost overboard
10 April 1930 sailed Port Said for Lands End
6 May 1930 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 6 passengers
11 May 1930 passed Gibraltar
17 June 1930 arrived Suez when on passage for Lands End
18 June 1930 sailed Port Said
26 June 1930 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
1 July 1930 arrived at Hull
23 July 1930 arrived at Port Said when on passage to Abadan
7 August 1930 at Abadan Captain Frank Ellis Lee discharged dead from heat stroke
Captain Frank E. Lee
22 December 1930 arrived at Suez from Abadan
23 December 1930 sailed Port Said
6 January 1931 arrived at London from Abadan
10 January 1931 at Grangemouth
13 January 1931 sailed from Grangemouth
21 January 1931 at the River Tyne
9 February 1931 sailed from the River Tyne for Abadan
12 February 1931 when on passage to Abadan radioed she was 100 miles SE of Lands End
3 March 1931 sailed Aden for Abadan
10 March 1931 at Abadan
13 March 1931 sailed from Abadan
27 March 1931 sailed Port Said for LEFO
5 April 1931 passed Segres for Purfleet
9 April 1931 arrived at Purfleet
11 April 1931 sailed from Purfleet
17 April 1931 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
26 April 1931 sailed Suez for Abadan
13 May 1931 sailed Abadan for Karachi
19 May 1931 sailed Karachi for Abadan
26 May 1931 sailed from Abadan for Lands End for orders
10 June 1931 sailed Port Said
17 June 1931 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
22 June 1931 on passage to Saltend radioed she was 120 miles NW of Niton
24 June 1931 arrived at Hull from Abadan with eight passengers. Captain S Law was Master
28 June 1931 radioed she was 95 miles south east of Lands End when on passage to Abadan
17 July 1931 passed Perim for Abadan
28 July 1931 sailed Abadan for Suez for orders
14 August 1931 sailed Port Said
20 August 1931 sailed Tunis for Algiers
25 August 1931 sailed from Algiers for Abadan
31 August 1931 arrived at Port Said from Algiers
4 September 1931 sailed Suez for Abadan
8 September 1931 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan
17 September 1931 at Abadan
25 October 1931 at Falmouth
4 November 1931 sailed from Falmouth for Abadan
2 December 1931 sailed Abadan for Suez
19 December 1931 sailed Suez for Abadan
24 December 1931 passed Perim sailing east for Abadan
2 January 1932 arrived at Abadan from Suez
3 January 1932 at Abadan British Hospital Greaser John G Richards discharged dead from pneumonia
17 January 1932 sailed Karachi for Abadan
24 January 1932 sailed Abadan for Suez
27 February 1932 sailed Suez for Abadan
6 March 1932 passed Perim
17 March 1932 sailed Abadan
2 April 1932 sailed Port Said
10 April 1932 passed Gibraltar when on passage from Abadan to Salt End Jetty, Hull
21 April 1932 passed St Catherines Head sailing west bound
4 May 1932 sailed from Falmouth
8 May 1932 passed Gibraltar when on passage for Abadan
21 May 1932 passed Perim
3 June 1932 sailed Abadan for Brisbane, Australia via Colombo, Ceylon
13 June 1932 sailed from Colombo, Ceylon for Brisbane
13 July 1932 prevented from entering Sydney Harbour due to storm force weather. Delayed by 24 hours before she could pass the Heads on passage from Abadan
23 July 1932 passed Thursday Island when on passage to Abadan
9 August 1932 sailed from Colombo, Ceylon
26 August 1932 sailed Abadan for Brisbane, Australia
16 September 1932 passed Thursday Island when on passage to Abadan
15 December 1932 sailed Oran
25 December 1932 sailed Suez for Abadan
20 January passed Perim
26 January 1933 sailed from Port Said for LEFO
3 February 1933 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
25 February 1933 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 5 passengers
