Previous name: Empire Milner
Official Number: 169143
Class: WAVE CLASS Freighting Oiler (unmodified)
Pennant No: X140 / A248
Signal Letters: GJBQ (1946)
Laid down:
Builder: Furness Shipbuilding Company
Launched: 9 February 1944
Into Service: 1946 renamed Wave Liberator
Out of service: 1959
Fate: Scrapped at Hong Kong
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data: A need for fast tankers to bring oil into the country had been envisaged early in the Second World War, but by the time the material had been collected and the Yards had space to build them, the need had largely passed and the original design of diesel-engined ships was abandoned. Instead, the standard 12000t Class being built were given sharper bows and sterns and turbine engines with water tube boilers. In all, twenty one of this type were built and were offered to the Admiralty, who wanted faster tankers for the Pacific Fleet Train. The Admiralty took twenty of them (the final vessel being completed commercially for Oil and Molasses Tankers Ltd, London as BEECHWOOD) and renamed them with the WAVE nomenclature. Performance varied considerably from ship to ship and they underwent various modifications in their rigs for RAS work. The eight best ones were finally given an extensive refit, with extra accommodation added to the Bridge Deck and extra turbo cargo pumps and derricks to make them more satisfactory for Fleet work. Initially expensive to run, they recouped some of their expensive repair bills by earning revenues from charter work after the Korean War. From this Class was evolved the TIDE CLASS oilers.
9 February 1944 launched by Furness Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Haverton Hill as Yard Nr: 358 named EMPIRE MILNER for the MoWT.
June 1944 on completion for Ministry of War Transport handed to civil management of Anglo-Saxon Petroleum.
3 July 1944 sailed Middlesbrough in unescorted convoy FN1407 arriving at Methi l5 July 1944
6 July 1944 sailed Methil in unescorted convoy EN405 arriving the Clyde on 8 July 1944
9 July 1944 underwent repairs on the Clyde which were completed on 11 July 1944
16 July 1944 sailed the Clyde in escorted convoy UC30 to New York arriving on the 27 July 1944. In station 83 in the convoy. With 49 other ships
28 July 1944 underwent repairs in New York which were completed on 31 July 1944
3 August 1944 sailed New York in escorted convoy CU34 along with EMPIRE LAW (later RFA WAVE CONQUEROR) arriving Swansea 14 August 1944
14 August 1944 underwent repairs at Swansea which were completed on 24 August 1944
25 August 1944 sailed Swansea independently to Belfast Lough arriving the next day
26 August 1944 sailed Belfast Lough joining escorted convoy UC35 to New York arriving 5 September 1944
12 September 1944 sailed New York in escorted convoy CU39 to Cardiff arriving 22 September 1944
24 September 1944 sailed Cardiff independently to Liverpool arriving the next day
28 September 1944 underwent further repairs which were not completed until 10 October 1944
10 October 1944 sailed Liverpool in escorted convoy UC40B to New York arriving 20 October 1944
22 October 1944 sailed New York in escorted convoy CU44 to Avonmouth arriving 2 November 1944
9 November 1944 sailed Avonmouth independently arriving Milford Haven the next day thence sailed Milford Haven having joined escorted convoy UC44B along with RFA WAVE MONARCH to New York arriving 22 November 1944
1 December 1944 sailed New York in escorted convoy CU49 arrived the Downs 12 December 1944
18 December 1944 sailed Southend in unescorted convoy FN1575 to Middelsborough arriving 20 December 1944
20 January 1945 while under tow from Middlesborough to Hull struck a wreck in the River Humber off Grimsby – unescorted convoy FS1701 – arrived Hull that day
20 February 1945 Donkeyman Charles Caffrey when ashore in Hull collapsed and discharged dead from natural causes
1 March 1945 left Hull in tow to the Tyne arriving the following day
28 April 1945 sailed the Tyne joining unescorted convoy FS 1792 to Southend arriving 30 April 1945
