RFA Nora


1903 NORA 1


Previous name:                              C65
Subsequent name: 

Official Number:                                                                         

Class:                                           Steam Coaling Craft / Fleet Messenger

Pennant No:                                  Y 4.49

Laid down:                                    1915
Into Service:
Out of service:


Items of historic interest involving this ship: –  


21 February 1917 Able Seaman George William Astrop MMR 537084 discharged dead through illness. He is buried in Dunkirk Town Cemetery, France in grave I F 2

13 March 1917 Lieutenant John Davies RNR appointed in Command

5 January 1918 Engineer Sub Lieutenant Stephen D Spoor RNR appointed as Chief Engineer Officer until 23 March 1919 when posted to RFA SUNHILL

11 May 1922 sailed Goole with a cargo of coal for Chatham dockyard

5 October 1923 sailed Albert Dock, Hull in ballast

12 October 1923 sailed Immingham with a cargo of coal and coke

23 May 1924 sailed Hull to Goole in ballast

15 July 1924 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

8 September 1924 sailed Albert Dock, Hull to Goole in ballast

19 September 1924 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

20 October 1924 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

29 October 1924 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

6 December 1924 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour

8 December 1924 arrived at Plymouth

19 February 1925 sailed from Portsmouth Dockyard

30 March 1925 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

1 April 1925 sailed from Portsmouth Dockyard

2 May 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Dockyard

24 May 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Dockyard

20 June 1925 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

1 July 1925 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Harbour

23 July 1925 sailed Portsmouth Dockyard

5 August 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Dockyard

18 August 1925 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

6 September 1925 sailed Portsmouth Dockyard

16 September 1925 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

17 Sepyember 1925 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

18 September 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Dockyard

3 October 1925 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

9 October 1925 sailed Portsmouth Dockyard

28 October 1925 sailed Portsmouth Dockyard

4 November 1925 berthed on the Sheer Jetty at Portsmouth Dockyard

11 November 1925 berthed at Portsmouth Dockyard

11 December 1925 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

19 February 1926 berthed on North Corner Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

22 February 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with NAV BISON

3 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

4 March 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard together with NAV BISON

5 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

8 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

22 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 March 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 April 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 May 1926 berthed on the North Corner Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

31 July 1926 berthed at the Round Tower, Portsmouth Dockyard

8 October 1926 berthed at Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

12 October 1926 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

16 October 1926 berthed on the South Slip Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

8 December 1926 made fast to No: 3 Buoy, Portsmouth Dockyard

11 December 1926 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

11 January 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

12 January 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

10 February 1927 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard together with RFA ARGO

3 March 1927 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

4 March 1927  berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

21 March 1927 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

26 March 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12

25 April 1927 arrived at Plymouth from Portsmouth

16 May 1927 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

18 June 1927 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

4 July 1927 berthed at Slip Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

30 July 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12

3 August 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12 together with RFA SCOTOL

6 August 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12 together with RFA SCOTOL

8 August 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12 together with RFA SCOTOL

12 August 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12 together with RFA SCOTOL

19 August 1927 at Portsmouth Dockyard in Dry Dock D12 together with RFA SCOTOL

27 August 1927 berthed on the Promontary, Portsmouth Dockyard

31 August 1927 berthed on the Promontary, Portsmouth Dockyard

29 September 1927 sailed Hull to the River Tyne in ballast

8 August 1928 sailed West Hartlepool in ballast

29 September 1928 sailed Grangemouth to Methil

13 December 1928 arrived at Devonport gtom Portsmouth

7 January 1929 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

11 January 1929 together with RFA ARGO berthed alongside in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

24 January 1929 berthed alongside on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

2 February 1929 berthed in the Tidal Basin, Portsmouth Dockyard

1 March 1929 in No: 1 dry dock at Portsmouth Harbour

20 March 1929 berthed in the Tidal Basin of Portsmouth Dockyard

21 June 1929 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

6 August 1929 berthed on Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Dockyard

28 September 1929 sailed Goole with a cargo of coal for Chatham Dockyard

2 October 1929 sailed from Plymouth for Portsmouth

1930 renamed Nora

15 January 1930 sailed Plymouth for Portsmouth


2 January 1931 berthed on the Sheer Jetty, Portsmouth Harbour

6 January 1931 arrived at Goole from Hull

21 January 1931 arrived at Goole from London

23 January 1931 sailed Goole with a full cargo of coal

7 February 1931 arrived at Goole from London

9 February 1931 sailed Goole with a full cargo of coal

18 February 1931 sailed Goole with a full cargo of coal

14 December 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on North Corner Jetty

15 December 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on North Corner Jetty

16 December 1932 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on North Corner Jetty

9 January 1933 the Western Morning News newspaper reported …


 Press report 9.1.33 West Morn News Nora


20 January 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on Sheer Jetty

23 January 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on Sheer Jetty

24 January 1933 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour on Sheer Jetty

25 January 1933 detailed in a list of RFA’s in Portsmouth Harbour together with RFA KIMMEROL, RFA ELMOL, RFA PETRONEL, RFA APPLELEAF (1), NAV ISLEFORD and NAV UPNOR

26 January 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

16 February 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

4 April 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

6 April 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

8 April 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

11 April 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed at Sheer Jetty

24 April 1933 at Portsmouth Harbour berthed in the Tidal Basin

15 June 1933 sailed from Sheerness

7 August 1933 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east bound

17 August 1933 arrived at the River Tyne from Chatham

1 July 1936 sailed Burntisland, Fife for Sheerness

10 March 1937 arrived at Portsmouth


Nora enters Portsmouth Harbour


1 April 1937 sailed from Sheerness

22 April 1937 sailed from Sheerness for Chatham

13 May 1939 sailed from Sheerness

1939 replaced by RFA ROBERT MIDDLETON then reduced to a hulk for the storage of ammunion on the River Medway.