26 February 1933 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west
3 March 1933 passed Gibraltar
16 March 1933 passed Perim for Abadan
27 March 1933 sailed from Abadan
18 April 1933 sailed from Naples for Port de Bouc
7 May 1933 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan
26 May 1933 passed Perim when on passage from Abadan to Port Said
1 June 1933 arrived at Suez
2 June 1933 sailed Port Said
16 June 1933 berthed at Hull from Abadan with 7 passengers. Captain V H Eldridge was Master
20 June 1933 at Falmouth
24 June 1933 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 2 passengers
17 July 1933 passed Perim for Abadan
9 August 1933 sailed Port Said for Oslo and Stavanger, Norway
23 August 1933 passed Dungeness when on passage to Oslo and Stavanger, Norway
28 August 1933 berthed at Stavanger, Norway
6 September 1933 sailed Falmouth to Abadan
24 September 1933 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan
3 November 1933 radioed she was 280 miles SSW of Lands End
6 November 1933 at Hull
13 November 1933 at Falmouth
28 November 1933 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 8 passengers. Captain Ernest E Anderson was Master
Captain Ernest E Anderson
10 December 1933 arrived at Port Said
16 December 1933 passed Perim
26 December 1933 sailed from Abadan
10 January 1934 sailed from Port Said for LEFO
26 January 1934 at Ipswich
13 March 1934 sailed from Port Said
13 May 1934 sailed Abadan for Suez for orders
27 May 1934 sailed Port Said for Oslo, Norway
13 June 1934 sailed Oslo, Norway for Aalesund
29 June 1934 passed Gibraltar sailing eastbound for Abadan
8 July 1934 sailed Suez for Abadan
13 July 1934 passed Perim
23 July 1934 arrrived at Abadan
3 August 1934 passed Perim
10 August 1934 sailed Port Said for Oslo, Norway
24 August 1934 passed Dover
28 August 1934 sailed Oslo, Norway for Stavanger
14 September 1934 passed Gibraltar when on passage to Abadan
27 September 1934 passed Perim
22 October 1934 sailed Port Said for LEFO
13 November 1934 passed Gibraltar
16 December 1934 passed Perim for Suez
24 December 1934 sailed Port Said for LEFO
2 January 1935 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
7 January 1935 at Southampton
8 January 1935 passed Prawle Point sailing west bound
16 January 1935 sailed Falmouth to Abadan with 6 passengers. Captain Ernest E Anderson was Master
20 January 1935 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
21 April 1935 passed Perim
9 May 1935 240 miles SW of Lands End on passage to Sheerness
11 May 1935 berthed at Port Victoria, Sheerness from Abadan with 8 passengers
26 May 1935 sailed Falmouth
28 May 1935 30 miles south of Lands End
30 May 1935 passed Gibralar sailing east bound
11 June 1935 passed Perim when on passage to Abadan
3 July 1935 sailed from Aden for Abadan
21 July 1935 arrived at Aden
23 July 1935 sailed from Aden
14 August 1935 passed Perim for Naples, Italy
11 September 1935 passed Perim when on passage for Abadan
6 October 1935 sailed from Abadan for Aden
16 October 1935 sailed from Aden for Abadan
31 October 1935 sailed Abadan for Aden
17 November 1935 at Abadan
7 December 1935 sailed Suez
11 December 1935 passed Perimwhen on passage to Abadan
30 December 1935 arrived at Aden from Suez
12 February 1936 passed Perim
18 February 1936 arrived Suez for LEFO
9 March 1936 at Liverpool
4 May 1936 arrived at Port Said from Liverpool
11 June 1936 sailed Table Bay, Cape Town for Abadan
6 July 1936 sailed Abadan for Sete
21 July 1936 sailed Suez
22 July 1936 sailed Port Said
16 August 1936 passed Perim when on passage for Abadan
24 August 1936 arrived Abadan from Sete
30 September 1936 sailed from Port Said for Donges and Rouen, France