1 May 1945 sailed Southend in escorted convoy UC66A along with EMPIRE BOUNTY (later RFA WAVE VICTOR) and EMPIRE LAW (later RFA WAVE CONQUEROR) to New York arriving 12 May 1945
15 May 1945 sailed New York in escorted convoy CU70 to Avonmouth arriving 25 May 1945
26 May 1945 sailed Avonmouth joining escorted convoy ON305 to New York arriving 6 June 1945
8 June 1945 sailed New York independently to Southampton arriving 17 June 1945
19 June 1945 sailed Portsmouth independently arriving New York 28 June 1945
6 July 1945 sailed New York independently passing Dover sailing east and arriving Thames Haven 16 July 1945 and at Gravesend on 19 July 1945
29 July 1945 sailed Thames Haven independently arriving New York
7 August 1945 passing the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard
11 August 1945 sailed New York independently arriving Bremerhaven 23 August 1945
20 August 1945 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east bound
26 August 1945 sailed Bremerhaven independently arriving Falmouth 28 August 1945
4 September 1945 sailed Falmouth independently arriving Galveston, Texas 17 September 1945
24 October 1945 sailed Galveston, Texas independently arriving Southampton 10 November 1945
13 November 1945 sailed Southampton independently, passing the Lloyds Signal Station and arriving Falmouth 14 November 1945
4 December 1945 sailed Curaçao for Falmouth
9 January 1946 Chief Engineer Officer Victor T Millington appointed an Officer of the most excellent Order of the British Empire. (OBE) details published in the London Gazette page 281 of this date
Chief Engineer Officer Victor T Millington OBE
22 January 1946 arrived Suez from Abadan
23 January 1946 at the RAF Hospital, Aden Assistant Steward John McIlroy discharged dead from elilepsy
24 January 1946 sailed Port Said for Falmouth
28 January 1946 while on passage from Abadan to Falmouth passed Gibraltar this day
5 February 1946 berthed at Thameshaven
4 March 1946 completed engaging a crew at the North Shields Shipping Office, River Tyne
8 March 1946 sailed the River Tyne for Abadan
18 March 1946 sailed Suez for Abadan
December 1946 name changed to Wave Liberator on becoming a Royal Fleet Auxiliary
29 June 1947 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west
8 September 1947 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west
23 September 1947 arrived Port Aransas from River Tyne
27 September 1947 sailed from Port Arthur
2 November 1947 sailed from Trinidad for LEFO
16 November 1947 berthed at Portsmouth Harbour
21 November 1947 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour
6 December 1947 sailed Trinidad for the UK
18 December 1947 Mr David L S Hood DSC RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer. Passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing east
22 December 1947 Captain Douglas S Norrington RD RFA (Commander RNR) appointed as Master
7 January 1948 passed the Lloyds Signal Station on the Lizard sailing west
17 January 1948 Mr Allan D Harris RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
27 January 1948 at Cardiff
26 April 1948 at Glasgow
24 May 1948 sailed Suez
4 June 1948 sailed Abadan for Malta
10 June 1948 at Glasgow
20 June 1948 at Port Said
3 July 1948 sailed Abadan
29 July 1948 at Rosyth
9 August 1948 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
14 August 1948 at Port Said
24 August 1948 sailed Suez
2 September 1948 arrived at Abadan from Rosyth
4 September 1948 sailed Abadan
16 September 1948 sailed from Port Said
19 September 1948 arrived at Malta from Abadan
20 September 1948 Quartermaster William Kelly from the ship appeared before the Stipendary Magistrate in Valleta, Malta charged with entering a house without the occupiers permission and causing damage to the value of £8.0sh.0d
23 September 1948 sailed from Malta
27 September 1948 sailed Suez
11 October 1948 at Rosyth
26 December 1948 at Greenock
18 January 1949 Junior Ordinary Seaman P. Arthur logged for being absent from his place of duty. Fined 10/- and forfeited one days pay
