RRS Discovery
after her 1992 Ship Life Extension Programme
Subsequent name:
Official Number: 304401
Class: Royal Research Ship (RRS)
Pennant No:
Laid down:
Builder: Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen
Launched: 3 July 1962
Into Service: 17 December 1962
Out of service: 14 December 2012
Fate: Scrapped
Items of historic interest involving this ship: –
Background Data:
At some stage during their lives, 3 of the Royal Research Ships saw service as RFA’s
3 July 1962 launched by Hall, Russell & Co Ltd, Aberdeen as Yard Nr: 899 named DISCOVERY for the National Institute of Oceanography. Named after Robert Falcon Scott’s ship
17 December 1962 completed and manned by the RFA. Captain E L Evans RFA appointed as Master
18 December 1962 sailed from Aberdeen
20 December 1962 berthed No: 1 Berth off Hamble Oil Fuel Jetty. Loaded 92.6 tons of fuel oil. Sailing later the same day
21 December 1962 entered Plymouth Sound and berthed on South Quay, Milbank Docks
3 January 1963 took on charge two Chronometers No: 12612 & 4742 from the Devonport Chart Depot
5 January 1963 sailed Milbank Docks to sea on trials
7 January 1963 arrived at Plymouth Sound and entered Milbay Graving Dock
11 January 1963 the Graving Dock was flooded up
12 January 1963 sailed Milbay Docks to sea for further trials
14 January 1963 entered Plymouth Sound and berthed on South Quay, Milbay Docks
15 January 1963 loaded stores and 72 tons of fresh water
18 January 1963 No: 1 Motor Lifeboat fell into the Dock while being hosited and was damaged
25 January 1963 sailed Milbay Docks
27 January 1963 passed Beachy Head, Dover Harbour and entered the River Thames with a pilot berthing on bouys off Hays Wharf, Pool of London
7 March 1964 sailed from Aden
5 April 1964 arrived at Mauritius
10 April 1964 sailed from Mauritius
9 May 1964 arrived at Cochin
12 May 1964 sailed from Chochin
6 June 1964 arrived at the Seychelles
9 June 1964 sailed from the Seychelles
1 July 1964 arrived at Mauritius
5 July 1964 sailed from Mauritius
28 July 1964 arrived at Mombassa
2 August 1964 sailed from Mombassa
23 August 1964 arrived at Aden
26 August 1964 sailed from Aden
9 September 1964 called at Aden when working in the Red Sea
28 September 1964 arrived at Plymouth
1 January 1965 berthed at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
4 January 1965 entered Willoughby Dry Dock, Plymouth
11 January 1965 moved out of Willoughby Dry Dock, Plymouth
12 January 1965 sailed from Plymouth for Falmouth arriving later the same day and then loaded 534 tons of fuel oil
14 January 1965 sailed from Falmouth for Plymouth anchoring in Plymouth Sound
15 January 1965 entered Milbay Docks and berthed
28 January 1965 at Milbay Docks loaded 8,000 lbs of explosives in 160 boxes
29 January 1965 at Milbay Docks loaded a further 2,000 lbs in 40 boxes
2 February 1965 sailed from Milbay Docks
28 February 1965 arrived at Punta Delgado, Azores
4 March 1965 sailed from Punta Delgado, Azores
1 April 1965 arrived at and anchored in Plymouth Sound later berthing at Milbay Docks
9 August 1965 at Plymouth
1 January 1966 Captain J D Way RFA was Master
3 January 1966 loaded 37 tons of fresh water
10 January 1966 entered Willowbys dry dock at Plymouth
14 January 1966 left the dry dock
20 January 1966 Captain R H A Davies RFA appointed as Master
1 February 1966 sailed Milbay Docks
5 February 1966 at anchor in Plymouth Sound
7 February 1966 berthed at Milbay Docks
15 February 1966 at anchore at Jenny Cliffe Bay
16 February 1966 sailed for Maderia
8 March 1966 berthed at Funchal, Maderia and loaded 332.2 tons of fuel oil
12 March 1966 Assistant Steward F J Poole discharged dead – found dead on a beach. Sailed from Funchal Maderia
18 March 1966 arrived at Maderia
30 March 1966 sailed from Maderia
6 April 1966 berthed at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
15 April 1966 sailed from Milbay Docks, Plymouth for Portland. Sailed later the same from Portland for La Corunna, Spain
19 April 1966 berthed at La Corunna, Spain sailing later the same day
2 May 1966 berthed at La Corunna, Spain
5 May 1966 sailed from Law Corunna, Spain
21 May 1966 anchored at Jenny Cliff Bay
22 May 1966 berthed at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
31 May 1966 sailed from Milbay Docks, Plymouth
1 June 1966 sailed from Plymouth Sound
4 July 1966 sailed from Plymouth for Maderia
28 July 1966 berthed at Funchal, Maderia – loaded 297 tons of fuel oil
31 July 1966 sailed from Funchal, Maderia
10 August 1966 anchored in Jenny Cliff Bay
11 August 1966 berthed at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
22 August 1966 entered Willoughby’s Dry Dock, Plymouth assisted by the tug Alexandra
25 August 1956 moved out of the dry dock into Milbay Docks assisted by the tug Alexandra
1 September 1966 loaded 21 tons of fresh water. Sailed from Plymouth for Cobh, Ireland
15 September 1966 berthed at Cobh, Ireland
16 September 1966 sailed from Cobh, Ireland
29 September 1966 anchored in Plymouth Sound
30 September 1966 berthed at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
7 October 1966 anchored in Plymouth Sound
8 October 1966 sailed from Plymouth Sound
30 October 1966 berthed at Funchal, Maderia
31 October 1966 at Funchal, Maderia loaded 134.8 tons of fuel oil and 167 tons of water
1 November 1966 sailed from Funchal, Maderia
14 November 1966 berthed at Casablanca, Morroco
16 November 1966 sailed from Casablanca, Morroco
24 November 1966 off Cape da Roca
28 November 1966 anchored in Plymouth Sound later berthing at Milbay Docks and entered refit
6 December 1988 Captain W R Town RFA appointed as Master
29 December 1966 39 feet of copper cable found missing from forehold. Police informed
13 January 1968 at Milbay Docks, Plymouth
1 January 1969 Boatswain Harold Vale Moreton awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil) in the New Years Honours List.
Boatswain Harold Vale Moreton’s British Empire Medal (Civil) & Polar Medal
© DNW Ltd
Boatswain Harold V Moreton BEM
© DNW Ltd
Boatswain Harold V Moreton BEM being presented with his medal
by Mrs Shirley Williams MP at Southampton
© DNW Ltd
1 October 1969 owners now styled as the Natural Enviroment Research Council (NERC) National Marine Facilities Division (NMFD) and manning was subsequently undertaken by them
18 December 1969 the last RFA personnel departed
28 November 1976 at Santa Cruze, Tenerife
21 November 1979 ship visited by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh while berthed on the Victoria Embankment, London
November 1984 at Famouth
1 April 1989 at Barry, South Wales
1992 underwent a Ship Life Extention Programme with her hull being lengthened by 30m, the superstructure was rebuilt, her main machinery was upgraded, new deck machinery including cranes plus a 20t A-frame twas fitted
19 August 1993 arrived and berthed on the River Tyne
7 September 1993 sailed from the River Tyne to sea
30 November 1993 sailed from the River Tyne to sea
23 December 1993 sailed from the River Tyne to sea
June 2008 sailed from the River Mersey to sea
22 April 2011 arrived at Southampton
14 December 2012 taken out of service
28 September 2013 she was replaced by a new built vessel of the same name