31 October 1936 arrived at Port Said from Rouen, France
14 November 1936 arrived at Abadan
2 December 1936 arrived at Suez from Abadan
7 December 1936 sailed Port Said for Abadan
11 January 1937 sailed from Abadan for Rangoon
7 April 1937 sailed Aden for Abadan
19 May 1937 sailed Abadan for Algiers and Oran
20 June 1937 arrived Port Said from Oran
20 July 1937 at Bombay
13 August 1937 arrived at Suez from Abadan
29 August 1937 arrived at Port Said from Genoa
23 October 1937 arrived Grangemouth from the River Tyne in ballast
28 November 1937 arrived at Port Said
12 December 1937 sailed Abadan for Oran
4 January 1938 sailed Oran for Abadan
11 January 1938 sailed Port Said
24 January 1938 at Abadan
7 February 1938 at Aden
12 March 1938 passed Aden for Abadan
3 April 1938 sailed Aden for Abadan
16 April 1938 sailed from Abadan
24 April 1938 passed Aden when on passage for Oran
1 May 1938 sailed Port Said for Oran
12 June 1938 sailed Aden for Abadan
21 June 1938 sailed Abadan for Port Sudan
18 July 1938 sailed Abadan
2 August 1938 sailed Suez for Alexandria
18 September 1938 sailed from Abadan for Aden
7 October 1938 sailed Abadan for Colombo
1 November 1938 sailed Abadan for Aden
1 December 1938 sailed Aden for Abadan
10 December 1938 sailed Abadan for Durban, South Africa
28 December 1938 sailed Durban, South Africa for Abadan
2 February 1939 passed Aden when on passage to Abadan
12 February 1939 sailed Abadan for Aden
11 April 1939 berthed on the River Tyne and discharged her crew at the North Shields Shipping Office
20 April 1939 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne in refit. RFA WAR PINDARI was also berthed there
25 April 1939 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne in refit. RFA WAR PINDARI was also berthed there
31 July 1939 purchased by the Admiralty for service mainly as a Depot Ship, spending most of her time in Northern waters and at Scapa Flow but also for some escort work – name unchanged
4 August 1939 the Shields Daily News newspaper reported …
8 August 1939 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
14 August 1939 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
1 November 1939 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 30 to Southend arriving on 3 November 1939
8 November 1939 sailed Southend in Convoy OA 32G which formed Convoy OG 6 at sea to Gibraltar
17 November 1939 passed Gibraltar this day sailing independently to Port Said arriving 24 November 1939 for Suez Canal transit.
24 November 1939 sailed Suez independently to Abadan arriving 8 December 1939
10 December 1939 sailed Abadan independently to Suez arriving 24 December 1939
24 December 1939 transited the Suez Canal to Port Said arriving 25 December 1939
25 December 1939 sailed Port Said independently to Gibraltar arriving 4 January 1940
5 January 1940 sailed Gibraltar in escorted convoy HG 14F with a cargo of FFO to the Clyde having been detached from the Convoy arriving on 15 January 1940
1 February 1940 sailed from Greenock
6 February 1940 sailed the Clyde anchorage for Glasgow
9 February 1940 sailed Glasgow
4 March 1940 at Greenock
11 March 1940 sailed the Greenock with RFA BACCHUS (2) and RFA PRESTOL and escorted by HMS HASTY and HMS HOTSPUR to Scapa Flow
13 March 1940 passed Dunnet Head
14 March 1940 arrived Scapa Flow
23 March 1940 subject to an Admiralty Fleet Order –
8 April 1940 escorted by RN Units from the Clyde to Skjelfjord, Norway to supply fuel to ships deployed off Norway in support of Allied Landings during Operation Rupert / R.4
10 April 1940 escorted by HMS’s ENCOUNTER and GRENADE to Skjelfjord, Norway to support ships deployed off Norway in support of Allied landings (Operation RUPERT/R4).