17 February 1949 having sailed from Abadan Robert Osborne a sailor who had deserted from ss British Guardsman was found on board as a stowaway
7 March 1949 sailed Port Said
27 April 1949 at Aden AB/Signaller Edward Charles George Hewitt discharged dead – he died in No 7 RAF Hospital, Aden
30 April 1949 arrived at Suez while on passage from Abadan for LEFO
15 June 1949 Mr Alexander B McIntyre RD RFA (Lieutenant Commander (E) RNR (Ret)) appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
20 June 1949 EDH R G Doyle logged for being absent without leave. He was forfeited one days pay of 13sh 4d
25 June 1949 Captain Francis J King RFA appointed as Master
2 July 1949 in refit at Falmouth
3 September 1949 arrived on the Tyne at the Jarrow Oil Wharf from Aruba
16 September 1949 on passage from Falmouth for Abadan arrived at Gibraltar
19 September 1949 sailed from Gibraltar for Abadan
25 September 1949 arrived at Port Said
26 September 1949 sailed Suez
30 September 1949 passed Aden
5 October 1949 arrived at Abadan
17 October 1949 arrived at Suez
13 November 1949 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
18 November 1949 arrived at Port Said
27 November 1949 sailed Suez
7 December 1949 arrived at Abadan
8 December 1949 sailed Abadan for Port Said
30 December 1949 passed Malta
2 January 1950 arrived at Port Said
3 January 1950 sailed Suez
12 January 1950 arrived at Abadan
13 January 1950 sailed from Abadan for Fremantle, Western Australia
31 January 1950 berthed at Fremantle, Western Australia to discharge
1 February 1950 at Fremantle Police Court Greaser William I Cummings was fined £5 for assaulting the 2nd Engineer Officer and Fireman Jack Crapper was fined £2 for using threatening words – offences to which they both pleaded Guilty – details of the incident leading up to the prosecution were reported in the Perth Daily News the next day ….
3 February 1950 at Fremantle Ships Writer William Henry Wright and 2nd Engineer Officer Joseph M Campbell deserted the ship. The ship sailed for Colombo
12 February 1950 arrived at Colombo, Ceylon
23 February 1950 sailed from Colombo for Abadan
4 March 1950 sailed from Abadan for Aden
10 March 1950 sailed from Aden
23 March 1950 sailed Abadan for the UK
29 March 1950 passed Aden
8 April 1950 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
17 April 1950 sailed from Portsmouth Harbour
9 May 1950 arrived at Abadan
12 May 1950 sailed from Abadan for Port Said
22 May 1950 arrived at Suez
31 May 1950 sailed Port Said
12 June 1950 at Fremantle Police Court Ships Writer William Henry Wright and 2nd Engineer Officer Joseph M Campbell both pleaded Guilty to desertion. They were both cautioned and ordered to pay £4 1sh 3d costs. The case was reported in the Western Australian newspaper the next day …
14 June 1950 sailed Bandar Mashur
25 June 1950 arrived at Suez
26 June 1950 sailed from Port Said
2 July 1950 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
16 July 1950 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
27 July 1950 sailed from Aden for Abadan
1 August 1950 arrived at Abadan
4 August 1950 at Abadan (Kabda Reach) Fireman William Henry James discharged dead
12 August 1950 passed Aden
16 August 1950 arrived at Suez
17 August 1950 sailed from Port Said
23 August 1950 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
6 September 1950 arrived River Tyne from Rosyth
11 September 1950 berthed at Palmers, Hebburn on Tyne in refit at the same time as RFA WAVE RULER(1)
19 September 1950 berthed at Palmers, Hebburn on Tyne in refit
17 October 1950 Captain Douglas N J Williams RFA (Lieutenant Commander RNR) appointed as Master
4 November 1950 Mr J A Macpherson RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
22 November 1950 arrived at Port Said
27 November 1950 passed Aden
4 December 1950 arrived at Abadan
9 December 1950 sailed Abadan
16 December 1950 arrived at Bombay escorted by RFA WAVE VICTOR
14 January 1951 sailed Bombay
22 January 1951 sailed Abadan
9 February 1951 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
13 February 1951 arrived at Portsmouth
16 February 1951 sailed Portsmouth Harbour