12 April 1940 at Skjelfjord, Norway where HMS’s INGLEFIELD, ISIS, ILEX and IMOGEN berthed alongside to be refuelled
17 April 1940 at Skjelfjord, Norway where HMS CAIRO berthed alongside to be refuelled
20 April 1940 sailed Skjelfjord for Scapa Flow escorted by HMS’s HOTSPUR, JUPITER and PUNJABI
24 April 1940 arrived at Scapa Flow
26 April 1940 escorted by HMS COSSACK (1) to Scapa Flow
10 May 1940 at Scapa Flow through to 13 June 1940
13 June 1940 0300hrs sailed Scapa Flow together with the steamer FOSS BECK under escort of HMS ENCOUNTER to Leith arriving the same day
20 June 1940 Leith – undergoing repairs
3 July 1940 sailed from Leith arriving at Rosyth the next day
8 July 1940 sailed Rosyth for Methil to join Convoy FS 217 to Southend arriving 10 July 1940
11 July 1940 at Southend anchorage
21 July 1940 at Southend anchorage
28 August 1940 sailed Southend in Convoy FN 265 to Methil arriving at Rosyth on 30 August 1940
1 September 1940 arrived at Methil Roads
2 September 1940 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 270 to Sheerness arriving 4 September 1940
9 September 1940 sailed Southend in Convoy FN 277A to Grangemouth arriving 11 September 1940
18 September 1940 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
1 October 1940 anchored off Rosyth
7 October 1940 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
16 October 1940 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
30 October 1940 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 323 to Sheeness arriving 1 November 1940
4 November 1940 sailed Southend in Convoy FN 327 to Methil arriving 6 November 1940 and at Grangemouth the next day
11 November 1940 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 333 to South Shields arriving 12 November 1940
16 November 1940 sailed Southshields joining Convoy FN 335 to Grangemouth arriving 17 November 1940
26 November 1940 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
3 December 1940 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 351 to Southend arriving 7 December 1940 then to Sheerness
12 December 1940 sailed Southend in Convoy FN 358 to Grangemouth arriving 14 December 1940
13 December 1940 passed Flamborough Head
24 December 1940 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth arriving the same day
25 December 1940 sailed Rosyth
26 December 1940 sailed Methil in Convoy EN 47/1 to Scapa Flow having been detached from the convoy arriving on 30 December 1940 then to Invergordon
1 January 1941 sailed from Invergordon to Scapa Flow arriving the same day
10 January 1941 anchored at Scapa Flow
15 January 1941 arrived at Greenock
23 January 1941 at Greenock with HMAS NIZAM alongside being refuelled
3 February 1941 at Greenock with HMAS NIZAM alongside being refuelled
9 March 1941 at Scapa Flow with HMAS NESTOR alongside being refuelled
23 March 1941 at Scapa Flow alongside HMS HOOD from 0850 to 1610. At the same time RFA PETRONEL alongside HMS HOOD from 1100 to 1410. HMS HOOD was sunk 2 months later in Denmark Strait
26 March 1941 sailed Scapa Flow to join Convoy WN 104 to Invergordon having been detached from the convoy arriving the next day
29 March 1941 sailed Invergordon to Scapa Flow
1 April 1941 sailed Scapa Flow to Invergordon arriving the same day
3 April 1941 sailed Invergordon to Scapa Flow arriving the next day
9 April 1941 arrived at Invergordon from Scapa Flow
11 April 1941 arrived at Scapa Flow from Invergordon remaining there until 21 May 1941
21 May 1941 sailed Scapa Flow to Invergordon arriving the same day
24 May 1941 sailed Invergordon to Scapa Flow remaining in that port until 24 June 1941
30 May 1941 at Scapa Flow with HMAS NESTOR alongside being refuelled
26 June 1941 sailed Lyness to join Convoy WN 145 which also contained RFA BEDENHAM to Methil arriving the next day
28 June 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 528 to the Tyne having been detached from the convoy arriving the next day
1 July 1941 Newcastle on Tyne – undergoing repairs. Completed 2 August 1941
2 August 1941 sailed from the Tyne to join Convoy FN 500 to Methil arriving the next day
6 August 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 561to the Tyne having been detached from the convoy and arrived the next day
11 August 1941 sailed from the Tyne to join Convoy FN 504 to Methil arriving on 13 August 1941
16 August 1941 sailed from Grangemouth to Rosyth and returned to Grangemouth the next day
18 August 1941 sailed Grangemouth
28 August 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 580 to Southend arriving 30 August 1941
6 September 1941 sailed Southend in Convoy EC 70 to Methil having detached from the Convoy arriving 8 September 1941
11 September 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 592 to Hull having detached from the Convoy arriving 13 September 1941
15 September 1941 sailed Hull to join Convoy FN 519 to Methil arriving 17 September 1941
24 September 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 603 to the Tyne having detached from the Convoy arriving the next day
27 September 1941 sailed from the Tyne to join Convoy FN 524 to Methil arriving 29 September 1941
3 October 1941 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
5 October 1941 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth returning to Grangemouth on 8 October 1941
9 October 1941 sailed Grangemouth via to Rosyth and arrived at Methil Roads on 10 October 1941
10 October 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 617 to Spurn having detached from the Convoy on 12 October 1941
17 October 1941 sailed Spurn to join Convoy EC 86 to the Tyne having detached from the Convoy arriving the same day
20 October 1941 sailed Grangemouth
23 October 1941 sailed Methil in Convoy FS 628
30 October 1941 arrived back in Methil having transferred to Convoy FN 538
2 November 1941 berthed at Grangemouth
4 November 1941 sailed Grangemouth to Killingholme arriving 8 November 1941
11 November 1941 sailed Killingholme to Grangemouth arriving 14 November 1941
17 November 1941 sailed Grangemouth to Immingham arriving 21 November 1941
24 November 1941 sailed Immingham to Methil Roads arriving on 26 November 1941 and then onto Grangemouth arriving 27 November 1941
29 November 1941 sailed Grangemouth to Harwich arriving 2 December 1941
7 December 1941 sailed Harwich to Grangemouth arriving 10 December 1941
17 December 1941 sailed Grangemouth to Immingham arriving on 23 December 1941and then onto Killingholme arriving the same day
20 December 1941 passed Spurn Point
26 December 1941 sailed Killingholme via Immingham to Grangemouth arriving 31 December 1941
3 January 1942 sailed Grangemouth to Killingholme arriving 7 January 1942
9 January 1942 sailed Killingholme via Immingham to Grangemouth arriving 13 January 1942
17 January 1942 sailed Grangemouth to Ipswich
21 January 1942 ran aground one cable SE by S Cliff Foot Buoy near Harwich. Tugs Kenia & Lady Brassey sent to assist. Ship aground on an even keel without and damage. Refloated 23 January 1942 and then to Hartlepool
27 January 1942 sailed Harwich and joined convoy FN615 to Methil arriving 29 January 1942
28 January 1942 passed Flamborough Head
29 January 1942 arrived at Grangemouth
2 February 1942 sailed from Grangemouth
3 February 1942 arrived at Methil Roads
5 February 1942 sailed Methil in convoy FS718 arriving Southend on 7 February 1942
11 February 1942 sailed Southend in convoy FN629 to Methil arriving 13 February 1942
19 February 1942 sailed Methil in convoy FS730 and detached to Harwich arriving 21 February 1942
30 March 1942 sailed Methil in convoy EN 65 to Scapa Flow arriving the next day
12 April 1942 sailed Methil in convoy EN70 to Belfast arriving the 14 April 1942
15 April 1942 sailed Belfast Lough and joined escorted convoy BB162 to Milford Haven arriving the next day
24 April 1942 sailed Holyhead and joined escorted convoy BB166 from Belfast Lough to Milford Haven arriving the next day
3 May 1942 sailed Holyhead and joined unescorted convoy BB170 from Belfast Lough to Milford Haven arriving the next day
6 June 1942 in collision with the destroyer HMS MANSFIELD at Tobermory – damage to the destroyer required immediate docking at Liverpool for repairs
HMS Mansfield
11 June 1942 at the Moville anchorage, River Foyle, Northern Ireland USS Benson (DD421) and USS Mayo (DD422) came alongside to refuel
11 June 1942 Captain William Orr Burns appointed as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) Civil Division in the Birthday Honours List 1942 – details published in the London Gazette of this day