21 February 1951 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
26 February 1951 arrived Port Said
18 April 1951 sailed Gibraltar
29 April 1951 sailed Trinidad
30 May 1951 berthed at Curaçao
1 June 1951 sailed Curaçao for LEFO
21 June 1951 berthed at Palmers, Hebburn on Tyne at the same time as RFA Wave Knight (1)
26 June 1951 sailed the River Tyne for Trinidad
12 July 1951 off San Fernando Jetty, Trinidad – Assistant Steward Allan Stratford discharged dead – drowned
13 July 1951 sailed from Trinidad for LEFO
25 September 1951 berthed at Curaçao
26 September 1951 sailed from Curaçao for LEFO
16 October 1951 arrived at the River Tyne from Rosyth
29 October 1951 Mr D F Gorrie RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
24 November 1951 passed Flamborough Head Lloyds Signal Station north bound when on passage from Portsmouth to the River Tyne
30 November 1951 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
1 December 1951 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
20 December 1951 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
28 December 1951 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
31 December 1951 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
10 January 1952 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
15 January 1952 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
16 January 1952 berthed at Smiths Dock, River Tyne
6 February 1952 sailed Jacksonville
10 February 1952 arrived at New Orleans
11 February 1952 at Southport, Louisiana, USA Fireman Choi Lee discharged dead – drowned
15 February 1952 sailed Houston, Texas
22 February 1952 sailed from Punta Cardon for Le Havre
10 March 1952 passed Ushant
11 March 1952 arrived Le Havre Roads
14 March 1952 sailed Rouen for Falmouth
15 April 1952 sailed Abadan
25 June 1952 sailed from Bahrein
2 July 1952 sailed Colombo, Ceylon for Singapore
7 July 1952 arrived at Singapore
9 July 1952 sailed Singapore for Hong Kong
13 July 1952 arrived at Hong Kong
24 July 1952 sailed Hong Kong for Singapore
31 August 1952 berthed at Trincomalee, Ceylon
16 September 1952 arrived at Bahrein
17 September 1952 sailed from Bahrein for Singapore
8 November 1952 Captain Sidney T Dunster OBE RFA appointed as Master
Captain Sidney T Dunster RFA
18 January 1953 sailed Aden for Suez
23 January 1953 arrived at Suez
24 January 1953 sail from Port Said
30 January 1953 arrived at Malta
2 February 1953 sailed Malta for Le Havre
6 February 1953 passed Gibraltar sailing west
15 February 1953 sailed Le Havre for the River Clyde
19 February 1953 in refit at Govan on the River Clyde
24 February 1953 Mr F Hobson RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
17 November 1953 entered Eideralie dry dock on the Clyde for refit
4 February 1954 Mr William J Brown OBE DSC RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
12 April 1954 Mr J A Macpherson RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
5 October 1954 arrived at Suez
28 November 1954 passed the Lloyds Signal Station at Dover sailing east bound
2 December 1954 berthed at Wallsend Slipway, River Tyne from Sheerness
28 December 1954 berthed at Wallsend Slipway, River Tyne
30 December 1954 berthed at Wallsend Slipway, River Tyne
6 January 1955 berthed at Wallsend Slipway, River Tyne
13 January 1955 berthed at Wallsend Slipway, River Tyne
14 January 1955 sailed from the River Tyne
12 April 1955 Mr Charles Scott DSC RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
14 April 1955 berthed at Swan Hunter – Walker, River Tyne
16 April 1955 Captain Edmund H Butterworth RFA appointed as Master
Captain Edmund H Butterworth RFA
19 April 1955 berthed at Swan Hunter – Walker, River Tyne
19 May 1955 in refit at Swan Hunters, River Tyne
2 June 1955 in refit at Swan Hunters, River Tyne
5 June 1955 arrived at the River Tyne from trials
7 June 1955 still in refit at Swan Hunters, Wallsend on Tyne
16 July 1955 arrived at Suez
23 July 1955 sailed Gibraltar for Teneriffe
25 July 1955 arrived at Teneriffe
30 July 1955 sailed from Teneriffe
10 August 1955 sailed Aruba