Captain William Orr Burns OBE
24 June 1942 at the Moville anchorage, River Foyle, Northern Ireland USS Eberle (DD430) came alongside to refuel
USS Eberle (DD430)
14 July 1942 sailed Loch Ewe in convoy WN309 to Scapa Flow arriving the next day
21 July 1942 at Scapa Flow USS Macomb (DD458) came alongside to refuel
USS Macomb (DD458)
23 July 1942 at Scapa Flow USS Macomb (DD458) came alongside to top up with fuel before sailing on exercises with HM warships
24 July 1942 at Scapa Flow USS Rodman (DD456) came alongside to refuel
25 July 1942 at Scapa Flow USS Macomb (DD458) came alongside to refuel
14 August 1942 sailed Scapa Flow in convoy WN322 to Methil arriving the next day
27 September 1942 sailed Methil in unescorted convoy EN143 to Loch Ewe arriving on 30 September 1942
1 November 1942 sailed the Clyde in escorted convoy KMF2 to Algiers arriving 12 November 1942 during which she acted as the Escort Oiler
21 November 1942 sailed Algiers in escorted convoy MKS002 to Gibraltar. RFA ENNERDALE (1) also sailed in this convoy
21 November 1942 Able Seaman Edgar Henry Larsen discharged dead – he is remembered with pride on the Tower Hill Memorial – having apparently fallen in dock from the mole during air attack
Able Seaman Edgar H Larsen
Tower Hill Memorial from Brian Watson with thanks
24 November 1942 arrived and sailed Gibraltar
27 November 1942 sailed Gibraltar in escorted convoy MKS2A to the Clyde arriving 7 December 1942. RFA ENNERDALE (1) also sailed in this convoy
11 December 1942 sailed the Clyde in convoy ON153 arrived New York 31 December 1942 as escort oiler
4 January 1943 sailed New York City in convoy SC116 as escort oiler to Liverpool arriving 29 January 1943
18 February 1943 sailed Liverpool independently to Londonderry arriving the next day
23 February 1943 sailed Londonderry to join convoy ON(S)169 from Liverpool arrived New York City 21 March 1943 as escort oiler
25 March 1943 sailed New York independently to Boston arriving 27 March 1943
27 March 1943 sailed Boston in convoy BX39 to Halifax arriving 29 March 1943
31 March 1943 sailed Halifax in convoy SC125 arrived Londonderry 14 April 1943
22 April 1943 sailed Londonderry to join convoy ONS5 which had sailed Liverpool and arrived St Johns NF 9 May 1943 acted as escort oiler – one of the original escorts on sailing to this convoy was HMS PC74 – the former ‘RFA’ Chatsgrove
15 May 1943 sailed St Johns NF in convoy CF64 to Sydney CB arriving 18 May 1943
18 May 1943 sailed Sydney CB in convoy SH81 to Halifax arriving 20 May 1943
22 May 1943 sailed Halifax in convoy XB54 to Cape Cod Canal arriving 24 May 1943
24 May 1943 sailed Cape Cod Canal independently to New York arriving the next day
30 May 1943 sailed New York independently to Boston arriving 1 June 1943
1 June 1943 sailed Boston in convoy BX55 to Halifax arriving 3 June 1943
4 June 1943 Fireman Charles Caffrey awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) in the Birthday Honours List 1943 – details published in the London Gazette of this day
Fireman Charles Caffrey BEM
5 June 1943 sailed Halifax in convoy SC133 arrived Loch Ewe 18 June 1943 with a cargo of FFO and eight passengers
19 June 1943 sailed Loch Ewe in convoy WN443 to Invergordon arriving the next day
22 June 1943 sailed Invergordon to Grangemouth arriving the next day
25 June 1943 sailed Grangemouth
26 June 1943 at Methil sailing for the River Tyne
30 July 1943 sailed the Tyne to join convoy FN1086 to Methil arriving 31 July 1943. In this convoy was ss Botlea which, while acting as a ‘Q’ ship in 1941 purported to be RFA Lambridge
1 August 1943 sailed Methil in convoy EN263 detached to Scapa Flow arriving 2 August 1943
2 August 1943 acted as base oiler at Scapa Flow until 3 June 1945
19 August 1943 at Scapa Flow USS Hobson (DD464) came alongside to refuel
24 August 1943 at Scapa Flow USS Corry (DD463) came alongside to refuel
USS Corry (DD463)
3 September 1943 at Hoy Sound, Scapa Flow USS Corry (DD463) came alongside to refuel receiving 4,000 gallons of FFO
29 September 1943 at Scapa Flow USS Hobson (DD464) came alongside to refuel
22 October 1943 and 23 October 1943 at the duty tanker berth, Scapa Flow USS Corry (DD463) came alongside to refuel
15 November 1943 at Scapa Flow USS Hobson (DD464) came alongside to refuel
4 January 1944 Chief Engineer Officer Joseph W White appointed as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) Civil Division in the Birthday Honours List 1944 – details published in the London Gazette of this day
Chief Engineer Officer Joseph W White OBE
2 April 1944 Captain Alexander Hennley appointed as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) Civil Division and Chief Officer John Runciman Robinson appointed as a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) Civil Division for service in Atlantic Covoys – details published in the London Gazette of this day
3 January 1945 Chief Steward James Glover awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) in the New Years Honours List 1945 – details published in the London Gazette of this day
15 April 1945 at Scapa Flow
3 June 1945 sailed Scapa Flow to the Tyne arriving 5 June 1945
19 June 1945 sailed the Tyne to the Humber and then the Downs arriving at the Clyde anchorage on 24 June 1945 and into Glasgow on 26 June 1945
24 June 1945 Chief Engineer Officer Victor Hadland appointed as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) Civil Division and Engine Room Storekeeper Arthur Barclay awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) in the Birthday Honours List 1945 – details published in the London Gazette of this day
28 June 1945 sailed Clyde anchorage passing Southend on 2 July 1945 returning to the Clyde anchorage on 8 July 1945 and Glasgow on the 11 July 1945
13 July 1945 sailed Glasgow to the Clyde anchorage
17 July 1945 sailed the Clyde anchorage to the Southend arriving 26 July 1945
30 August 1945 sailed Bowling to Thames Haven arriving 4 September 1945
10 September 1945 arrived at Milford Haven
11 September 1945 at Pembroke Dock
13 September 1945 sailed Milford Haven to Sheerness arriving 17 September 1945
19 September 1945 sailed Sheerness to Torbay arriving 20 September 1945
21 September 1945 sailed Torbay to Swansea arriving 24 September 1945
26 September 1945 sailed Swansea to Seine East arriving 28 September 1945
2 October 1945 sailed Seine East to Milford Haven arriving 4 October 1945
6 October 1945 sailed Milford Haven to Sheerness arriving 8 October 1945
14 October 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Sheerness in ballast
19 October 1945 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
22 October 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
29 October 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
30 October 1945 sailed Grangemouth
7 November 1945 arrived at Grangemouth
8 November 1945 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
21 November 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
22 November 1945 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
4 December 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
5 December 1945 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
28 December 1945 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
29 December 1945 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
25 January 1946 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
26 January 1946 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
8 February 1946 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth sailing later the same day for Leith
11 February 1946 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
11 March 1946 arrived at Grangemouth from Rosyth
13 March 1946 sailed Grangemouth to Rosyth
28 March 1946 arrived at the River Tyne from Rosyth to be laid up
18 April 1946 berthed at Dunston ship yard on the River Tyne
28 December 1946 berthed at Dunston ship yard on the River Tyne at the same time as RFA C 614
17 January 1947 berthed at Dunston ship yard on the River Tyne
6 February 1947 berthed at Dunston ship yard on the River Tyne laid up
20 February 1947 berthed at Dunston ship yard on the River Tyne laid up
6 March 1947 left the Tyne under tow to Sunderland.
6 March 1947 arrived Sunderland to be broken up.
1. This vessel was an MFA owned by the Admiralty but managed and manned by British Tanker Co Ltd., she was not at any time part of the RFA Fleet