26 August 1955 arrived at Malta
30 August 1955 sailed from Malta for Port Said
1 September 1955 arrived at Port Said
8 September 1955 sailed from Suez
19 September 1955 arrived at Abadan
20 September 1955 sailed from Abadan
21 September 1955 sailed Bahrein for Trincomalee, Ceylon
29 September 1955 arrived at Trincomalee, Ceylon
2 October 1955 sailed from Trincomalee, Ceylon for Singapore
7 October 1955 arrived at Singapore
13 October 1955 sailed Singapore for a Persian Gulf port
27 October 1955 sail Mena al Ahmadi for LEFO
7 November 1955 arrived Suez and later the same day sailed from Port Said
14 November 1955 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound
18 November 1955 Mr Wallace G Downing RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
1 December 1955 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
3 December 1955 arrived at Malta
8 December 1955 arrived at Port Said
6 January 1956 arrived at Aden
7 January 1956 sailed Aden for the Persian Gulf
16 January 1956 sailed Abadan arriving Mena Al Ahmadi the same day
21 January 1956 sailed Mena Al Ahmadi for LEFO
31 January 1956 arrived at Suez
8 February 1956 passed Gibraltar sailing west bound for Rotterdam
20 June 1956 Mr Daniel S Wood RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
24 December 1956 entered Grand Harbour, Malta with RFA’s TIDEREACH, WAVE VICTOR and BROWN RANGER after covering, with RN units, the Anglo-French Forces withdrawl from Port Said
11 April 1957 sailed Punta Cardon for Salem
27 April 1957 sailed from Cabimas for LEFO
14 May 1957 sailed from Stanlow for the River Tyne
28 May 1957 in refit at Smith’s Dock, River Tyne
2 July 1957 in refit at Smith’s Dock, River Tyne with RFA WAVE MASTER also in refit at the same time
19 July 1957 Captain Ronald V Warren DSC RFA appointed as Master
20 July 1957 in refit at Smith’s Dock, River Tyne with RFA WAVE MASTER
23 July 1957 in refit at Smith’s Dock, River Tyne with RFA WAVE MASTER
1 August 1957 Mr David Meikle RFA appointed as Chief Engineer Officer
Chief Engineer Officer David Meikle RFA
10 August 1957 passed Dover sailing west bound
19 August 1957 sailed Malta for Port Said
23 August 1957 sailed Suez
29 August 1957 sailed Tamrida Bay
3 September 1957 arrived at Abadan
4 September 1957 sailed Abadan for Malta
7 September 1957 sailed Muscat
15 September 1957arrived at Suez
16 September 1957 arrived at Port Said
22 September 1957 berthed at Gibraltar
2 October 1957 sailed from Gibraltar for Bahrein
20 February 1958 arrived at Malta sailing later the same day for Aden
23 February 1958 sailed Port Said
1 March 1958 sailed Aden for Karachi
19 March 1958 sailed from Aden
20 April 1958 sailed Suez
30 April 1958 arrived at Abadan
22 May 1958 arrived at Suez
23 May 1958 sailed Port Said
2 June 1958 arrived at Malta
7 June 1958 arrived at Port Said
8 June 1958 sailed Suez
19 June 1958 sailed Bandar Mashur for LEFO
1 July 1958 sailed Port Said
18 July 1958 passed Flamborough Head sailing north – signalled she was bound for the River Tyne. Arrived later at the River Tyne and berthed at the Tank Cleaning berth
21 July 1958 discharged the officers at Newcastle Shipping Office
29 July 1958 berthed at Swan Hunters Walker, River Tyne
26 August 1958 berthed at Swan Hunters Walker, River Tyne
30 September 1958 arrived at St Helen’s (IOW) Roads from Plymouth
1 October 1958 arrived at Devonport
9 October 1958 passed Gibraltar sailing east bound
13 October 1958 arrived at Malta
18 October 1958 arrived at Port Said
31 October 1958 sailed Abadan
8 November 1958 sail Aden
12 November 1958 arrived at Suez
15 November 1958 sailed Port Said
21 December 1958 sailed Bandar Mashur
27 December 1958 arrived at Bombay for repairs
6 January 1959 laid up at Bombay with unrepaired collision damage
29 January 1959 offered for sale in ‘The Times’, lying ‘as is’ at Bombay
2 April 1959 purchased by Hong Kong Towage and Salvage Co, Hong Kong for scrap
5 April 1959 sailed Bombay in tow of the Hong Kong Moller tug GOLDEN CAPE
Moller tug Golden Cape when HMRT Aimwell
4 May 1959 arrived Hong Kong for breaking up